
The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

author:Xiaobao has something to say

The latest progress on the illegal dismissal of employees by female executives is here.

Previously, it was rumored on the Internet that this arrogant female executive was an executive of Shougang Group. But as it turned out, this was not the case. At around 11 p.m. on January 7, Shougang Group issued an official statement, stating that the incident had nothing to do with Beijing Shougang Sports Culture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Shougang Basketball Club, and that the woman in the video was not an employee or executive of Shougang Group.

I have to say that Shougang has dealt with the crisis events that damage the corporate image quickly and is commendable!

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

But to tell the truth, this woman is arrogant and domineering, and she really doesn't look like the style of a state-owned enterprise leader. Shougang was innocent this time, and I have to say that the Internet is also a double-edged sword, which can expose some injustices and injustices, and it is easy to fabricate some false news. What we netizens can do is not to believe rumors, not to spread rumors, and strive to maintain the clarity of the Internet.

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

So who is this invincible woman in the video? It is estimated that this is the question that netizens are most concerned about!

With a statement from Neox Technology Co., Ltd. in the early morning of the 8th, the truth surfaced, and the identity of the woman in the video was exposed!

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

It turned out that the woman was Jing, a human resource employee of Beijing Neox Technology Co., Ltd.

The company's statement explains several points:

1: A dispute arose between a human resource employee Jing and a former employee Sun over the termination of the labor contract.

2: Human resources employee Jing was emotional and made inappropriate remarks.

3: The well has been ordered to suspend his job for reflection and serious treatment.

4: Former employee Sun joined the company in June with a probationary period of 6 months. The reason why the company decided not to approve the probationary period was that he was not competent for the job.

5: On December 1, the two parties terminated the labor contract. On 8 December, the previous month's salary and compensation were paid in full. The above procedures are handled in accordance with the law.

Beijing Onix Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2021, is a company that has not been registered for a long time. Legal representative: Yang Yue. The business scope includes software technology development, technical consulting, application software services, sales of computers, software and auxiliary equipment, self-developed products, in short, the business scope is very wide.

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!
The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!
The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

Some netizens commented: This HR is really unreasonable, and the company does not take money from her pocket for compensation, why should she be so aggressive and embarrassed for others, as if cutting meat from her!

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

The news picked up from netizens can also find a trace of the answer to some extent:

Previously, some netizens said that this woman was from Beijing Pingxin Technology Co., Ltd. Although it has now proven to be misinformation, a closer look at the company's information reveals something that the two companies have common shareholders.

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

Some netizens said that the two companies are a group of companies, whether it is true or not, but the company involved is inextricably linked with Pingxin Technology.

I have to say that this session of netizens are all fighters among talents: some netizens picked up the arrogant woman Jing in the video is not only the human resources manager of the company involved, but also the human resources director of Pingxin Technology!

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

And Pingxin Technology is a company that really has a history! It is a company founded by high-achieving students who graduated from Tsinghua University.

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

This arrogant woman, Jing's identity, is really unusual, she is also a 94-level graduate of Tsinghua University! Some insiders called it more stereotypical, like "exterminating the master".

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

Because of her relationship with the boss, she has claimed that the company is hers many times, and she has the final say with an attitude of keeping the family business for Boss Chen. This can also explain why she is so arrogant, there are indeed people behind her.

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

Not only that, this woman has worked in HR in many companies, and has also worked in companies engaged in fundraising fraud, and has a very bad reputation in the industry!

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

It is estimated that as soon as this matter was exposed, she became more well-known and her reputation worse, and it is estimated that no one in the industry will dare to use her in the future! I have to say: There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy! A high-achieving student who graduated from Tsinghua University is so high-quality that he dares to openly shout against the law, which is simply smearing Tsinghua University, and this book is read in vain!

This incident also reflects a problem that is very concerned by Everbright migrant workers:

1: Is there any specific rule on how long the probationary period is?

Stipulation: If the signed labor contract is less than one year, the probationary period shall not exceed three months. The employment contract shall be more than one year, and the probationary period of less than three years shall not exceed two months. For more than three years, the probationary period must not exceed six months.

In response to the regulations, looking at the companies involved, the three-year signing of the labor contract and the probationary period of up to three years are all stipulated within the card. And the lack of ability you said earlier, in the sixth month of the employee's probationary period to terminate the contract, although it is not a violation, but in short, it is not a kind behavior.

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

2: Is there any compensation for dismissal during the probationary period?

Answer: It depends!

If the employer believes that the employee's ability does not meet the requirements, but there is no evidence, the dismissed employee needs to pay economic compensation.

However, if it can be proved that the employee does not meet the admission requirements, then the dismissal does not need to be compensated at this time!

The truth is here, the female executive was suspended, and her identity was exposed, not a Shougang employee!

In response to this incident, netizens also expressed their hearts: The road of labor arbitration takes a long time, and we ordinary workers can't afford it with the enterprise, and once we have arbitration experience, the next unit will not dare to use it! It will be difficult to find a job in the future, and this problem also needs to be paid attention to!

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