
The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

author:Serious beaker

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The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

Serious beaker

Serious beaker

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

In winter, the northeastern part of the continent becomes a tourist destination. The cold winter in the Northeast has become the first choice for many southerners who have never seen winter in person. When you travel to the Northeast, you must taste the regional food of the Northeast. If you want to talk about the unique regional cuisine of the Northeast, there will definitely be sauerkraut among them.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

In fact, there are many similarities between the preparation method of sauerkraut and the preparation method of pickles that we eat every day. In this regard, it can only be said that the method of pickling vegetables is always changing. If the pickled vegetables characteristic of the Northeast region are sauerkraut, then the special pickled vegetables of the southern region of the mainland must be dried plum vegetables.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

As for what kind of vegetables are pickled in umeboshi vegetables, different people will say different answers. However, most of them are common wild vegetables such as shepherd's cabbage and cabbage. However, there is a wild vegetable that is also a raw material for the processing of umeboshi vegetables, and its flavor is very unique.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

However, this unique flavor of wild vegetables has a very low sense of existence, and it is much less popular than other common home-cooked wild vegetables. So what is the true identity of this wild vegetable, which has a relatively low sense of existence and a very unique flavor of its own?

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?


Eating wild vegetables can be said to be a long-standing food culture for us Chinese. In the process of eating wild vegetables for thousands of years, we have gradually figured out the ripening season, cooking methods, and wild vegetable lists of various wild vegetables. In both the north and the south, as long as the season comes, many people go out into the wild to pick fresh wild vegetables that have just grown.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

There are also many ways to cook the wild vegetables that are picked. Home-cooked cooking methods such as stir-frying, frying, and making soup can be applied to these picked wild vegetables. And each region has slowly found its own unique way of eating, the most typical is the plum dried vegetables in the southern region.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

When it comes to how to make umeboshi vegetables, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is shepherd's cabbage, which is mainly due to the fact that the raw material of umeboshi vegetables in many places is dried capsule. However, dried capsule, which is not the only raw material for umeboshi, is a wild vegetable that can also be used to make umeboshi, and this wild vegetable is called manna.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?


This wild vegetable belongs to the family Cruciferous in biology, and if you divide it downwards, it is classified into the genus Cruciferous and is a member of the large angiosperm family. Speaking of the cruciferous family, many people may be very unfamiliar with this family. But when it comes to plants that belong to this family, everyone knows about it.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

For example, the cabbage we eat is a plant under the cruciferous family, and many wild vegetables are also cruciferous plants, a typical example is shepherd's cabbage. So cruciferous is a very common family in our lives.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

Speaking of wild vegetables, there is also a certain theory about the origin of its name. The name Qian Cai can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty at the earliest, and the person who named it was the famous medicine saint Li Shizhen.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

In Li Shizhen's hand-me-down medical book "Compendium of Materia Medica", the record of Chinese cabbage mainly mentions the taste of wild vegetables. Under Li Shizhen's description, when the cabbage is eaten in the mouth, it gives the taste buds the feeling of "spicy", and when it is eaten in the stomach, it feels like a fire is "welding" people.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

Therefore, the word "蔊" was pressed on this wild vegetable, and slowly people also called this wild vegetable "蔊菜". It is a very typical straight-rooted plant. "Straight-rooted plants" is a biological term that means that the taproot and lateral roots of this type of plant are very well developed and very easy to distinguish between the two.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

The roots of the cabbage can grow to a length of more than 20 centimeters, and such a well-developed root system makes the cabbage deeply rooted in the soil, so that the cabbage has a certain resistance to drought. It provides biological support for the tenacious life of the cabbage, and in addition to the biological Xi of drought tolerance, there are several Xi habits.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

First of all, it is very light-loving, and it also likes a moist environment. Secondly, this wild vegetable is not resistant to cold climates. The combination of these factors has made it widely distributed in many southern provinces. From April to June every year, these months are the flowering period of the cabbage. Two months after the flowering period ends, it is the fruiting period of the cabbage.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

Although the flowers are very small, they are very numerous, and they are yellow in color. The cabbage relies on its own seeds to reproduce, and the tenacious vitality of the cabbage makes the distribution range of the cabbage very wide. Basically, in the grass on the side of the road, you can see the figure of the flower on all sides of the farmhouse.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

The most tender period of the cabbage, its appearance is very similar to the rape we often eat. The rape we are talking about here is not the rape we see in the vegetable market, but the rape that is still growing, and the flowers of the rape are also yellow. So, what is the value of eating wild vegetables like Chinese cabbage, in addition to the taste that feels very spicy?

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

«——【·Delicious Chinese Cabbage·】——»

Spring is the growing season for wild vegetables, and it is also the time of year when wild vegetables taste the best. After all, the wild vegetables in the spring have just undergone the growth of the new year, and the rhizomes and leaves are in the growth stage. Freshness and tenderness are the most typical characteristics of wild vegetables in this period. There are even many kinds of wild vegetables, which can only be eaten when they are fresh and tender, and the taste of wild vegetables will fall off a cliff when they are old.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

But this kind of Chinese cabbage is also very special, its special thing is that there is a way to eat it in the fresh and tender period, and the Chinese cabbage also has its cooking method when it is old. The most important thing is that both the fresh and old Chinese cabbage are very delicious. Let's introduce to you the cooking methods of Chinese cuisine in different periods.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

In the fresh and tender period, we mainly eat the stems and leaves of the cabbage, and the stems and leaves of the cabbage in this period are tender and refreshing. The stems and leaves are refreshing and tender, and when cooked, they become even more delicious. The main way to eat it is to stir-fry vegetables, salad, and you can also make the young stems and leaves of the cabbage into refreshing pickles.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

The cabbage itself is spicy, and with some seasonings, it is immediately an appetizing and refreshing side dish. The flavor of the old cabbage will not be reduced at all, and even many people prefer to eat the old cabbage, thinking that the flavor of the cabbage at this time is more sufficient.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

Autumn cabbage, after a summer of growth, its size is already very impressive. The stems and leaves have also changed from small to thick, and their own spicy taste has become much stronger. For diners who like this taste, the dish can be used in the preparation of various stewed dishes. A typical example is boiled crucian carp with cabbage.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

As we mentioned earlier, it is also one of the raw materials of umeboshi, and the sprouts are not made into umeboshi, after all, the body size and taste are slightly inferior to the autumn cabbage.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

The autumn cabbage is the raw material of the plum cabbage, after the cabbage is picked, blanch it with boiling water, pay attention to be sure to do it several times, so that the plum cabbage made in this way has a richer taste. After blanching, it is taken to the sun to dry naturally, and the dried cabbage is umeboshi.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

«——【Medicinal Value of Herbs·】——»

The name of the cabbage is the atom Li Shizhen, Li Shizhen is a famous medical scientist in the mainland, and his understanding of various traditional Chinese medicinal materials has already reached the peak. According to the relevant research results, there are a variety of nutrients in the herb.

The inconspicuous "wild vegetable" in the countryside is now known as a treasure plant, and you must pick the old one when you eat it?

For example, multivitamins, proteins, carotene, in addition to special nutrients such as fumanin and futaamide. The whole herb can be used as a Chinese herbal medicine to treat specific ailments. Medicinal value and edible value, these two points of Chinese cabbage are very good. In general, it is a wild vegetable that is very beneficial to human health.