
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!

author:In Aqing's kitchen


Hello everyone, I'm Ah Qing.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, we have come to the 23rd solar term of the 24 solar terms: Xiaohan.

As the saying goes, "a small cold and a big cold freeze into a ball", many middle-aged and elderly people have been extremely tormented because of the decline in various physical functions.

Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!

Today, Aqing brings you 4 kinds of food recipes with sufficient yang energy to supplement the body's wear and tear in the past year, and also lay a solid foundation for health in the coming year!

One: taro

In the "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica", it is said: "The main taro can relax the stomach and intestines, remove dead muscles, and make fat and flesh pleasant." ”

This golden pimple buried in the soil can not only moisten the intestines and laxative, but also strengthen the spleen and stomach, which is very suitable for friends with body congestion.

Recommended recipe: Braised beef with taro

Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!

Two: Yam

There is a folk proverb: "It is better to eat yam in winter than tonic!"

The famous doctor Zhang Xichun also said that it is a nourishing supreme product, and it is mild in nature, and it can be eaten by all people~

Recommended recipe: Steamed pork ribs with yam

Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!

Three: sweet potato

"Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "Sweet potatoes can replenish deficiency, invigorate qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and strengthen kidney yang", but it is not suitable for eating on an empty stomach, and it is easy to bloate~

Recommended recipe: blood glutinous rice sweet potato porridge

Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!

4: Kuriko

Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" mentions: chestnuts can invigorate qi, thicken the stomach and intestines, and tonify kidney qi.

The old saying goes: pears in August, hawthorn in September, chestnuts in October laugh haha. The chestnut fruit is sweet and soft and glutinous, and there are many benefits to eating in winter~

Recommended recipe: Roast chicken with chestnuts

Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!
Small cold and big cold, frozen into a ball, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more of these 4 kinds of yang qi food!

That's all for today's sharing, have you learned all the four yang-tonifying recipes?

Only by eating at the right time can you raise a good body~

I am Ah Qing, a happy little chef, pay attention to Ah Qing, and continue to output food and drink knowledge for you~

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