
The best 5 minutes before bedtime is recommended to do this! Many people waste it in vain

author:GP online

When many modern people get home at night, they are Xi accustomed to ordering takeout, holding electronic products, watching TV series, playing games, and watching short videos...... As a result, time quickly passed, and when the energy was exhausted, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

As everyone knows, the time before going to bed is the golden time for health, and if you can grasp it well, the benefits to the body will be far beyond imagination. Especially in the dry and cold autumn and winter season, the family doctor strongly recommends doing the following 5 minutes before bedtime!

The most healthy 5 minutes before bedtime, it is recommended that you do one thing

Drinking a glass of warm water before bed is not only easy to do, but it also has many positive effects on your health:

1. Moisturize the respiratory tract

During sleep, people lose water due to breathing, resulting in a dry, itchy throat that wakes up in the morning. The current climate is cold and dry, which can make the discomfort even more significant. Therefore, drinking a moderate amount of water before going to bed can not only replenish water, moisten the respiratory tract, but also relieve throat discomfort.

The best 5 minutes before bedtime is recommended to do this! Many people waste it in vain

2. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

The incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is higher in the morning, and the lack of water in the body and the increase in blood viscosity are one of the important reasons for such tragedies. Drinking a moderate amount of water before going to bed can help dilute blood viscosity and reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, angina, cerebral thrombosis and other emergencies. Especially in autumn and winter, during the high incidence period of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, people with underlying cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should properly replenish water before going to bed.

3. Helps regulate blood sugar

For people with high blood sugar and diabetes, drinking the right amount of water before bed can help control blood sugar levels.

4. Prevent gout attacks

Uric acid is excreted by dissolving in the urine, so the more water you drink, the more urine is produced, and the more uric acid is excreted. In addition, gout is more likely to flare up at night, and drinking water before bed can help prevent urine from concentrating during sleep and avoid high levels of uric acid.

There are also three, six, nine and so on, don't drink these 4 kinds of "water" at night

Although drinking water in moderation before going to bed has certain health benefits, it is also particular about the choice of "water". If you drink the following 4 types of "water" by mistake, it can backfire.

1. Ice water: The temperature at night fluctuates compared to the day, and if you drink ice water before going to bed, it may irritate the stomach and cause discomfort. Especially for patients with coronary heart disease, this may even induce serious consequences such as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

2. Hot water over 65°C: The World Health Organization has classified hot beverages over 65°C as a Class 2A carcinogen. When the temperature of hot water exceeds 65°C, it can cause physical damage to the esophageal mucosa. Once the mucous membranes are damaged, acid reflux can trigger various undesirable irritations, which can increase the risk of cancerous cells in the digestive tract.

The best 5 minutes before bedtime is recommended to do this! Many people waste it in vain

3. Coffee and tea: Coffee and tea contain a lot of caffeine, which can stimulate the central nervous system of the human body, and drinking it at night can lead to excessive adrenaline secretion, so that the brain can remain excited and affect normal sleep.

4. Alcohol: Some people think that drinking alcohol before going to bed can help them sleep, and it is undeniable that alcohol can indeed inhibit the central nervous system and make people feel drowsy, but in fact, alcohol can also interfere with the sleep cycle and reduce the REM sleep period. Therefore, in the middle of the night, the quality of sleep may decrease, and there may be phenomena such as excessive dreams and easy awakening. In addition, when a person is drunk, the swallowing function will be weakened, and the stomach contents may reflux into the trachea, resulting in obstruction of breathing, which can lead to suffocation death.

In addition to drinking a glass of warm water, what else should I do before going to bed at night?

First of all, it is advisable to stay away from electronics.

The screens of electronic devices emit blue light, which can affect the secretion of melatonin in the body, which in turn interferes with people's normal biological clocks. Therefore, it is recommended to turn off electronic devices before bedtime, which is conducive to improving sleep quality.

Secondly, pay attention to room temperature regulation and do a good job of ventilation.

The indoor temperature should be comfortable, especially in summer and winter, and the air conditioning and heating should not be turned on too cold or too hot. At the same time, keeping the room well ventilated can also help you sleep better.

The best 5 minutes before bedtime is recommended to do this! Many people waste it in vain

Third, it is also important to brush your teeth before bed.

Most people sleep with their mouth closed, which means that the mouth will be in a relatively closed environment throughout sleep. In this oxygen-deficient environment, harmful bacteria are more likely to multiply. In addition, food debris takes 6-8 hours to be fermented in the mouth, which also coincides with the duration of sleeping at night, creating favorable conditions for the growth of the microflora.

As a result of these factors, if people do not brush their teeth before going to bed and do not remove as much food debris and bacteria as possible, the number of harmful bacteria will increase significantly, which will affect oral health.

Finally, you may want to arrange a foot soak.

Soaking your feet before bed not only improves blood circulation, but also helps to reduce fatigue and improve sleep. However, there are some precautions for foot soaking:

The water temperature should not be too high, about 40°C is appropriate, and the soaking time should not be too long, and it is advisable to control it at 20-30 minutes;

Special groups such as people with severe varicose veins of the lower limbs, diabetic patients, children, and people with frostbite should not soak their feet.

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