
Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

author:Nansai Lonely Wind

Ancient Babylon, with its mysterious hanging gardens and the Code of Hammurabi, the water of the Ganges River, which flows for thousands of years, and the pyramids that still stand in the desert today.

With the etching of history, the four ancient civilizations have now gone to the third.

Ancient Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India.

Only in China, the Yellow River stretches for thousands of years, and the winding Great Wall is still the spiritual totem of the Chinese nation.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

As an ancient civilization that has never been broken.

the highlights of our world history;

There are thousands of meteorological Tang Dynasty meteorology;

There are Bianjing Menghua who come to court from all over the world;

There are also Genghis Khan's iron hooves, and the angry waves of the seven seas conquered by Zheng He.

Just a century ago, this ancient and mysterious land was trampled on.

And this nation, with a speed that amazes the whole world, has once again caught up with the progress of history.

Great Britain, shrouded in a thick fog, panicked.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

They were the forerunners of an industrial age.

In another new era, there is nowhere to put the glory of the past.

The glitzy and splendid France could not sit still.

The afterglow of the Eiffel and the burnt Notre Dame Cathedral have also been slowly gilded with a glow that does not belong to the Champs-Elysées by the black-skinned builders.

The United States, which is in the year of fighting, is quiet.

Privately, the "China threat theory" was framed, and the entire Western public opinion was hyped up.

Above the wreckage of the Soviet Red Giant.

China, which is on the rise, is locked in by the United States.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

Why are almost all countries afraid of China's rise?

After completely getting rid of the feudal monarchy and embarking on a completely different path of development, why is China frequently targeted?

The answer given by the Japanese expert is sincerely admirable after reading it.


Know yourself and know your opponent, and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles.

It can be said that nearly ninety percent of China's deepest suffering in the last century came from Japan, our neighbor with a strip of water.

As a former vassal state of China.

Japan has been plagued by the earthquake and tsunami, and it is very longing for this vast continent.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

That's right, before becoming a ghost of the war, Japan once moved almost the entire Tang civilization back to its own home.

The development of history is nothing more than the trade-off of one and the other.

Either on the coast or on the surrounding islands, you can make some noise to test whether your neighbors have the ability to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, at that time, the whole of East Asia was still in a state of obscurantism.

Fighting each other is nothing more than a shot from you and a shot at me.

Without the unknowingly beneficial benefits of the military revolution, Japan could only be beaten every time, so as to wait for the next turning point.

Finally, after thousands of years of hibernation.

Japan watched as the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, like itself, was trampled by the iron ladder of the great powers, and they also flocked to it.

Then he followed in the footsteps of the great powers and overthrew the Chinese court.

I want to take its place and make a name for myself in this ancient land.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

The ending after that is reflected in every general history of the world.

As a former enemy, an expert specializing in the history of Chinese civilization from a certain Japanese organization put forward three views when referring to the proposition of "why the world is afraid of China's rise."

If there really is a historical traveler, then he should be in the middle of the night half a century later.

In ancient Beijing, I met a Western man who was in the dust.

Thirty years later, this man wrote a book to the following effect:

China is a country that only needs to be restored, not created...... After the collapse of every regime, there is always a figure who gathers the unity of all people to stand up and rebuild a new order......

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

Thus, in the opposite time course to the old society of obscurantism and feudalism.

Every Chinese who has gone through the broken mountains and rivers and shed blood has become the "rebuilder" of this new China.

And these Chinese have a high degree of unity of will.

It has become the only legitimate political power in China today and a political party that can represent the broadest interests of all Chinese.

This kind of concerted effort and global vision is unmatched.

Painstakingly lonely

Whether it is the Four Books and Five Classics, or the Six Arts of a Gentleman.

Learning Xi is an innate talent for almost every Chinese.

From the social system to the food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The Chinese, with their unique ability to observe and imitate, turn all external objects into their own use.

In the early days of Marxism-Leninism, even Europeans believed that this new form of government existed only in book theory.

The Chinese, on the other hand, dare to be the first in the world.

Follow the pace of the great powers of the north, step by step to forge a path of their own.

Not only that, but we also combined the unique social reality and stepped out of a completely different pace.

Inevitably, mistakes will be made, and some roads will even need to be buried with flesh and blood.

But fortunately, our eyes are always full of hope, there is light ahead, and there is a smooth road.

Even the partners who worked hand in hand back then were not optimistic about the road under our feet.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

Chinese people have the ability to overcome obstacles and fight for a future with their own hands.

And the development of history tells us that the choice of the Chinese.

Worthy of the present, live up to the future.


Since World War II, industrial capacity has become the downline of the new nation, not the upline.

It's a pity that some old industrial powers are still dreaming of being incomplete.

Delusional lying on the previous merit book, eating the old book.

Imitation is the only way for humans to break through barriers after evolution.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

The same is true for the development of a country.

At the beginning of the new century, the low labor force and the enterprising spirit of learning Xi once made this ancient land the world's factory.

但随之而来的,就是与“山寨”、“粗制滥造”挂钩的MADE IN CHINA。

In a particular era, made in China, it is almost synonymous with fakes and products with no originality.

Just as the process of starting a new media account now, it needs to go through the process of borrowing + imitating.

China's innovation capability is also under the technological hotbed provided by Western countries and the imagination of Chinese.

Break through the existing technology ceiling and successfully open up a new era of scientific and technological innovation in the world.

Why is the United States so afraid of China's rise? Japanese experts have to say that the answer is very accurate

The Western world looks at the abundance of Chinese working population.

However, China has given full play to the principle of "mastering the skills of the master to control the country" and incubated its own national innovation ability.

Nowadays, whether it is the research and development of new energy, or high-computing power chips, purely domestic chips born under the encirclement and interception of the United States, and even drones that make the US military look bad.

All of them are the embodiment of the "originality" of the Chinese nation.

He is strong, he is strong, and the breeze blows on the hills.

China's rise is based on the suffering suffered by the nation, and it is the renewal and change of order, and there has never been the idea of "bullying the weak".

The so-called "China threat theory" is only a trivial attempt by Western countries to make up for the disadvantages they are currently in.

The new era is no longer a zero-sum game, and inclusiveness and common development are the right way.

It is also hoped that Western countries will abandon outdated ideas and embrace change calmly.

Instead of resting on his laurels, immersed in the dream of the world hegemon all day long.

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