
What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine
As a treasure of Chinese civilization, traditional Chinese medicine has a long history and rich connotations. Among them, Chinese patent medicine occupies an important position in clinical application due to its convenience and high efficiency. This article will delve into the differences between eight pairs of Chinese patent medicines, such as Ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill, to escort your health.

1. Ginseng Gui Spleen Pills and Gui Spleen Pills

Ginseng Gui Spleen Pill adds ginseng on the basis of Gui Spleen Pill, so its effect of invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen, nourishing blood and calming the nerves is stronger. It is suitable for symptoms such as insomnia, dreams, palpitations, forgetfulness and other symptoms caused by heart and spleen deficiency and lack of qi and blood. The Gui Spleen Pill is mainly used to treat deficiency syndrome caused by weak spleen qi and heart loss.

What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

2. Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill

Both Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, but the emphasis is slightly different. Liujunzi Pill focuses on replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen, and is suitable for symptoms such as weakness of the spleen and stomach, lack of food and sluggishness. On the other hand, Xiangsha Liujun Pill adds wood incense and sand kernels on the basis of Liujunzi Pill, which has a stronger effect on qi and is mostly used to treat indigestion caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach and qi deficiency.

What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

3. 济生肾气丸与桂附地黄丸

On the basis of Guifu Dihuang Pill, Jisheng Kidney Qi Pill has added several traditional Chinese medicines that benefit water and dampness, such as psyllium, hyssop, etc., so its warm-yang and water-diluting effect is stronger, and it is mostly used to treat symptoms such as kidney yang deficiency, edema caused by internal stagnation of water and dampness, and unfavorable urination. The Guifu Dihuang Pill focuses on warming and replenishing the kidney yang, and has a good effect on symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees and frequent urination at night caused by insufficient kidney yang.

What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

4. Shenling Baizhu Powder and Ginseng Spleen Strengthening Pills

Both Shenling Baizhu Powder and Ginseng Spleen Strengthening Pill have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, but the applicable symptoms are different. Shenling Atractylodes is suitable for diarrhea and loss of appetite caused by spleen and stomach qi deficiency. Ginseng Spleen Strengthening Pills increase qi medicine, focusing more on strengthening the spleen and stomach, eliminating food and stopping diarrhea, and is suitable for indigestion caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach, qi stagnation and food accumulation.

What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

5. Qi Ju Rehmannia Pill and Zhibai Rehmannia Pill

Both Qiju Dihuang Pill and Zhibai Dihuang Pill have the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, but the symptoms are different. Qiju Dihuang Pill is suitable for symptoms such as dizziness and blurred vision caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency, while Zhibai Dihuang Pill is mostly used to treat symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, dry mouth and sore throat caused by yin deficiency and fire.

What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

6. Goko Yanzong Pill and Yougui Pill

Wuzi Yanzong Pill has the main effect of tonifying the kidney and invigorating essence, and is suitable for symptoms such as impotence and infertility, sperm loss and premature ejaculation caused by kidney deficiency and sperm deficiency. Yougui Pill focuses on warming and replenishing kidney yang, which is suitable for symptoms such as deficiency of kidney yang, cold waist and knees, and lack of energy caused by the fire failure of the life gate.

What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

7. 华佗再造丸与中风回春丸

Huatuo Re-building Pill and Stroke Rejuvenation Pill are both proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of stroke, but the emphasis is different. Huatuo reconstituted pills focus on blood circulation and blood stasis, phlegm and circulation, and is suitable for stroke hemiplegia caused by blood stasis and obstruction. The stroke rejuvenation pill adds the effect of dispelling wind on the basis of meridian activation, and is suitable for symptoms such as crooked mouth and eyes, slurred speech and so on after stroke.

What is the difference between ginseng Gui Spleen Pill and Gui Spleen Pill, Liujunzi Pill and Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

8. Compound Danshen Dripping Pill and Xuefu Zhuyu Pill

Both Compound Danshen Dripping Pill and Xuefu Zhuyu Pill have the effects of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, promoting qi and relieving pain, but Compound Danshen Dripping Pill focuses on blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and is mostly used to treat cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, etc. Xuefu Zhuyu Pill focuses on qi and blood activation, and is mostly used to treat symptoms such as chest paralysis, heartache, palpitations, and insomnia caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. #Traditional Chinese Medicine##Qingfeng Project#

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