
Cirrhosis is only one step away from liver cancer, and you must be careful of these 5 symptoms of liver cirrhosis

author:Dignified soy milk 3RR

When we talk about liver health, a key topic is the pathway of liver disease: from chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis and potentially liver cancer. Cirrhosis is an extremely critical stage in this process, as it is an important "early warning sign" before liver cancer occurs. So, what is cirrhosis? Cirrhosis is a disease caused by a variety of factors that causes extensive and long-lasting damage to the liver. This damage manifests itself as long-term damage to hepatocytes, followed by degeneration and necrosis. After extensive degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes, the liver attempts to repair itself, and in the process there is diffuse proliferation of cells, which eventually leads to the formation of cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is only one step away from liver cancer, and you must be careful of these 5 symptoms of liver cirrhosis

It is important to note that cirrhosis does not always lead to cancer immediately in the early stages, and the risk of cancer is relatively low. However, if treatment is neglected, or if further adverse effects are suffered, the severity of cirrhosis will be exacerbated, and with it, a significant increase in the risk of cancer. The early symptoms of cirrhosis may not be as obvious, but there are still some signs that can help us detect the condition early. Once these signs are found, we need to carry out scientific treatment in time to prevent the condition from worsening.

Don't miss these 5 hints of cirrhosis

First of all, if you experience fatigue frequently, it could be a sign of poor liver function. Liver problems can affect your digestive system, causing the body to feel tired quickly after light activity. This is due to the excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Therefore, persistent fatigue is a warning sign to note, and a corresponding health check is recommended. Secondly, jaundice is another key signal. When there is a problem with the liver, the secretion and metabolism of bile can be affected, causing bilirubin levels to rise, which manifests as yellow staining of the skin and whites of the eyes, and even changes in the color of the urine. These symptoms indicate a serious threat to liver health and the need for immediate medical attention. This is followed by the appearance of spider angiomata, which are often associated with cirrhosis. These moles are due to a vascular lesion of the skin, forming a central red dot that radiates around. This is an important sign of impaired liver function.

Cirrhosis is only one step away from liver cancer, and you must be careful of these 5 symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Palmar liver is a common symptom in patients with liver disease, appearing as flaky red spots or reddish-brown spots on the palms. These spots turn white when pressed, but return to their original shape when released. This is a direct manifestation of liver disease. Finally, indigestion and plummeting weight loss are also warning signs of liver problems. Liver disease affects bile secretion, which in turn affects blood flow in the stomach and intestines, interfering with digestion and absorption. If you notice a sudden weight loss, accompanied by symptoms such as indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea or retching, it could be a sign of compromised liver health.

Cirrhosis is just one step away from liver cancer

Medical expert Li Yalei emphasized that liver cirrhosis is one of the main factors leading to liver cancer. Usually, the development of liver cancer follows a three-stage process: hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. About two-thirds of liver cancer cases originate from cirrhosis. If patients with cirrhosis do not receive effective treatment in a timely manner, or if the indicators are not controlled during treatment, the risk of developing liver cancer is significantly increased. In the early stages of cirrhosis, the liver still retains some compensatory function and may not show obvious symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, impaired liver function and portal hypertension become the main symptoms. At an advanced stage, patients may develop serious complications such as upper gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy (hepatic coma), hepatic ascites, and cancer, each of which can be life-threatening.

Cirrhosis is only one step away from liver cancer, and you must be careful of these 5 symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Professor Zhang Shijun from the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University reminded us that we should be especially vigilant about the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, because it is often the cause of life-threatening liver cirrhosis patients. Therefore, for patients with liver cirrhosis, the slightest carelessness may lead to serious consequences of liver cancer. In order to prevent liver cirrhosis, two experts, Li Yalei and Zhang Shijun, suggested that the first thing to do is to control alcohol consumption. In addition, it is recommended that people over the age of 40 have annual health check-ups for early detection and treatment of underlying liver disease. After all, in the field of medicine, prevention is always better than cure.

Cirrhosis is only one step away from liver cancer, and you must be careful of these 5 symptoms of liver cirrhosis

How to avoid getting worse if you have cirrhosis?

Emphasizing the importance of regular check-ups: Reiterate the importance of regular routine check-ups such as liver and kidney function tests, viral load monitoring, and abdominal ultrasonography for patients with cirrhosis. These tests are essential for diagnosing and assessing the response to treatment. In addition, the need for regular gastroscopy and alpha-fetoprotein level determination is emphasized, which contributes to the early detection and prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and liver cancer. It is recommended to choose a formal medical institution for treatment: point out the importance of patients to avoid blind medical treatment and indiscriminate use of drugs during treatment. It is emphasized that although liver cirrhosis is a progressive disease, it can be effectively controlled and prevented from progressing to an advanced stage through early detection and timely treatment in regular medical institutions.

Cirrhosis is only one step away from liver cancer, and you must be careful of these 5 symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Reminder to avoid staying up late and maintain good sleep Xi:

Explain how the liver accelerates metabolism and excretes toxic substances from the body during the night's rest. Emphasize that for patients with cirrhosis, maintaining good sleep Xi, especially avoiding staying up late, is essential to maintain liver health. Emphasis on appropriate and healthy dietary Xi: Specific dietary recommendations for patients with cirrhosis, such as complete abstinence from alcohol, regular and balanced diet (high protein, high vitamins, moderate carbohydrates, low fat), and more specific dietary modification recommendations for patients with specific symptoms (such as ascites or esophagogastric varices), such as limiting water and sodium intake, and avoiding hard or irritating foods.

Cirrhosis is only one step away from liver cancer, and you must be careful of these 5 symptoms of liver cirrhosis