
East Lake Commentary: Cultivate the feelings of the people and write a magnificent epic of people's literature and art in the new era

Literature and art are the spiritual food for the cohesion of the country. The people's stance is the fundamental value orientation of the Communist Party of China in leading the literary and artistic undertakings. The masses of the people have written a magnificent chapter in social history, and have also created gorgeous and brilliant cultural and artistic wealth. Under the special historical position of the symbiosis of Chinese-style modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the changes of the times, the trend of the nation, and the call of the people, clearly emphasized that "socialist literature and art, in essence, is the people's literature and art", and answered the question of the relationship between the people and literature and art from many aspects, such as the theory of the essence of literature and art, the theory of literary and artistic creation, the theory of literary and artistic acceptance, the theory of literary and artistic development, and the criticism and criticism of literature and art. In the new era and new journey, the vast number of literary and artistic workers should deeply study the important expositions of General Secretary XiXi Jinping, use the light of literature and art to light up the turbulent reality of the new era of socialism, and write the magnificent epic of people's literature and art with the pen of literature and art.

The people's literature and art in the new era should shine with the brilliance of humanity under the theme of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

At a time when the Chinese nation is dying, the people, as the main body of the revolution to achieve national liberation and national independence, literature and art are the beacon to enlighten and educate the public. During the period of the construction of a socialist country, the people, as the newcomers of the era of socialist construction, entrusted their individual aesthetic imagination and expectations for a better life. In the new era of national rejuvenation, the people, as the great strugglers of socialist modernization, "are not abstract symbols, but a concrete person", a fusion of "big self" and "small self", and a collection of individuals with unique personality and vivid life. From the ideological enlightenment since the May Fourth Movement, to the political salvation during the revolutionary period, to the restoration of human nature since the reform and opening up, national liberation, class liberation, and human nature emancipation all run through the main line of "human liberation". As the ultimate value of Marxism, "free and all-round development of man" is the inevitable destination for the people's literature and art to free themselves from long-term political shackles, release individual energy, emancipate inner emotions, and explore the meaning of life, and is the natural picture of national rejuvenation to awaken individual independent consciousness. The people's literature and art in the new era should not be confined to grand narratives, but should pay more attention to the underlying narratives and ordinary heroes, fully respect the creative personality, focus on individual images with different personalities and publicity, no longer simply create tall and all-round characters, and enthusiastically depict the new image and new atmosphere of the new era.

In the new era, people's literature and art should create literary and artistic masterpieces based on inheritance and innovation

As a special ideological form, literature and art are not fabricated out of thin air, but have gone through the stages of selecting, imitating and transcending the literary and artistic heritage of the past, and have historical inheritance. Inheritance and innovation are the fundamental and internal laws of the endless and continuous development of literature and art, and they are also the basic relationship that needs to be adhered to and grasped in the development of people's literature and art in the new era.

On the one hand, inherit the "roots" of China's excellent traditional culture. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we must grasp the relationship between inheritance and innovation, learn from the ancients, break the law without violating the law, and let the excellent traditional Chinese culture become an important source of literary and artistic innovation." For thousands of years, the broad masses of the people have condensed their common customs, culture and historical memories in the depths of the collective unconscious psychology in the process of hard work and practice, so that cultural traditions can be passed on from generation to generation, and the brilliant material and spiritual cultural wealth will continue to be inherited. Jingchu culture has a long history and is an important part of Chinese culture, containing the precious material cultural heritage created by the Jingchu people. From May to June 2023, the "Hubei Provincial Traditional Culture and Art Exhibition" will be carried out simultaneously in Wuhan, Huanggang, Xiaogan and Qianjiang, involving traditional opera forms such as Peking Opera, Han Opera, Chu Opera, Flower Drum Opera, Huangmei Opera, and Shadow Puppet Opera, including theater performances, art salons, campus public lectures, etc., which are deeply loved and welcomed by the people of Hubei, and strive to penetrate traditional culture into every "ordinary people's home" through artistic expression.

On the other hand, innovate in inheritance and create literary and artistic masterpieces. The literary and artistic tradition itself is continuous and evolving, not only running through the long historical depth, but also pointing to the present and the future. "Innovation is the life of literature and art", and the current Internet and new media technology have given birth to a large number of innovative literary and artistic forms, such as online literature and art, which have opened up a new development space in the field of literature and art. However, there are still a large number of works that lack realistic experience and cultural accumulation, are randomly patched together and shoddy, with old-fashioned plots, distorted images, and details that cannot withstand scrutiny, and cannot be recognized by the public, but instead cause more disgust. This has put forward new requirements for the vast number of literary and artistic workers to enhance their innovation ability and adhere to the awareness of literary and artistic masterpieces. Literary and artistic innovation does not mean staying away from the fictional imagination of the masses, nor does it mean deconstructing history and vulgarity, but truly creating literary and artistic masterpieces that are "profound in thought, exquisite in art, and well-made".

The people's literature and art in the new era should play the strong voice of the times in the daily life of the people

Marxist aesthetics adheres to the principle of authenticity in literary and artistic creation, and clarifies the "true description of real relationships", the truth of life provides the accumulation of daily materials for the truth of art, and the truth of art is the artistic processing and transcendence of the truth of life. The people's literature and art in the new era is not to hide in the ivory tower behind closed doors, nor is it an ethereal self-talk and self-catharsis, but to truly take root in the daily real life of the people, "understand the essence of life among the people, and understand the essence of life among the people".

Returning to the rich and colorful practical practice, we should listen to and understand the daily life psychology and needs of the people with affection and heart, and create a typical character image that is in line with the new era, so that the people are willing to watch, like to watch, and can see progress. The realistic films in the summer of 2023 are deeply recognized and loved by the audience, from the movie "Love", which reflects the young people's dreams and positive attitude towards life in the new era, to "I Love You!" which reveals the power of family ethics, filial piety and family affection, and the film "She Who Disappeared", which explores gender relations and women's living conditions from real cases, to the movie "All or Nothing", which promotes anti-fraud and alerts the public, these works have all received a good box office in the summer file, showing that the truth is close to the people's reality and directly hits the people's hearts. Works on the theme of daily life that connect people's emotions can adapt to the general aesthetic psychology of the masses and cleanse the common emotional ripples.

Deeply grasp and reveal the essence of social life. The real life of the masses of the people is a kaleidoscope of colors and variety, with a bright and brilliant side and a bleak and gray side, and for the latter, "it is not necessary not to reflect it, but to solve the problem of how to reflect it." Although literature and art have the function of "self-discipline" to independently expose the phenomenon of falsehood, evil and ugliness in society, they also have the role of motivation and encouragement contained in aesthetic pleasure. The people's literature and art in the new era should uphold the core values of socialism, truly reproduce the magnificent picture scroll of national rejuvenation, truly record the real life of the people, respect virtue and goodness, praise the truth, goodness and beauty, criticize the false, evil and ugly, and write the story of the struggle of the people in the new era in the great mountains and rivers of the motherland and the vast fields, so as to create the spiritual power and noble power of national rejuvenation. Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles Jingchu "Red Literary and Art Light Cavalry", as a nationwide famous literary and artistic volunteer service team, insists on going deep into the grassroots and the masses all year round, and has walked through both sides of the Yangtze River, the Jianghan Plain, and walked through the western Hubei cottage and Dabie Mountains, so as to plug in the wings of art for the people in the community, mountainous areas, industrial and mining, and workshops, and feel the unique charm of literature and art.

In the new era, people's literature and art should build a "community" of literature and art for all mankind that is oriented to the world and the future

The concept of "world literature" has become a reality in today's globalized context. Nowadays, the people of all ethnic groups in the world have broken the limitations of space and geography, and have increasingly close material and spiritual cultural exchanges with each other, sharing a common destiny, economic interdependence, emotional interconnection, and cultural exchanges and mutual learning. Exchanges have transformed literature and art from a specific and individual national literature and art to a universal and general world literature and art. Therefore, the people's literature and art in the new era should not only have a national vision, but also have a global vision, place literary and artistic creation in the dual dimensions of the nation and the world, express the common values and aspirations of all mankind, and examine the challenges faced by all mankind.

On the one hand, the vast number of literary and artistic workers are required to face the people of the world with an open and inclusive mind, respond to common concerns, reflect the common voice, and use literary and artistic means to touch the depths of the hearts of the people of the world, stimulate emotional resonance, and share aesthetic experience. On the other hand, it is necessary to extract literary and artistic materials that highlight the changes of the times and the Chinese spirit, tell Chinese stories well with affection and heart, enhance the international dissemination and competitiveness of the mainland's culture, and show the world a vivid and three-dimensional China, so that the international community can better "decode China's development path and the secret of success, and understand the changes in the lives and spiritual world of the Chinese people".

For example, since 2016, Hubei has insisted on holding the "Hubei Media Week" to enhance cultural exchanges and mutual learning through popular literary and artistic methods such as radio and television, press and publishing, film and animation, and new media, and has successively broadcast more than 40 excellent film and television dramas of about 800 hours in Russia, South Africa, France, the United Kingdom and other countries, and has been selected as a key project of "going out" by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and has been highly praised by the society. In April 2023, the "International Chinese Day" event in Hubei Province was successfully held at Hubei University, showing the world's ethnic customs and customs through cultural exhibitions, literary and artistic performances, and ethnic musical instruments, and showing the unique heritage of Jingchu literature and art such as shadow puppetry, face painting, face sculpture, Chu incense and group fan calligraphy and painting to the world. Literature and art can communicate with the world, build a bridge of friendship, and also show Chinese style and style.

East Lake Commentary: Cultivate the feelings of the people and write a magnificent epic of people's literature and art in the new era

Source: Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily)

Author: Zhang Yuanmeng (Teacher, College of Marxism, Huazhong Agricultural University, Researcher, Huazhong Agricultural University, Hubei Provincial Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)

Editor-in-charge: Wang Shuxian