
Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

author:Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

Today (today, January 8th), an orange friend shared a small story on the windowsill at home in the orange persimmon interactive orange friend circle -

The little pigeon in the flower pot on the windowsill of my house took off and returned to nature.

From a pair of pigeons flying in on December 2 to nesting and incubating eggs in a pot on the windowsill, to today's baby pigeons can fly freely, it has gone through a month and 6 days.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

Whether it is the cold wind or the freezing rain day and night, the persistence of the pigeon mother is moving and the greatness of maternal love.

Since the pigeon came from the windowsill, it was light to do things in the kitchen, for fear of disturbing it.

Every once in a while, I gently opened the window and put some rice grains in the pot next to it, for fear that the mother pigeon would be hungry.

In the past month or so, when I get up early or go home from work, I will go to the windowsill first.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

One morning, I saw a cute little head under the pigeon mother's belly, and the joy was palpable.

After a few more days, the mother pigeon flew away, and it took a long time to fly back again, which is the mother pigeon exercising the independent ability of the little pigeon.

The little pigeon has grown its feathers and will stand and jump until it takes off.

The little bits and pieces of pigeons touch the hearts of our family and become a part of our lives.

Now it's flown away, and occasionally it flies back for a moment.

The flower pot was empty, and I was a little disappointed, but also a little relieved: I witnessed the growth process of the little life bred in the flower pot on the windowsill.

Sharing this life growth story is Sister Shen, who lives in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, and at noon today, an Orange Persimmon Interactive reporter contacted her.

Sister Shen said that she usually likes to plant some flowers and plants on the windowsill, but in this season, most of the flowers and plants have dried up, leaving only a particularly large flower pot with a small plant in it.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

She told the story of the bird's visit at home-

On December 2nd, I was washing dishes in the kitchen when suddenly two birds came in, looking like pigeons.

One squatted in a pot and seldom moved, while the other flew around to make a nest in the grass.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

My husband and I were pleasantly surprised by their arrival, and we would walk over gently every day to see if they were there and what they were doing.

Some time ago, Hangzhou cooled down, it was below zero, and the wind was so strong, we were very worried: will they freeze and die?

Quietly went over to look, and the feathers all over the bird's body were blowing, and it was still motionless.

At this time, I was really a little moved in my heart: this bird is so strong!

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

A few days later, it shifted its body, revealing two eggs!

They're hatching their chicks! I started recording it on my phone.

After a few days, something moved under the bird's body, and then a small head was exposed, which was so cute.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

I thought it was two, but after observing it for several days, I found that there was actually only one, and the survival rate was only half, and the other egg may not have hatched successfully.

My husband gently put some rice grains on the balcony, and the next day, there were a lot fewer rice grains, and it seemed that they were indeed eating, so we went to put a little bit of it every once in a while.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

After a while, the little bird grows very fast and grows bigger, and it interacts with the mother bird.

The birds also began to stand up and jump from one pot to another.

Before the moon is full, the mother bird begins to teach her to fly, and she will fly to the roof opposite and turn her head to observe the movement.

In a week's time, the bird will fly, it will fly a little lower on the opposite side, and then jump to a higher place.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

Yesterday, they flew away and never flew back until the evening.

I feel really a little lost, but I still put some rice grains on the balcony.

As a result, this morning, the bird came back, ate the rice grains, and flew away again.

This little bird family, who has been a guest at my house for a month, has also brought happiness to our family.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

From the time they make the nest to the successful incubation of the eggs, they watch the birds grow and fly away.

When the bird was at home, my granddaughter often came over on Sundays, and brought relatives and children.

The first thing the children do when they get home is to go to the windowsill to see what the birds are doing.

My daughter and son-in-law are also back, and everyone cares about this little family on the balcony.

Our family lives in the downtown area of Shangcheng District, and there are no natural landscapes nearby, so it is rare for a bird family to visit.

I wonder if they will come back tomorrow as a family?

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

Orange Persimmon Interactive consulted several experts in birds, and everyone agreed that the birds that came to Sister Shen's house were actually turtledoves.

Turtle doves are mainly found in most parts of China. It mostly inhabits mountainous areas, foothills or flat forest areas, and mainly gathers a few small groups at the edge of the forest, cultivated land and its vicinity.

It flies like a pigeon, often glides, its song is monotonous and low, its vigilance is very high, and its nest is built in a tree. They feed on sorghum, wheat seeds, rice, and fruits, and sometimes insect larvae, and migrate to the plains in autumn and winter.

The incubation period is about 18 days, and the hatching period is about 18 days.

Orange friends shared the story of getting along with two "pigeons" for a month, in fact, this is a pair of "auspicious birds"

In ancient times, the turtle dove was known as a long-lasting, happy and peaceful auspicious bird.

The cane, made in the image of a turtle dove, is an ancient symbol of respect for the elderly, and in short, the turtle dove is a legendary bird.

The protection level is the national "three haves" protected animals.

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