
Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

author:Longnan Liangdang released

Don't look at the word "small" in "Xiaohan", but its temperature is the lowest in the year.

At this time, both the north and the south experience cold and dampness, and cloudy winds, cold rain, snow or sleet are common.

Cold is yin and evil, easy to hurt yang, and the cold is mainly induced. Therefore, Xiaohan health preservation should not only follow the principle of "autumn and winter yin", but also pay special attention to protecting yang energy.

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Xiaohan living, going to bed early and getting up late

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

In the cold season, you should have enough sleep, which is conducive to the latent yang energy and the accumulation of yin essence. "Winter March" recorded in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing...... Go to bed early and get up late, you must wait for the sun", because in winter, the days are short and the nights are long, and people's daily life should also adapt to the laws of natural changes, go to bed early and get up late in moderation, and prolong the sleep time. In addition, going to bed early and getting up late can also avoid damaging the lung meridian (3~5 o'clock), and avoid lung loss and qi imbalance and diseases.

Xiaohan diet, nourishing the kidneys and stomach

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

Winter tonic can not only nourish the essence and make the body stronger, but also lay the foundation for health in the coming year. In the cold season, you need to pay attention to nourishing the kidneys and protecting the stomach, and you can eat more foods that nourish the spleen and stomach, warm the kidneys and help yang, such as mutton, walnut kernels, jujubes, longan meat, yams, lilies, chestnuts, etc. When the weather is cold, it is advisable to drink more porridge, such as radish porridge to dispel food and phlegm, Poria cocos porridge to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and red date porridge to nourish qi and nourish yin. Eat in moderation at dinner to take care of and nourish the stomach. It is best not to eat cold or raw products, such as ice cream, sashimi, cold drinks, etc.


Those who have a hot constitution and are prone to fire should pay attention to the principle of slow supplementation, so as to avoid too rapid supplementation and counterproductive.

Xiao Han's attire is appropriate

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

Clothing that is too thin and the room temperature is too low will make it easy to catch a cold and consume yang energy; on the contrary, if you wear too little or too thick clothing and the room temperature is too high, the yang energy will not be hidden, and the cold evil will easily invade. Dressing should talk about "clothing climate", which means that the temperature between the inner layer of clothes and the skin should always be maintained at 32 °C ~ 33 °C, this ideal "clothing climate" can buffer the invasion of the cold climate on the human body.


There are skills in dressing and keeping warm: 1. Choose breathable and sweat-absorbing materials for the inner layer of clothing, which is conducive to keeping the body dry and avoiding cold. 2. Choose materials with good warmth effect, such as wool and down, to help maintain body temperature. 3. Choose windproof and waterproof materials for the outer layer of clothing, which can resist the invasion of cold wind and maintain body temperature. 4. Wear appropriate socks and shoes to keep your feet dry and warm to avoid frostbite. 5. Wearing scarves, hats and other accessories can increase the warmth effect and increase the sense of fashion at the same time.

Warm up for the cold exercise

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

People who are good at health preservation should pay more attention to exercising in winter to achieve the effect of nourishing muscles and bones, relaxing muscles and activating the nerves, smoothing the blood veins, and enhancing their own resistance. Walking, jogging, and tai chi are all good forms of exercise, and as long as you persevere, you will achieve the purpose of strengthening your body. However, the elasticity of muscles and ligaments and joint flexibility are reduced in cold weather, so it is necessary to do some warm-up before exercise, such as rubbing the face, patting the muscles of the whole body, stretching, etc., to avoid sports injuries.


When exercising outside, you need to pay attention to the correct breathing mode, and it is advisable to use the method of inhalation and mouth exhalation, which can warm the inhaled air, and can also reduce the dust and bacteria in the inhaled air, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting the respiratory tract.

Xiaohan health care tips

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

01 Drink tea to extinguish the "internal fire"

When the weather is cold and freezing, people often dress thickly, live warmly, have little activity, and eat enough, which is easy to cause heat accumulation in the body, and symptoms such as mouth ulcers, upper respiratory tract inflammation, and constipation appear, which requires proper "fire extinguishing".

Goji berry cassia tea

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

Take 5 grams of wolfberry, 3 grams of cassia seeds, and an appropriate amount of honey. Put the wolfberries and cassia seeds into a cup, soak in boiling water for 5 minutes, and add honey. This tea is suitable for people with strong liver fire, constipation, dry eyes, and bad breath, but it is not suitable for pregnant women.

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

Mulberry leaf chrysanthemum monk fruit tea

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

Take 3 grams of mulberry leaves, 3 grams of chrysanthemums, and half a monk fruit. Break the monk fruit into small pieces, put it in a pot with the shell, add water and boil for 3 minutes, add mulberry leaves and chrysanthemums and soak for 5 minutes. This tea is suitable for people who often work overtime and stay up late, have heavy anger and cough, and are not suitable for pregnant women and people with spleen and stomach deficiency.

Today's Xiaohan, the lowest temperature of the year is coming! To avoid cold and dampness hurting people, we must keep in mind the rules of health preservation

02 Bask in the sun to nourish your body and mind

The cold weather in winter will inhibit the body's metabolism and physiological functions, slow down blood circulation, and lack blood supply to the brain, which can be relieved by sun exposure. Sufficient sunlight can make people get mental peace, sunlight can make people quickly get rid of tension, excitement, anxiety, depression, and relax their mood.

03 Chinese medicine foot bath to make up for deficiency

There are many medicinal bath prescriptions in ancient Chinese medicine books, such as the Guizhi Wenjing Bath that is more suitable for the Xiaohan solar term. (Need to be used under the guidance of a physician) it uses cinnamon branches, red peony, dried ginger, fine spice, chicken blood vine, safflower, angelica and other medicinal materials, decoction after the foot bath, can achieve the effect of warming the meridian and clearing yang, dissipating cold and relieving pain, and is more suitable for people with yang deficiency and easy to have warm limbs. Pay attention to the water temperature when taking a foot bath to avoid burns, especially if you have diabetes. In addition, the foot bath formula is a topical formula, which contains small toxic drugs such as asarum and coriander, so it is not suitable for internal use, and can only be used as a foot bath or fumigation, and cannot be eaten as a therapeutic medicinal diet.

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