
Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

author:Tianya Cat Entertainment

Jet Li's 60th Anniversary: Kung Fu Superstar's View of Life and Death and Spiritual Growth Journey.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

1. Jet Li: The invincible road of kung fu superstar

2. Oolong death: Jet Li faced the revelation of his view of life and death

Over the years, Jet Li has been plagued by the news of his death. In the new book, he revealed that he discussed the aftermath with his wife and was mentally prepared to face life and death. He said that in the interview, he would like to take this opportunity to discuss the topic of birth, old age, sickness and death and convey positive energy. Previously, he had lost control of his body due to strenuous fitness and fainted on the shooting set, and saw that life could leave at any time, and since then he has paid more attention to health.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

In the new book, Jet Li looks back on his on-screen aura and physical distress over the years. He said that by cultivating the mind, one can become stronger physically and mentally against diseases. At the same time, he also took the opportunity to talk about using positive energy to face Tencent's health test. This autobiographical work was officially released and received special attention from fans.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

4. Health Challenge: Jet Li, the King of Husbands

1. Jet Li: The glorious journey of a kung fu superstar

Jet Li, born in Hong Kong in 1960, has been Xi martial arts since elementary school.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

Today, in his 60s, he is still loved by fans around the world with his outstanding acting skills and superb martial arts.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

2. Oolong death: Jet Li faced the revelation of his view of life and death

Over the years, Jet Li has been the victim of online fake death many times. In an interview at the launch of the new book, he said that he had already discussed the aftermath with his wife, saying that anyone in the art industry can pass away for various reasons, so it is important to prepare for the aftermath. In the face of death, he behaved calmly. In addition, he also disclosed that in order to train perfect musculoskeletal perfection when he was young, he used to control body fat extremely, but suddenly collapsed due to physical exhaustion, and since then he has deeply realized that health is paramount.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

4. Health challenges: Hyperthyroidism and heart problems

Although proficient in martial arts, Jet Li has also encountered tests in terms of health. He was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which causes excess thyroid hormone production in his body. In addition, uncontrolled training at a young age can also pose a risk to heart health. Faced with these problems, he has recovered well after treatment, but he also understands the importance of focusing on health. Despite this, his athleticism is still respected in the industry after the age of 60, which is one of the reasons why he remains immortal.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

5. Film and television works: Jet Li's representative films

7. Public concern: Jet Li's physical condition and recent situation

After Jet Li retired from the film and television industry, fans have been paying attention to his recent situation and physical condition. The brokerage company and myself have repeatedly stated that his current health condition is in line with his age, and he has a normal diet and moderate exercise. Although he is over 60 years old, his spirit is still gentle and amiable, and he is also very personable to fans. In addition, he pays more attention to public welfare and charity, and has set up a fund to support education and poverty alleviation in remote areas. This has made his influence in the hearts of the people continue to increase, and it also continues to play a positive role in the image of a movie star.

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

8. Mental outlook: The state of public appearance

Recently, Jet Li attended the book launch, and his appearance of interacting with fans on the spot was impressive. The figure is still slender and straight, the complexion is ruddy, and the audience will find that although they are close to the sixtieth year, their spirit has not decreased, on the contrary, they are more calm and old. He answered fans' questions with friendly and moderate words, without losing his wisdom and wisdom. In addition, he also appeared in some public welfare activities, although he no longer showed his sassy skills, but conveyed his inner characteristics with gentle and decent demeanor, showing the world the natural state of mind.

9. Netizen comments and media reports: The society pays attention to Jet Li

Kung fu superstar Jet Li: I have explained the future! If you don't erect a monument or do a funeral, it doesn't matter if you are buried in a tree or buried at sea

Every public appearance of Jet Li will cause heated discussions on the Internet. Some netizens praised him for his "unfailing spirit in his recent sixtieth year", and some fans lamented that "the eternal king of dicks is back". Media reports have also focused on his health and charisma. A reporter lamented that he used his brand influence to vigorously support public welfare, setting a new positive example for the film and television industry. In addition, there is no shortage of netizens who are looking forward to his participation in more new works or public welfare activities. It can be seen that even if the kung fu superstar fades out of acting

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