
Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

author:Kiki Entertainment


On a warm winter night, Li Jian and his wife were invited by friends to spend a hot pot feast together. At this moment of joy, people were pleasantly surprised to find that the 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei exuded a stunning girlish feeling. She and her husband Li Jian maintained a happy marriage, but chose a unique lifestyle - insisting on Dink. The couple interprets the colorful chapter of modern love in their unique way, showing the blend of maturity and youth. In this romantic and intimate dinner, they use their choices to convey a unique understanding of happiness to the world.


Late at night on January 6, Wang Mai updated his news on social networks, showing his latest gathering. The reason why this party is eye-catching is not only because he had a hot pot with his friend Li Jian, but also because Wang Mai jokingly mentioned in the news: "Does Erbin want to add sugar?" This sentence sparked speculation and controversy among fans.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Looking back at the scene half a month ago, it was around Christmas, and an unexpected encounter occurred at Tokyo's Haneda Airport. Mr. and Mrs. Li Jian were recognized by an international student, who excitedly took a photo with them. The heartwarming moment went viral on social media, adding a different kind of Christmas cheer to the couple.

After New Year's Day, the news of Li Jian and his wife Meng Xiaobei's return to China attracted attention. Is their return related to the upcoming Xiaohan solar term? Over the past few days, a series of social events seem to be gradually unraveling this mystery.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Not long ago, Li Jian and his wife were invited by their friend Liu Chunfeng to visit her home and spend a pleasant dinner time together. Liu Chunfeng, with a distinguished status, is a curator of the National Art Museum of China and a top student at a prestigious school engaged in KOL work. The host of this party became the soul of the whole dinner with his kind smile and warm hospitality.

Li Jian and Wang Mai, two influential friends in the entertainment industry, sat around the fireplace in Liu Chunfeng's home and tasted a sumptuous hot pot meal together. At the dinner, a variety of delicacies filled the table, and the steaming hot pot brought warmth to the whole room. The scene in the photo shows the trio sitting together, laughing and enjoying a laid-back and cheerful atmosphere.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Meng Xiaobei, Li Jian's wife, as a doctor of sociology from Tsinghua University, shows her learning and elegance. Although she is 44 years old, her face is still graceful and beautiful, maintaining a youthful vitality that does not match her age. In this party, her intimate photo with Liu Chunfeng also became a hot topic on social platforms.

The dinner was not only about the food and laughter, but also about the friendship between the three celebrities. Li Jian, Wang Mai and Liu Chunfeng communicated with each other and shared their life experiences and professional experiences. This is not only a party, but also a feast for the soul, allowing everyone to find a peaceful haven after their busy work.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

With the photos coming to light, the party became the focus of media and fan attention. The friendship and dinner scene between Li Jian and Liu Chunfeng have become a topic of conversation. In this cold winter day, such a warm scene makes people feel the sincerity and warmth of friendship.


Li Jian, born in Harbin in 1988, is an authentic Northeast man. His father was a martial arts performing artist at the Heilongjiang Peking Opera Company. During Li Jian's childhood, he often accompanied his father to enjoy various operas at the Peking Opera Company, and he was particularly fascinated by his father's performances in martial arts. Influenced by his father since childhood, Li Jian also developed a strong interest in martial arts.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

When he was growing up, Li Jian not only watched his father act at the Peking Opera Company, but was also deeply influenced by the movie "Shaolin Temple". The popularity of this movie inspired his yearning for martial arts, and he began to practice with his father and became a teenager martial arts enthusiast. The martial arts scenes in the film and the monks' practice gave Li Jian great inspiration and shaped his strong belief in martial arts and self-improvement.

Although Li Jian often caused trouble in his childhood, he was also praised for his courageous actions. His mother has been a strong supporter of his upbringing, encouraging him in his various endeavors. Li Jian's performance in school was not satisfactory, but his mother's support made him determined to be a good child and try to change his behavior.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

In 1988, Li Jian entered junior high school. This year, a movie called "Roadside Guitar Team" set off a music boom in the mainland. Inspired by the film, Li Jian developed a strong interest in the guitar. With the support of her mother, she used her salary of more than two months to buy a red cotton guitar, worth more than 90 yuan. This guitar became a turning point in Li Jian's life, making him feel his destiny closely connected with music for the first time.

Li Jian gradually entered the field of music by learning Xi guitar. His love and dedication to music led him down an unusual path. This Cotton Tree guitar was not only his first guitar in his life, but also the starting point of his musical journey. Through unremitting efforts and a passion for music, Li Jian gradually showed outstanding musical talent.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Eventually, music sent him to China's highest university. This period of growth was full of twists and turns, but it also made Li Jian more tenacious. His musical talent was recognized, and it all started with childhood dreams and the support of his mother. Li Jian has used his hard work and perseverance to become a well-respected musician, showing the tenacity and talent of the Northeast Han. This coming-of-age story not only records how an ordinary teenager overcomes the difficulties of life because of his dedication to his dreams, but also witnesses the warmth and strength of his family.

The path to fame:

On the journey of music, Li Jian's journey is destined to be full of ups and downs, but he has always adhered to his love and persistence in music.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

As early as 2000, Li Jian stepped into the workforce and chose to become a network engineer and started his career. However, this is not what he is really passionate about. Fast forward to 2002, a year for the Chinese music industry, which means that Shuimu Nianhua released the album "The True Story of Youth". At this juncture, Li Jian also made an important decision because of music.

With the rise of Shuimu Nianhua, Li Jian has formed an indissoluble bond with music. He gave up his career as a network engineer and resolutely chose to devote himself to the music career, and together with the other members, he formed Shuimu Nianhua. Their debut work "Life with You" was a huge success, and the album sales reached five platinums, and it became the focus of the music scene for a while.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

However, the path to music has not been easy. At the moment of parting ways with the members of the group, Li Jian chose to leave and did not carry the copyright of a song. The decision may have been to find your own musical style and sound. He thought that the music environment at that time was too noisy, and he longed to create some quieter music to express his deep emotions.

During his musical journey, Li Jian once advised Pang Long not to sing "Two Butterflies", but he didn't expect this song to eventually cause a sensation, marking the official opening of the era of the Internet Divine Comedy. Although Li Jian has been creating, his name has gradually been forgotten by the public. Faced with the advice of his friends, he rejected the offer to write some songs that cater to the market, insisting on his own musical path.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

After 8 years of silence, this period of time was full of music gestation and precipitation for Li Jian. He composed 30 songs, including "Legend", which was later performed by Faye Wong. This period may be a time for Li Jian to re-examine his musical philosophy and style.

At the age of 36, Li Jian was rediscovered. By participating in "I Am a Singer" and reaching the finals twice, he successfully became popular and won the love and respect of the audience again. This rebirth not only allowed him to stand on the stage again, but also allowed his music to spread again.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Emotional Experience:

The story between Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei is full of moving moments, and the couple's relationship develops a charming and profound fate. Looking back, their encounters and the bits and pieces of life form a beautiful picture.

In Li Jian's memory, the first time was when he was ten years old. At that time, he met Meng Xiaobei for the first time, a little girl described as Russian-looking, with outstanding looks and golden hair, which made her a unique presence in the family. The appearance of this little girl from the CIS added a touch of exotic scenery to Li Jian's childhood.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

However, the moment that Li Jian really remembered was when he was a freshman in high school. At that time, he met Meng Xiaobei again, and the scene was at a wedding. This reunion is like the arrangement of fate, bringing the two hearts closer again. Meng Xiaobei's appearance at the wedding seemed to inject a subtle color into Li Jian's life.

As time went on, Meng Xiaobei entered the undergraduate stage, and Li Jian began to play a more important role in her life. He is not only her classmate, but also her bosom friend. During his undergraduate years, Li Jian tutored Meng Xiaobei in many courses, and the two supported each other academically and grew together. This experience laid a solid foundation for their relationship.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Li Jian's deep affection can also be expressed in music. He composed a song for Meng Xiaobei, and the tune of this song "Legend" incorporated Meng Xiaobei's shadow. This song becomes a testimony to the relationship between the two and a unique emotional bond between them. The notes float in the air, telling the tacit understanding between the two hearts.

The lives of the two artists are not limited to the creation of music. Their marriage was long and beautiful, like an endless honeymoon melody. In the interview, Li Jian shared that despite being married for many years, he feels like he has been on his honeymoon. This deep affection is like a good wine for years, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Meng Xiaobei's beauty also attracted the attention of the entertainment industry, and the scout once stopped her and tried to invite her to participate in the movie. However, she stuck to her inner perseverance and chose to focus on her career. She is not just a result of her appearance, she is a doctor, with a higher education than Li Jian, and has provided Li Jian with a lot of support and help in his career.

The life of the two is full of sweetness and fun. Even after many years of marriage, they still maintain the same love as before. Li Jian expressed his feelings about marriage in an interview, he said that he has been on a honeymoon all his life, which is not only a joke, but also a beautiful interpretation of marriage. He is willing to convey his love for his wife with soulful songs, and this heartwarming experience is touching.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

In daily life, Meng Xiaobei takes care of Li Jian like taking care of a baby. She cares carefully and allows Li Jian to live a comfortable and happy life. This tacit understanding and silent love make their marriage stronger and happier.

Personal Opinion:

After this cold winter night hot pot feast, we seemed to have a warm gathering with Li Jian and his friends. The 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei is admirable with her girlishness and deep connotation, and she and Li Jian join hands to adhere to Dink's life choices, showing the colorful and unique nature of modern love. The dinner was not only a feast of food, but also a blend of deep friendships between the three celebrities. From Li Jian's growth experience, the road to fame, and then to his affectionate marriage to Meng Xiaobei, this article outlines a picture of a Northeast man who persistently pursues his dreams and has mellow feelings.

Li Jian and his wife went to a friend's dinner, 44-year-old Meng Xiaobei was full of girlishness, and now she still insists on Dink

Observing the couple, we can't help but be moved by their deep affection. Meng Xiaobei's beauty and wisdom, as well as her silent support for Li Jian, constitute a picturesque life journey. And Li Jian's music road, although tortuous but full of perseverance, finally emerged in "I Am a Singer". This sincere love for music also makes his music a healing movement for the soul.

This story teaches us that sincere friendship and deep affection are the warmest flames in life. In this flashy entertainment industry, Li Jian and his wife convey a unique understanding of happiness in their unique way. Perhaps it is this persistence and sincerity that makes their lives so full and beautiful. In this fast-paced society, we may also be able to draw some warmth and perseverance from them to pursue our own true and happy life.

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