
Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors

Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors

Introduction: Some executives and board members are concerned that the billionaire's use of drugs, including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms, and ketamine, could cause damage to his company.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Elon Musk and his supporters have offered several explanations for his perverse views, candid rhetoric, and provocative behavior. Some believe that this is a manifestation of his creative thinking, while others believe that it may be due to his mental health issues, or a consequence of stress and lack of sleep.

In recent years, however, some executives and board members working at his company, as well as those close to the billionaire, have been concerned that there is another factor driving his behavior: his drug use.

According to people who understand Musk and the companies he manages, they are concerned that the drug use of Tesla and SpaceX CEOs could have a significant impact not only on his health, but also on the six companies and billions of assets he manages.

The world's richest man has used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms at private parties around the world, and attendees are often required to sign a non-disclosure agreement or give up their phones to enter. This information was provided by people who witnessed his use of the drug, as well as others with knowledge of the matter. Musk has previously smoked marijuana in public and said he has a prescription for ketamine, which resembles a psychedelic drug.

For example, in 2018, he took multiple psychedelic pills at a party hosted in Los Angeles. The following year, he smoked magic mushrooms at an event in Mexico. In 2021, he recreationally took ketamine with his brother Kimbal Musk during an art Basel in Miami. He also used illegal drugs with Steve Jewitson, a current SpaceX director and former Tesla board member.

People close to Musk say his drug use continues, especially ketamine, and they fear it could trigger a health crisis. Even if it doesn't trigger a crisis, it could hurt his business.

Illicit drug use can violate federal policy and could jeopardize SpaceX's multibillion-dollar government contracts. Given Musk's criticality to his company, this could put about $1 trillion worth of assets, tens of thousands of jobs, and a significant part of the U.S. space program at risk for investors.

SpaceX is currently the only U.S. company approved by NASA to transport astronauts to the ISS and back. At the same time, the Pentagon has increased its procurement of SpaceX rocket launches in recent years, and the company plans to vigorously develop its business of providing satellite services to national security agencies.

It is understood that Linda Johnson Rice, one of the former Tesla directors, became so frustrated with Musk's erratic behavior and concerns about his drug use that she did not run for re-election as a director of the electric car company in 2019.

Musk did not respond to a request for comment.

Musk's lawyer, Alex Spiro, said that Musk regularly undergoes random drug tests at SpaceX and has never failed a test. Spiro also said he represented Tesla and responded to detailed questions by saying that there were other false facts in the article, but did not specifically list them.

The people around him have long been Xi to Musk's changeable behavior. However, some SpaceX executives with whom he has worked for a long time noticed his change at a company event in late 2017.

Hundreds of SpaceX employees gathered at the mission control center at the company's headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif., in anticipation of Musk's attendance, who will attend an all-hands meeting about the company's latest rocket, but he was nearly an hour late.

When he finally took the stage, Musk's rhetoric was sometimes puzzling. Executives at the meeting said he was slurring his tongue and babbling gibberish for about 15 minutes straight, frequently referring to SpaceX's "Big Falcon rocket" prototype, commonly referred to as the BFR, as the "Big Fuck Up Rocket."

Eventually, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell took over the meeting.

It was not possible to confirm whether Musk was under the influence of drugs that day. But after the meeting, SpaceX executives privately discussed their concerns about Musk's drug use. One of the executives described the incident as "pointless," "out of control," and "embarrassing."

Spiro said the account of the SpaceX incident "has been proven to be false by countless people present." He declined to elaborate on exactly what was false or how many people's testimonies were described.

Then, in 2018, people with knowledge of Musk's behavior said another incident appeared to mark a turning point for him and showed that his drug use could have an impact on his business. That year, Musk got into trouble with NASA for smoking marijuana on Joe Rogan's show, causing some to become alarmed about the business impact of Musk's actions, leading SpaceX employees to undergo random drug testing.

Board members' concerns

In addition to violating federal contracts, any form of illicit drug use would violate SpaceX and Tesla's corporate policies and raise questions about Musk's executive duties at the publicly traded Tesla company. At Tesla, the board of directors has the responsibility to supervise and manage the management to protect the interests of shareholders.

Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors

Over the years, some Tesla board members have privately discussed their concerns about Musk's alleged drug use, but people with knowledge of the situation said they had not formally raised anything that would be on the board's official agenda or in minutes.

Some directors, including Robyn Denholm, the current chairman of Tesla's board of directors, have turned to Kimbar Musk, a member of Tesla's board of directors and a former member of SpaceX's board until early 2022, for help, but they did not explicitly mention the word "drugs."

In 2018, when Musk tweeted about his plan to take Tesla private, some members of Tesla's board of directors and people close to Musk were concerned that he was under the influence of drugs, according to people with knowledge of the situation.

Some said Kimbal Musk spoke informally with Musk on behalf of some board members on the matter. The tweet sparked an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to find out if the statement was misleading or false, and ultimately led to Musk agreeing to temporarily resign as chairman of Tesla's board of directors.

Some people close to Musk said they learned from his media interviews shortly after that tweet that he was under the influence of drugs. In that interview, he choked up as he talked about the difficulties he had experienced this year.

For years, directors have pondered the question of whether Musk's unusual behavior was due to his drug use, or something else, such as the persistent lack of sleep that he has been mentioning.

Musk is in charge of six companies, including the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), his tunneling company TheBoring Co., brain-implanted technology startup Neuralink, and a new artificial intelligence company, xAI. His business life is closely intertwined with his personal life, a situation that is unusual even for other CEOs.

At Tesla and X, he has said that he often spends the night in the office, he often emails the company's deputy late at night, and even holds work meetings in the middle of the night. He said he had barely stopped working. "Vacation is a strong word," he said in his 2022 court testimony. "For me, that's an email with a view. ”

In a new licensed biography of Musk, author Walter Isaacson describes Musk's "demonic mode": Isaacson writes that Musk would enter a state of extreme rage, often lashing out at employees and executives. In Isaacson's book, Musk is quoted as saying: "I really don't like drugs. ”

Musk and others attribute his erratic behavior in the office to his mental health problems. In 2017, a Twitter user asked him if he had bipolar disorder, a condition that can cause mood swings, and Musk affirmed it, although he said he was undiagnosed.

In addition, Musk also said in 2021 when hosting "Saturday Night Live" that he suffers from Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism.

Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors
Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors

Drug use has also been a headache for Musk's company directors, as some of them are close friends of his, with whom they party and travel together, according to sources familiar with the matter and court documents.

According to people close to him, Mr. Musk has been known to have attended parties and events at the Burning Man art and music festival in Nevada, where drugs are widely used as a way to relieve stress.

It has also been stated that he also hosts his own private events, where drug use is quite common, as mentioned by people who have attended these parties.

The executive's whereabouts are usually kept secret, and he is protected by a private security team. At his company, executives and employees are often required to sign non-disclosure agreements.

According to people with knowledge of their drug use, Musk often attends the same parties and events with his brother, including the Art Basel party in Miami in late 2021, when both took ketamine for recreational use.

Kimbar Musk has discussed the benefits of hallucinogens with friends and tweeted his support for his wife in June 2021 when she spoke about the benefits of these drugs for mental health treatment at the nation's largest hallucinogens conference.

In 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that Elon Musk was taking ketamine in microdoses to treat depression and was also taking standard doses of ketamine at parties. After the article was published, Musk tweeted that ketamine is a better way to deal with depression than the widely prescribed antidepressants that "make people look like zombies."

In another tweet, Musk later said that he had a prescription for ketamine. This hallucinogen-like drug can be used "non-standard" to treat depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, and is also a widely used drug at parties that can be purchased illegally.

Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors

Government Contracts

In general, board members and executives have long struggled with how to deal with substance abuse within the company.

Some directors have struggled with whether drug use outside of the office should be regulated, arguing that executives' actions in their personal lives, especially when it comes to drugs that are legal in certain situations or states, may not have an impact on their business decisions.

In most companies, board members are generally not obligated to investigate whether an executive is using drugs, but they usually take action if they believe that drug use has affected the business. Corporate governance experts say this could include encouraging executives to take sick leave for treatment or conduct investigations. Unlike other substance problems, such as alcohol, substance abuse is a more challenging issue, as possession of certain drugs, such as cocaine, can lead to felony charges.

In 2020, former Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh's abuse of ketamine eventually led to executives at Amazon, the footwear company's parent company, getting involved, according to people familiar with the situation. Amazon executives gave Xie a few months to correct his behavior, and when he failed to do so, he resigned. Xie was trapped in a house fire in late 2020 under the influence of drugs and later died of his injuries.

Tesla's code of conduct describes the electric car maker as a drug-free workplace and prohibits all employees, including executives, from using drugs outside of the office.

Illegal drug abuse by employees is also in violation of the regulations, according to which Musk's private rocket company, SpaceX, has signed a contract with the U.S. government worth more than $14 billion, which covers both civilian and military space missions.

Federal contracts require companies to comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and promote a drug-free culture, including programs and policies, regardless of whether state laws legalize certain uses. Contractors may also lose their safety clearance due to substance abuse, which is defined as "the use of illegal drugs or prescription drugs in a manner inconsistent with approved medical guidance."

As the CEO and founder of SpaceX, Musk has a security clearance that gives him access to classified information.

See, including his substance abuse problems, especially when Tesla is doing well. And in recent years, Tesla and SpaceX have performed very well. Despite the decline in 2022, Tesla's share price has risen by about 1,000% over the past five years, while the S&P 500 has only gained about 86% over the same period. At the same time, SpaceX's revenue has also grown significantly.

Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors

Twitter storm

In the summer of 2018, some people associated with the billionaire began to worry that he was out of control.

A few months after SpaceX's all-hands conference, Musk tweeted in August that he planned to take Tesla private at $420 per share. This caused a storm because "420" is a slang term for smoking marijuana and claims to have "received financial support".

The now-notorious tweet sparked unease among investors, who struggled to understand the billionaire's plans for the electric car maker. On the day of Twitter's launch, Tesla's stock price rose more than 6%. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) then launched an investigation that resulted in a settlement that included a $40 million fine, with Tesla adding two independent directors and overseeing communications from the CEO. Musk has not admitted or denied wrongdoing.

Board members told regulators they were unaware of Musk's plans and were surprised by his actions. Some directors are privately concerned that Musk is taking drugs while tweeting, and some directors have briefly discussed his idea of leaving Tesla for a while, according to people familiar with the situation.

Soon after, Musk gave an interview to The New York Times, in which he choked up several times, describing the enormous personal pressure that comes with leading Tesla, saying that "the past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career."

Behind the scenes, however, the situation is even more serious: according to people familiar with the matter, Musk was under the influence of drugs while answering questions from reporters. People familiar with the situation said the chief executive did not inform Tesla's media team that he would be interviewed.

Soon after, Musk smoked marijuana on comedian Joe Rogan's show, which can be watched online. NASA asked for written assurances that SpaceX was complying with federal drug-free workplace laws and spent $5 million in taxpayer dollars on SpaceX employee training, according to letters sent to SpaceX and federal contracting records.

Musk's use of illegal drugs has worried Tesla and SpaceX directors

Musk has said that NASA has asked SpaceX to conduct a year-long drug test.

Corporate contractors must adhere to standard NASA drug testing guidelines, typically testing for marijuana and cocaine, and have the ability to test for other drugs such as anandamide, opioids, and PCP.

Spiro did not respond to a question about what type of drug test Musk underwent to undergo.

At SpaceX and a number of Musk's other companies, including the tunneling company The Boring Co., executives have begun warning employees to always follow company rules, including not using illegal drugs outside the office, people with knowledge of the situation said. The people also said that SpaceX uses drug sniffer dogs from time to time to ensure that employees do not carry illegal substances.

At Tesla, current board chairs Denholm, James Murdoch and other directors sometimes unformally gather around Kimbal Musk after board breaks or meetings to ask about Elon Musk or whether he has had enough rest, people familiar with the matter said. While the directors did not explicitly ask about drug abuse, they allegedly understood that the questions were about Elon Musk's perceived drug use.

According to people familiar with the matter, Linda Johnson Rice, a director who did not re-run in 2019, has repeatedly raised concerns about Musk's drug consumption in communications with board members during her two-year tenure on the board because of her concerns about Musk's increasingly erratic behavior. She asked informally whether the board should conduct an investigation, but it was ignored, one of them said.

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