
51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

author:Fly all the way

Recently, a group of photos of Zheng Xiuwen with his family and Xu Zhian posted by netizens for a dinner once again aroused everyone's attention and discussion about the couple's emotional journey.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

The years have left traces on everyone's faces, but in this group photo, we see Sammi Cheng's still youthful smile and Xu Zhian's joyful demeanor among his family. Although the relationship between the two has been severely tested by the peachy incident, time seems to have healed the trauma, and the relationship between the two still seems intimate.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

The relationship between Sammi Cheng and Xu Zhian has always been the focus of the entertainment industry. Their relationship has gone through many episodes and reunions, including the aftermath of a peachy incident. However, Sammi Cheng chose to forgive and get back together with Xu Zhi'an, and the relationship between the two is still stable.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

Sammi Cheng and Xu Zhian's relationship dates back to 1991, and their relationship has experienced many ups and downs. After breaking up in 2004, the two developed their own careers, but later got back together, and Xu Zhian successfully proposed to Sammi Cheng.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

In the photos at the dinner scene, Zheng Xiuwen is wearing simple and fashionable clothes and looks in good condition. Her family is also featured in the photo, including her parents and siblings. Xu Zhi'an stood beside Sammi Cheng, his expression was relaxed and happy, and he seemed to be very satisfied with this dinner.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

For this dinner group photo, netizens have different attitudes. Some people expressed dissatisfaction with Xu Zhian, believing that he had hurt Sammi Cheng and should not be forgiven by her again. However, there are also many people who support and understand Sammi Cheng's choice, and they believe that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and it is important to be able to correct them and start over.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

As fans, we are distressed by Sammi Cheng's choice, but we also have to respect her decision. We hope that she can be happy, and at the same time, we also hope that Xu Zhian can cherish this opportunity and manage their relationship well. No matter what the future holds, we will always support them and send our best wishes.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

In this entertainment industry full of temptations and variables, relationship issues have always been a topic of great concern.

Whether it's Sammi Cheng or Xu Zhian, they have all made mistakes. However, the key is whether they are able to recognize their mistakes and work hard to correct them. As can be seen from the photos, Sammi Cheng is in good shape, and she chose to forgive and get back together with Xu Zhian. This kind Xi of tolerant and inclusive mentality is worth learning from and learning from.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

We need to see the emotional basis between them. Sammi Cheng and Xu Zhian's relationship dates back to 1991, and their relationship has experienced many ups and downs. After breaking up in 2004, the two developed their own careers, but later got back together, and Xu Zhian successfully proposed to Sammi Cheng. These experiences show that they have a deep emotional foundation and a common goal with each other.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

Of course, we can't ignore the dissatisfaction of some netizens with Xu Zhian. They believe that he has hurt Sammi Cheng and should not be forgiven by her again. This point of view is also understandable, after all, feelings are a matter of two people, and everyone has their own bottom line and principles. However, we must also see that Sammi Cheng's choice is based on her true feelings and decisions in her heart. We should respect her decision, instead of interfering and blaming too much.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

In the past years, both Sammi Cheng and Xu Zhian have experienced many difficulties and setbacks. However, they did not give up on each other and overcame difficulties by understanding and supporting each other. This growth and change is the most valuable asset in their relationship journey.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

Their choices and decisions are based on their true feelings and experiences within themselves. As fans, we should respect their decision and send our best wishes. No matter what the future holds, we will always support them and hope that they can go on happily.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

Their stories remind us that in this complex and ever-changing world, love is not just about romance and sweetness, but also about tolerance and forgiveness. Their reunion is not only a private matter between two people, but also has become the focus of public attention, triggering deep thinking about love, trust and forgiveness in society.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

As outsiders, we may never fully understand the emotional entanglements and inner struggles between them, but we can see from their actions that true love sometimes requires courage and perseverance. Sammi Cheng's tolerance and Xu Zhi'an's introspection weave a difficult love journey together. The road ahead may still be full of unknowns, but I hope they can hold hands, face challenges together, cherish each other, and protect this hard-won emotion.

51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen had a family gathering, and her husband Xu Zhian rarely appeared, and the family was very happy

Let's respect their choice from the perspective of a bystander, and wish them the best of luck in finding their own happiness. At the same time, it also allows us to learn more tolerance and understanding on the road of feelings, because everyone can make mistakes, and the important thing is whether we can give opportunities to let love repair and grow. May everyone find true happiness and peace in loving and being loved.

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