
Eating MSG will make people "bald" and cause heated discussions: is it true Official popular science


"Eating MSG will make people 'bald'", this topic has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Many people worry about whether MSG in their daily diet can actually cause hair loss. As an official science popularizer, I will uncover the truth of this rumor for you in this article and vividly explain the relationship between MSG and hair loss.

Eating MSG will make people "bald" and cause heated discussions: is it true Official popular science

First, let's understand the composition of MSG. Monosodium glutamate, whose scientific name is monosodium glutamate, is a common food additive, mainly derived from grains. Its role is to enhance the umami of food and make the dishes more delicious and tasty. In home cooking and catering, MSG is widely used.

Eating MSG will make people "bald" and cause heated discussions: is it true Official popular science

So, does MSG really cause hair loss? The answer is no. There are many causes of hair loss, such as genetics, endocrine disorders, malnutrition, mental stress, etc. Currently, there is no scientific evidence that there is a direct causal relationship between MSG and hair loss. On the contrary, moderate consumption of MSG is harmless to the human body. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also made it clear that MSG is a safe food additive.

Eating MSG will make people "bald" and cause heated discussions: is it true Official popular science

Here I would like to explain this with a vivid metaphor. We liken human hair to trees, which need nutrients to thrive. MSG is like a fertilizer that provides nutrients to trees, and moderate use can promote the growth of trees. However, if too much fertilization is applied, it will lead to high soil salinity, which will affect the growth of trees. Similarly, excessive consumption of MSG may cause a certain burden on the human body, but it is not directly related to hair loss.

Eating MSG will make people "bald" and cause heated discussions: is it true Official popular science

So, how to consume MSG correctly? First of all, we should follow the principle of moderation and not overeat. Generally speaking, the daily intake of MSG per person should be controlled within 1 gram. Secondly, we need to pay attention to the cooking method. During high-temperature cooking, MSG may decompose to produce certain harmful substances, such as sodium pyroglutamate. Therefore, when cooking, we should add MSG when the dish is about to come out of the pot to reduce the production of harmful substances.

In short, there is no scientific basis for the claim that eating MSG will cause "baldness". I hope that everyone can look at MSG scientifically and rationally in their daily life, and not be misled by rumors. Let's use the right knowledge to protect the health of ourselves and our families.

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