
The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

author:Nan Qiao said history

It was a sunny weekend, and the festival kicked off with laughter. Noaspecial brought three or two good friends to attend, and they happily lined up to enter, their hearts written all over their faces.

At the festival site, the crowd was crowded, the warm atmosphere and the youthful passion collided with each other, and Noa felt the freedom and vitality that she had not seen for a long time. She danced to the rhythm of the music, like a butterfly about to fly, swirling in the sea of music.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

Just as Noa was swaying his youthful blood to his heart's content, a group of gangsters armed with cold weapons suddenly rushed out from all directions, shouting extreme slogans, and slashing and stabbing everywhere.

The scene suddenly fell into chaos and screams, and Noa felt that the sky was spinning and his heart was beating like thunder.

That night, the moonlight was like water, and Li Chunhong sat in front of the window, waiting for her daughter to return.

Outside the window, cicadas sounded, the clock on the wall moved leisurely, the hands had pointed until two o'clock in the morning, but Noa was still nowhere to be seen.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

Li Chunhong couldn't calm down for a long time, and her mobile phone to call her daughter was turned off all the time. She was anxious like an ant on a hot pot in the room, and Noa's father had already driven out the door to search the streets for his daughter.

"Did you have a car accident? Or did you meet a gangster?" All kinds of possibilities were churning in Li Chunhong's mind, and she dialed again with a trembling hand, but she still couldn't get through.

"Chunhong, there is a reason for this, don't worry too much, I believe that Noa will come back safely. The husband comforted on the other end of the phone.

However, at this moment, a phone call broke Li Chunhong's liver and intestines - Noa was abducted by terrorists at the music festival......

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

The news quickly spread to China, where Chinese media reports falsely claimed that Noa was born in Beijing, drawing widespread attention from Chinese netizens.

"Our child has been kidnapped!" We must find a way to save her!" Many Chinese netizens who don't know each other spontaneously expressed their concern in the comment section, and some people launched a volunteer search for Noa.

For a time, rescuing Noa became a hot topic in the field of public opinion. Everyone seems to be connected by the blood of their compatriots, and they want to take this "Chinese girl" back.

Li Chunhong, who is in a foreign country, could not help but burst into tears when she learned of the support expressed by the Chinese people. The original desperate heart ignited the flame of hope, maybe a miracle will appear, and the daughter will return safely.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

A foreign girl who did not know each other became a compatriot in the eyes of Chinese in miscommunication, and strangers on the other side of the ocean showed the brilliance of enthusiasm and humanity.

However, when the Chinese anchor was interviewed by Li Chunhong online, her statement aroused controversy among netizens.

She bluntly said that she had become an Israeli citizen, and her tone revealed a strong self-interested attitude, and asked whether the Chinese did not save her daughter because she was no longer Chinese.

Many netizens were deeply outraged by her capricious remarks, and their sympathy for Noa instantly turned into disgust, accusing her of moral kidnapping and taking advantage of others' kindness.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

"I don't care if your daughter lives or dies! Who told you to say we were a family?"

"Being a mother is so ruthless, I don't want to think that this is in a war-torn environment. ”

But there are also some netizens who call for understanding Li Chunhong's anxiety as a mother, believing that her desperate remarks should be tolerated.

For a time, the controversy surrounding Li Chunhong became the focus of this incident, and public opinion was divided into two poles.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

This unexpected reversal caught many originally sympathetic netizens off guard, and their enthusiasm turned to indifference.

At this time, some attentive netizens found out the truth through social accounts - Noa is a native of Israel and has nothing to do with China.

It turns out that it all stems from misinformation, Noa is not a so-called "Chinese girl", she just happens to be half Chinese.

The exposure of this truth instantly extinguished the fire of sympathy in the hearts of netizens. They all said that they would never care about Noa again.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

"Hmph, it turned out to be a fake sympathy for us, no wonder the mother could turn her face and turn her face. ”

"Expecting us to save her, we're fools!"

Enthusiastic netizens turned into indifferent passers-by in the blink of an eye. The discussion about Noa went from boiling to dead silent.

Some people are reminded that one should not blindly follow the crowd until the truth is known. Compassion can be exploited by self-interested people and requires a clear head.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

Whether Noa is life or death, no one in China's public opinion field has mentioned half a word anymore. The wanton tone of the previous moment and the indifference of the next moment give the story a satirical rest.

This incident reflects the fact that in a turbulent and war-torn region, both locals and foreigners are inevitably drawn into the brutal flames of war.

We call on all parties concerned to cease hostilities as soon as possible, replace fierce conflicts with peaceful negotiations, and prevent more innocent lives from being destroyed by the smoke of war.

At the same time, we should also maintain the spirit of humanitarianism and learn tolerance and compassion. Do not lose sympathy for the suffering of others because of their words and deeds, and learn to think from the other person's point of view.

The mother of the captured Israeli woman voiced: I am not a Chinese citizen, so China will not help me?

Maybe for Noa mother and daughter, we are no longer the only hope, but our kindness should not be easily erased.

Only peace can stop the tragedy. Only with an open mind can we tolerate suffering. It is hoped that in the near future, our world will be lit up with warmth and humanity.

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