
A bowl of intestinal soup, clear internal heat, eliminate accumulated food, children are healthier, parents must see!

author:YTY Jin Yujing Director 6071

As the weather gets colder, children are more susceptible to respiratory infections, tonsillitis, fever, cough and other symptoms.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the key to preventing these diseases is to keep the child's internal environment clean and avoid problems such as food accumulation, internal heat, phlegm and dampness.

A bowl of intestinal soup, clear internal heat, eliminate accumulated food, children are healthier, parents must see!

It is necessary to keep the child's intestines open and not accumulate food, so as to avoid internal heat, so that the righteous qi is more sufficient, thus reducing the risk of illness.

In addition to the preventive aspect, it is also important to keep the child's body clean during treatment.

At this time, you can try some effective cleaning methods, such as using traditional Chinese medicine compatibility and scraping methods for conditioning, or according to the actual situation, choose appropriate acupressure, moxibustion and other traditional Chinese medicine methods.

Our ancestors put forward the idea of curing diseases thousands of years ago, which has important guiding significance for the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections such as tonsillitis.

A bowl of intestinal soup, clear internal heat, eliminate accumulated food, children are healthier, parents must see!

At the same time, parents and children should also be reminded to pay more attention to cold protection and warmth, maintain good living Xi, and maintain a happy mood.

This can help children reduce the risk of infection during the winter season, when respiratory diseases are high.

A child's lack of righteous qi is like a lack of spleen function, and it is susceptible to the invasion of evil qi.

At this time, it is very important to give the child a moderate spleen supplement. First of all, we need to take appropriate methods to strengthen the spleen according to the specific situation of the child, such as dietary adjustment, appropriate exercise, and adjustment of mentality.

A bowl of intestinal soup, clear internal heat, eliminate accumulated food, children are healthier, parents must see!

On this basis, there are many spleen-strengthening formulas to choose from in TCM prescriptions.

For example, Ba Zhen Tang is a commonly used spleen-strengthening formula, and its formula includes Chinese medicinal herbs such as Atractylodes, Codonopsis, Poria Cocos, Licorice, Angelica, Rehmannia Rehmannia, Chuanxiong, and Paeonia alba.

The Four Gentlemen Soup is mainly composed of ginseng, atractylodes, poria cocos, licorice and other medicinal materials, and is mainly used to tonify spleen, spleen and yang, and spleen and yin.

In addition to Bazhen Tang and Sijunzi Soup, there are also spleen-strengthening formulas such as Buzhong Yiqi Soup, Siwu Soup, and Gui Spleen Soup, which have a focus on their effects, but they can all help children restore their righteousness.

We can choose the appropriate medication according to the child's symptoms, or choose the most suitable prescription under the advice of a TCM practitioner.

In the process of tonifying the spleen of our children, we need to pay attention to the principle of moderation.

A bowl of intestinal soup, clear internal heat, eliminate accumulated food, children are healthier, parents must see!

Excessive spleen tonification may lead to problems such as irritation and bloating, which is not conducive to the child's health. Therefore, we should arrange a reasonable spleen tonic program according to the child's actual situation and the doctor's advice, and gradually reduce the intensity of spleen tonic at the appropriate time.

By giving children a moderate dose of spleen supplementation, they can improve their righteousness and enhance their ability to resist evil spirits. At the same time, it can also effectively improve children's appetite and improve physical fitness, so that children can grow up healthier and happier.

Today, I would like to introduce you to a simple, nutritious and easy-to-make family health soup - white radish intestinal soup.

This soup is perfect for people with weak stomachs, it can help digestion, smooth qi, and make people feel strong satiety. The production steps include shredding, stir-frying, pouring in seasonings, adding water to boil, etc., and finally adding green onion rings and sesame oil.

A bowl of intestinal soup, clear internal heat, eliminate accumulated food, children are healthier, parents must see!

The first thing we need to do is prepare the required ingredients: one-third of the white radish, 2-3 sautéed hawthorn, 1 pear and 2 cloves of tangerine peel.

Put these ingredients together in a soup pot, add enough water, and start boiling. After boiling, strain the residue from the soup to leave the broth and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, white radish has the effect of eliminating food and intestines and smoothing qi, hawthorn has the effect of eliminating stagnation, Sydney pear can nourish yin and nourish Jin, and tangerine peel can regulate qi and remove phlegm and dampness.

The combination of the four ingredients can not only clear the intestines, but also clear the heat.

A bowl of intestinal soup, clear internal heat, eliminate accumulated food, children are healthier, parents must see!

In general, children over 4 years old can drink this soup 2-3 times a week, which is great for the child's health.

It can not only help children clear heat and detoxify, but also enhance children's ability to resist viruses and effectively prevent respiratory tract infections and other diseases.

I hope everyone can try to make this delicious and healthy white radish intestinal soup at home, so that children can eat healthy and have great health!

I'm a pediatrician, Jin Yujing, and if you have any questions, you can come to me.