
3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

author:YTY Jin Yujing Director 6071

In the winter, children are really very susceptible to illness, and as a pediatric doctor, I know this, so in the winter, I will always remind my children to pay attention to keep warm.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

But in fact, when feeding children in winter, we should not only pay attention to cold protection, but also pay attention to preventing internal heat.

Recently, when I was in the clinic. Many parents have encountered such a problem, saying that their children are prone to 'fire' symptoms, but after the heat removal treatment, the symptoms still do not improve.

At this time, it may be because we are going in the wrong direction, and the internal heat in winter is not necessarily a real fire, but may also be caused by dryness, yin deficiency and other conditions.

Therefore, parents must know how to distinguish between syndromes in order to deal with these problems correctly.

Today, we're going to focus on the three most common 'fires' in winter: lung fire, liver fire, and stomach fire.

1. Lung fire: Symptoms of lung fire usually include dry mouth, cough, sore throat, etc. Parents can prevent lung fire by giving their children plenty of water, eating a light diet, and having a regular schedule.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

2. Liver fire: The symptoms of liver fire include dry eyes, irritable eyes, irritable temper, headache, etc. Parents can prevent liver fire by giving their children more yin-nourishing foods, such as milk, wolfberry, dried scallops, white fungus, pig skin, mulberries, duck meat, etc.

3. Stomach fire: Symptoms of stomach fire usually include poor appetite, constipation, swollen gums, toothache, etc. Parents can prevent stomach fire by giving their children more foods such as kelp, seaweed, and kudzu powder.

When feeding their children, parents also need to pay attention to the internal heat of their children in addition to cold protection.

By understanding and preventing the different types of 'fire', we can help children stay healthy and avoid the discomfort caused by 'fire'.

"Shanghuo" is a TCM illness that actually refers to the symptoms of internal heat that occur after the imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

This kind of heat may be caused by the body's yang energy being too vigorous, so it needs to be removed in time, which is what we usually call "real fire". However, it may also be due to the lack of yin fluid in the body, resulting in a relative surplus of yang energy, which is what we often call "false fire".

Especially in winter, children are more likely to be troubled by "getting on fire". Symptoms include, but are not limited to, dry stools, rotten corners of the mouth, nosebleeds, and unstable sleep. The causes of these symptoms can be due to excessive intake of hot and dry foods, not getting enough sleep, or excessive physical activity, among other things.

Parents should pay attention to improving the living environment and eating style, giving their children more water, fruits, vegetables and vegetables, and less meat and fried food. In winter, you can also eat more Chinese cabbage and white radish to eliminate heat and make it appetizing. At the same time, parents should also be careful not to give their children herbal tea, so as not to hurt the spleen and stomach.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

There are three main symptoms of "fire" in winter children:

1. Heavy dryness: This may be due to the lack of water in the child's body, which leads to excessive yang energy in the body, which leads to fire. In this case, the child needs to drink more water, drink more thin rice milk or white fungus lotus seed soup, etc., and pay attention to a light diet.

2. Staying up late hurts yin: In winter, children may lack enough sleep to cause excessive yang energy in their bodies, which can lead to fire. This condition requires the child to go to bed early and wake up early to ensure adequate sleep time.

3. Accumulation of internal heat: Due to too much food in winter, the child's digestive system is overloaded, resulting in food accumulation in the body, which leads to fire. In this case, the child needs to eliminate food in time, and probiotics can be used appropriately to regulate the stomach.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

When parents deal with their children's "fire" symptoms, they need to distinguish according to the specific manifestations of the symptoms, and adopt different conditioning methods for real fire and virtual fire. For real fire, you can take methods to clear heat and detoxify, such as drinking plenty of water, eating fruits and vegetables, etc.

The most important thing is that parents should pay attention to their children's physical condition at all times and take appropriate measures in time to help their children get through the "fire" period in winter.

Next, Dr. Jin will recommend a few bowls of hot soup that are essential for winter to parents, which can effectively solve the problem of internal heat in Huaijie's child.

The first thing to introduce is the Qin Fangning formula, which is composed of lotus seeds, chrysanthemums, wolfberry seeds and light bamboo leaves.

Lotus seed: This product has a variety of pharmacological effects such as cardiotonic, antihypertensive, sedative, anti-aging, and immunity-enhancing effects.

Chrysanthemum: It has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, calming liver yang, clearing the liver and brightening the eyes, clearing heat and detoxifying. It can treat symptoms such as headache, dizziness, eye redness, swelling and pain, wind, heat and cold.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

Goji berry: often used to nourish the liver and kidneys, and benefit the eyes.

Light bamboo leaves: It has the effect of clearing heat and expelling fire, removing annoyance and quenching thirst, and diuretic and drenching. It can treat symptoms such as upset, heat, thirst, and urinary tract infections.

Dendrobium drink is a kind of tea prepared from Chinese medicinal materials Dendrobium, Wheat Dong, chrysanthemum and wolfberry, which has the effects of nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes, clearing heat and detoxifying, and refreshing the mind. Here's how to make it:

1. Prepare a casserole, put all the herbs into the casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, and it is advisable to submerge all the herbs.

2. Next, boil the water over high heat, then turn to low heat and continue to cook for 40 minutes to fully dissolve the active ingredients of the herbs.

3. Wait until the soup is warm and ready to drink.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

Dendrobium drink is suitable for symptoms of dry mouth and restless sleep.

The dosage of Dendrobium drink should be adjusted according to the individual's constitution and symptoms, in general, it is recommended to drink 1 cup each time, and you can drink it 2-3 times a day.

It should be noted that the efficacy of Dendrobium drink needs to be consumed for a long time to be reflected. In addition, although Dendrobium is a traditional Chinese medicine tea, its efficacy may vary from person to person, so it should be consumed under the guidance of a doctor.

Finally, the white jade soup is dissipated, the tofu and white radish are washed and cut into small pieces. Cut the ginger into thin slices and set aside.

Add about 3 bowls of water to a pot, add tofu, white radish and ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium heat and cook for 3 minutes.

Put the chopped bok choy in a pot and continue to cook over medium heat for 1 minute.

3 bowls of soup in winter, real fire, virtual fire, and cold package fire can be cleared, reducing children's fever and cough!

Add salt, pepper and other seasonings, mix well and serve.

Tofu, radish and other foods are rich in plant protein, while cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, these ingredients have the effect of clearing the intestines and aiding digestion, which helps to alleviate children's symptoms of food accumulation.

Although the above can help children alleviate problems such as internal fire and food accumulation, if the child's symptoms are more serious, they still need to seek medical attention in time, and some diseases will become more and more serious.

I'm a pediatrician, and my goal is for all children to grow up healthy and happy.