
Don't blanch the home-cooked stewed chicken, master these 3 steps, the chicken is soft and rotten, fragrant and flavorful

author:Cao County Rong Media Center

Home-cooked stewed chicken secret 1: choose ingredients

First of all, the selection of materials is the key. Fresh chicken, full of meat and bright color, is the basis for a delicious stew. When picking in the market, choose chickens with bright feathers and springy meat. At the same time, you can choose the right parts according to the taste of your family, such as chicken thighs, chicken breasts, or chicken wings.

Don't blanch the home-cooked stewed chicken, master these 3 steps, the chicken is soft and rotten, fragrant and flavorful

Recipe 2 for home-cooked chicken stew: handle the chicken

When handling chicken, many people are Xi blanching first, believing that it will remove blood and fishy smell. In fact, blanching will make the surface of the chicken tighten, resulting in a difficult flavor when stewed. The correct way is to clean the chicken and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes, changing the water 2-3 times during this time to fully remove the blood. Then, drain and set aside.

Don't blanch the home-cooked stewed chicken, master these 3 steps, the chicken is soft and rotten, fragrant and flavorful

Homemade Chicken Stew Tip 3: Stewing Skills

1. Master the heat: When simmering, heat is an important factor that affects the texture and taste of the chicken. Bring the water to a boil over high heat and then reduce the heat to a simmer so that the chicken is evenly heated and tender.

2. Seasoning: Do not use too many spices when seasoning, so as not to mask the umami of the chicken itself. Add ginger slices, green onions, cooking wine, etc. to remove the fishy taste. At the same time, nourishing ingredients such as red dates and wolfberries can also be added according to personal taste.

3. Water volume control: Water volume is also one of the keys. Add enough water to the simmer to make sure the chicken is completely submerged. Adding water halfway through will affect the effect and taste of the stew.

4. Cooking tools: Choosing a pot with good sealing and thermal conductivity is key. Casseroles or cast iron pans are both good options that maintain a constant temperature and heat the chicken evenly.

Don't blanch the home-cooked stewed chicken, master these 3 steps, the chicken is soft and rotten, fragrant and flavorful

5. Stew time: Adjust the simmering time according to the part and size of the chicken. In general, chicken thighs and breasts need to be simmered for 1-1.5 hours, and whole chicken needs 2-3 hours. The simmering time should not be too long, so as not to lose the texture of the chicken.

6. Simmering: During the stewing process, open the lid of the pot at the right time and pour the soup over the chicken with a spoon to allow it to fully absorb the flavor of the soup. This step should not be omitted and it will make the chicken more flavorful.

7. Juice removal: After the stew is completed, turn on high heat to reduce the juice. Pay attention to the heat to avoid the soup evaporating too quickly. Reducing the juice can make the soup more intense and the chicken more flavorful.

Gastronomic Era Sources