
Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

author:Cao County Rong Media Center
Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

The selenium content of hairtail fish is as high as 30 times that of onions! We all know that selenium is one of the essential trace elements of the human body, which plays an important role in improving immunity and delaying aging.

In addition, eating more hairtail fish on a daily basis can also supplement the nutrients needed by the body, enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and reduce blood lipids.

Here are two ways to share with you with fish, delicious and simple, let's take a look!

1. Recommended recipe: fried hairtail

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

1. Prepare a hairtail fish to be cleaned, put it on the cutting board, cut it into small pieces with a knife, then put a word knife on the back of the fish, put it in a bowl, and then add a spoonful of salt, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of flavor and freshness, a spoonful of pepper, a little green onion and ginger slices, mix evenly with your hands, and marinate for 15 minutes.

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

2. After the hairtail is marinated, take it out and put it on the cornstarch, so that the surface of the hairtail is evenly coated with a layer of cornstarch, pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, put the hairtail fish after the oil is hot, fry the hairtail until it is set, gently push it with a spoon to make it evenly heated, fry it over medium-low heat until golden, and remove the oil.

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!
Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

3. The oil temperature in the pot rises again, put the hairtail fish again and fry it for about 20 seconds, take out the oil control and put it in the bowl, you can eat, a delicious and simple fried hairtail is ready, like the collection to try it!

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

2. Recommended recipe: braised hairtail

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

1. Prepare a hairtail fish to be cleaned, put it on the board, cut it into small pieces with a knife, then put a flower knife on the back of the fish, put it in a bowl after processing, add green onions, crushed raw frying, a spoonful of salt, a little pepper, a little cooking wine, grasp and mix evenly, pinch out the water of the green onion and ginger, evenly spread it on the hairtail, and then put it aside to marinate for 20 minutes.

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

2. After the hairtail is marinated, pick out the green onion and ginger, and then wash it briefly with water, then put the water into the bowl, add an appropriate amount of cornstarch, grasp and mix evenly with your hands, so that the surface of the hairtail is evenly coated with a layer of cornstarch.

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

3. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, then put in the hairtail, fry slowly over medium-low heat, fry the hairtail until golden brown on both sides, and put it in a bowl.

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, pour in ginger and garlic and dried chili peppers after the oil is hot, stir-fry the fragrance, pour in an appropriate amount of water, then add a little salt, a little sugar, a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of dark soy sauce, half a spoon of oyster sauce, and then put in the hairtail, tidy it up with a spatula, soak the hairtail into the soup, and then simmer for three minutes.

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

5. After three minutes, pour in a little balsamic vinegar, an appropriate amount of water starch to thicken, gently push with a spoon, you can get out of the pot, and then sprinkle with chopped green onions to decorate, a delicious and simple braised hairtail is ready, try it if you like!

Eat more of it in winter, the selenium content is 30 times that of onions, say goodbye to weak hands and feet, a must-have nutritious recipe for the elderly!

Source: Li Xiaochu Food Life

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