
The hotter these 3 parts of a man's body are, the better your kidneys are!

author:Zhang Xindi, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, I am Director Zhang of TCM. Nourishing the kidneys is to nourish life, especially for men with the kidneys as the congenital, the kidneys will be strong and functional, the body will tell you whether the kidneys are good or not, the hotter these three parts of the male body, the better your kidneys are;

The hotter these 3 parts of a man's body are, the better your kidneys are!

First, the hands and feet are hot, for the often cold hands and feet, it is mostly kidney yang deficiency, our blood circulation, need the promotion and warmth of the kidney yang, insufficient power, poor blood circulation, so that the temperature is not high, there will be cold hands and feet, the limbs are not warm. At the same time, it will also be accompanied by symptoms such as frequent urination, excessive urination, clear and long urine, and decreased desire. If your hands and feet are relatively warm, it means that your kidneys are also relatively good.

The hotter these 3 parts of a man's body are, the better your kidneys are!

Second, the waist and back are hot, the waist is the house of the kidneys, and the waist and back are warm and powerful, indicating that the kidney essence is sufficient, and the blood is full.

The hotter these 3 parts of a man's body are, the better your kidneys are!

Third, the knee is hot, the knee is the thinnest part of the joint, which is easy to be cold, which leads to the invasion of wind, cold and dampness. It is necessary to ensure that the qi of the liver and kidneys is sufficient, and the yang qi enters the muscles and bones, so that the wind, cold, and dampness will not stay at the knees. Therefore, if the knees are warm and strong, it means that the liver and kidney function are better; if you often feel cold and cool at the knees, and they squeak at every turn, then it means that the liver and kidneys are insufficient, and the evil qi invades the bones. That's all for today, and we'll see you next time.

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