
The bed was against two walls, and the family was sick. This old folk proverb expresses a superstitious idea

author:Love fries

In this article, I'll describe in detail why some people believe that a bed can't rest on one or two walls, and explore the reasons behind this belief.

The bed was against two walls, and the family was sick. This old folk proverb expresses a superstitious idea

So, why can't the bed lean against any two walls? Let's start with a true story.

In a small town, there is a family living in a spacious and bright house. The layout of the house is very reasonable, but one thing is puzzling: no matter how the family is organized and cleaned, the family always gets sick frequently.

To find out what the problem was, they called in architects, feng shui masters, and doctors. After some investigation, they found that the reason why the bed could not rest against one of the two walls was because of the potential health hazards hidden in those walls.

First, let's review the basic functions of a bed. The bed is where we rest and recuperate, so we spend a lot of time in bed every day. And the bed against the wall, especially on certain two walls, may affect the health of the human body.

The bed was against two walls, and the family was sick. This old folk proverb expresses a superstitious idea

These two walls are located opposite the bathroom and kitchen, respectively. Bathrooms and kitchens are the most susceptible areas of the home for fungus growth, where moisture and airborne bacteria often accumulate. When the bed is pressed against these two walls, people expose themselves to bacterial particles suspended in the air, increasing the risk of contracting diseases.

In addition, with the bed resting against these two walls, it is easier for people to inhale gases containing chemicals. Chemicals such as detergents and bleach, which are often used in bathrooms, contain harmful substances, and fumes and fumes from kitchens can easily enter bedrooms. Being in such an environment for a long time undoubtedly poses a threat to human health.

In addition, these two walls are also considered to have evil qi in Feng Shui, the so-called "evil spirit". Feng Shui is an ancient science that emphasizes the improvement of fortune and health through the arrangement of the environment. In traditional Feng Shui, it is believed that the proximity of the bed to the bathroom and kitchen will affect the auspiciousness of the home and may even lead to physical discomfort in the family.

Back to the story of this small town. When the family understood the potential risks posed by the bed against the wall, they took immediate action. They moved the bed away from its original position and rearranged the room. At the same time, they set out to improve indoor hygiene and ventilation and add air purifiers to prevent the intrusion of bacteria and harmful substances.

Over time, the family's health has improved significantly, and frequent illnesses have been effectively controlled. Their friends and family gradually noticed the change and began to think about the problem of the bed resting against the wall and looking for a solution. The topic has also attracted social attention and controversy, with some questioning traditional superstitious notions and others insisting that a bed resting on two walls does have a bad effect.

The bed was against two walls, and the family was sick. This old folk proverb expresses a superstitious idea

The bed was against two walls, and the family was sick. This proverb may seem like a mystery, but through description and analysis, we can clearly see the truth in it. Beds clinging to the walls of bathrooms and kitchens, are easily exposed to bacteria and harmful substances, increasing the risk of contracting diseases in the body. This concept raises people's concerns about the health of the home, and also reminds us to pay attention to air quality and hygiene when laying out and decorating the home. Let's stay away from danger and create a healthy and comfortable living environment.

(Note: The content of this article is for reference only and does not constitute a support or refutation of the idea that the bed rests on two walls.) )

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