
It's too embarrassing! The bride He Chaolian was betrayed by her best friend, and her large-scale speech made Dou Xiao die on the Internet

author:Shunlin Hatsumori

As a famous bride, He Chaolian's wedding was supposed to be the best day of her life. However, her best friend betrays her, leaving her in great embarrassment. This heartbreaking story begins the day before Chaolian Ho's wedding. She and her best friend Xiaoling have known each other for a long time, and the two have always been sisters who talk about everything. Xiaoling saw this opportunity, and she decided to gain fame and fortune by betraying He Chaolian.

It's too embarrassing! The bride He Chaolian was betrayed by her best friend, and her large-scale speech made Dou Xiao die on the Internet

That night, at a private party, He Chaolian drank an excessive glass of wine. Her alertness waned, and she began to speak unthinkingly and on top of her own scale. Xiaoling deliberately took these shots and posted them on social media the next day. Soon, the video went viral on the Internet. Countless netizens have forwarded comments, making He Chaolian the focus of the whole network. Her name is constantly talked about and is associated with embarrassment and shame.

It's too embarrassing! The bride He Chaolian was betrayed by her best friend, and her large-scale speech made Dou Xiao die on the Internet

When He Chaolian learned the news, she was extremely shocked and sad. She couldn't believe that her closest friend would betray her. She tried to contact Xiaoling, but her phone never went through. She felt hopeless and lonely. However, despite He Chaolian's low mood, she did not choose to escape. She decided to face the situation and apologize to the public. She posted a lengthy post explaining her state and speech that night, emphasizing that it wasn't really her inner thoughts. She acknowledged her mistakes and said she would learn from them.

It's too embarrassing! The bride He Chaolian was betrayed by her best friend, and her large-scale speech made Dou Xiao die on the Internet

This long article has attracted attention. Some people expressed understanding and support for He Chaolian, believing that everyone makes mistakes sometimes. But there are also many people who are skeptical of her apology, believing that she is just a statement to save her image. However, it didn't end there. As He Chaolian's newlywed husband, Dou Xiao also became the focus of this incident. He has always been a low-key actor and rarely appears in public. This time, he chose to stand up and support He Chaolian.

Dou Xiao published a long post on social media, expressing his love and support for He Chaolian. He recalled the bits and pieces since they met, emphasizing He Chaolian's kindness and true character. He called on everyone to give He Chaolian a chance to start over, and said that they will face the difficulties of the future together. Dou Xiao's words touched many people. They began to re-examine their actions and words, thinking about whether they could support their partner as firmly as Dou Xiao if they were in He Chaolian's position. This event raised people's thoughts about friendship and love, and made them realize the importance of giving support in difficult times.

It's too embarrassing! The bride He Chaolian was betrayed by her best friend, and her large-scale speech made Dou Xiao die on the Internet

As time passed, the incident faded into obscurity. He Chaolian and Dou Xiao slowly returned to a peaceful life. They learn to learn from their past mistakes and cherish their feelings for each other more. This story has a lot to offer. We need to learn to stand firm in our support for our loved ones, no matter what mistakes they make. We also need to reflect on our actions and words, and not hurt others because of the impulse. Most importantly, we learn to forgive and accept the past of others and trust that they can change and grow.

It's too embarrassing! The bride He Chaolian was betrayed by her best friend, and her large-scale speech made Dou Xiao die on the Internet

Behind this story full of embarrassment and shame, there is a truth that is worth pondering. Let's learn from this and become better people.

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