
Why do people nowadays love to put tangerine peel when drinking tea?

author:Seven Mile River release

Xinhui tangerine peel is the leader of Lingnan Chinese herbal medicine, is one of the "top ten general medicines", has long occupied an important position in Chinese herbal medicine, has a medicinal history of more than 700 years, and was also used as a tribute in the Qing Dynasty.

Xinhui tangerine peel is a famous condiment in Cantonese cuisine, regarded as the soul of Cantonese cuisine, and in recent years, more and more tangerine peel foods have become popular in the city.

What is commendable is that with its unique aroma, taste and taste, Xinhui tangerine peel has the elements of tea -- sweetness, aroma, mellowness, sweetness, good palatability, and can be used as a tea drink! It can be said that Xinhui tangerine peel is a leader in integrating "medicine, food, health and tea".

Why do people nowadays love to put tangerine peel when drinking tea?


Xinhui tangerine peel has six major effects

(1) Tangerine peel to make tea can relieve cough and reduce phlegm

(2) Treatment of bloating

(3) Strengthen the spleen and stomach and eliminate appetite

(4) Help the discomfort caused by indigestion

(5) Removal of nausea and vomiting

(6) The effect of benefiting and replenishing qi

Why do people nowadays love to put tangerine peel when drinking tea?

Tangerine peel has many applications in daily life, and it can be used with 100 teas, 100 flavors can be adjusted when eating, and 100 medicines can be adjusted when entering the house.

Especially in Guangdong, tangerine peel has a significant status, and the demand for tangerine peel in Guangdong is also very high, and everyone can use it to make water, tea, and soup.

Brewing it with some tea is a very classic pairing, delicious and healthy.


A good tangerine peel tea is a must

(1) Authentic: To authentic Xinhui tangerine peel.

(2) Vintage: Three to five years of tea is the best, the smell is more and more fragrant, the taste is more and more sweet, and the tangerine peel under three years is still relatively sour. If it is used to make tea, it may have a bitter, sour, and astringent taste.

(3) Category: The first choice for making tea is red, because the high content of brown sugar is the lightest bitterness and astringency, and the bitterness and astringency of the second red and green skin sugar are heavy.

Why do people nowadays love to put tangerine peel when drinking tea?


What kind of tea can tangerine peel go with

Tangerine peel can be brewed with white tea, black tea, black tea, rose tea, Pu'er tea, etc., tangerine peel belongs to the warmth, with the characteristics of sweetness, fragrance and alcohol, and can be matched with most of the tea, take a small amount of white tea, black tea, rose black tea, etc., and then put a small amount of tangerine peel, soak it with boiling water, and drink it when it is warm, and then you can also use a teapot to boil tea and drink.

1. Tangerine peel + old white tea


White tea has the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, and white tea extract can also prevent bacterial growth. The combination of Xinhui tangerine peel and white tea complements the warmth and cold, and the taste is also very mellow, which can easily reduce fire and detoxify and dry and dissolve phlegm, killing two birds with one stone.

2. Tangerine peel + ripe pu


Dryness and dampness dissolve phlegm, soothe the liver and moisten the lungs. Tangerine peel has a bitter taste, pungent, warm nature, ripe Pu'er tea can help digestion, relieve greasy and mild tea, they can be drunk together to eliminate accumulation and stagnation, long-term drinking can achieve the effect of soothing the liver and moistening the lungs.

3. Tangerine peel + black tea


The rational qi of Xinhui tangerine peel is also well-known and praised, mild and sweet. The combination of high-quality tangerine peel and black tea has a mellow, sweet, and smooth entrance, and the soup color is bright and red, which has a good effect on health preservation, and is mild in nature, and can be drunk for a long time.

4. Tangerine peel + fetal chrysanthemum


The addition of tangerine peel to fetal chrysanthemum helps to promote the synthesis of antibodies in the human body, enhance autoimmune function, and improve disease resistance. Fetal chrysanthemum is rich in carotene and vitamins, and eating it with tangerine peel not only clears the liver and brightens the eyes, but also improves liver blood deficiency and vision loss.

Source: Xianqitang

Why do people nowadays love to put tangerine peel when drinking tea?