
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching

author:Extraordinary 100,000 positive energy

[Rainbow] Chinese millennium to inherit the martyrs, 800 heroes shine the sun and the moon.

In July 1937, the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out, and the Japanese army launched a full-scale war of aggression against China, and the Chinese nation reached the most dangerous moment. Upholding the general interests of the nation, the Communist Party of China advocated and established an anti-Japanese national united front based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, laying the broadest and deepest mass foundation for defeating the Japanese aggressors.

On August 13, 1937, the invading Japanese army attacked Shanghai on a large scale, and the Songhu War of Resistance broke out. China and Japan have invested nearly one million troops, and the battle is extremely tragic. In order to declare the confidence and determination to swear to the end of the war at home and abroad, and to win the support of the international community, late at night on October 26, Xie Jinyuan of the 524th Regiment of the 262nd Brigade of the 88th Division of the Chinese Army was ordered to lead more than 420 officers and soldiers (known as 200 heroes in the outside world) to hold the Zhabei Sixing Warehouse for four days and four nights.

Eight hundred strong men, four lines of fierce battles. Brothers are of the same heart and resist foreign insults together. Donate wine and blood, and the heroic spirit will last forever. Remembering the martyrs and inspiring future generations. Learn from history and pray for peace.

Created in 2018, the comic book "Four Elements Warehouse" was advocated by Mr. He Youzhi during his lifetime and organized by the Shanghai Artists Association for the "Shanghai Centennial Memory" 100 comic book creation project. This is a commemorative issue.

The iron-blooded army that guarded the warehouses of the Four Elements is long gone, turned into a cloud of smoke, but history is eternal.

Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching
Appreciation of the original manuscript of the comic book, the unpublished "Four Lines Warehouse", the picture is touching

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