
A thick neck is not just fat, it may be that these 7 serious diseases are coming! Touch your neck

author:Dignified soy milk 3RR

In today's society, the prevailing aesthetic tends to be slim in shape, and few people are willing to accept that some parts of their body are too plump, such as a thick neck, a wide waistline, or a protruding abdomen. This posture is not only questionable from an aesthetic point of view, but it is also a warning sign of many health problems. Obesity not only affects the appearance, but more importantly, it is a potential factor for serious health problems such as fatty liver disease, various types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. In the case of neck hypertrophy, for example, its impact goes far beyond cosmetic issues. Although there is no definitive evidence that a large neck is directly related to longevity, from a medical perspective, hypertrophy of the neck may indicate potential health risks. Therefore, patients should pay enough attention to the abnormally large neck and take necessary health management measures.

A thick neck is not just fat, it may be that these 7 serious diseases are coming! Touch your neck

A thickening of the neck indicates that the internal organs are changing

The increase in neck circumference is not only a sign of subcutaneous fat accumulation, but also a reflection of fat accumulation in the upper body, which is strongly associated with health risks. Here are seven health problems that can be triggered by an increase in neck circumference: Increased risk of heart disease: An increase in neck circumference suggests the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which can lead to the deposition of free fatty acids around the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease. Therefore, people with thicker necks should have regular cardiovascular health check-ups. Risk of hyperuricemia: a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medical Literature showed that neck circumference is an important predictor of hyperuricemia, especially in men.

A thick neck is not just fat, it may be that these 7 serious diseases are coming! Touch your neck

Prediabetes warning: An increase in neck circumference may reflect an increase in blood sugar levels, and a thick neck circumference may be a sign of prediabetes, even if other physical indicators such as waist circumference are within the normal range. Increased likelihood of fatty liver disease: Research from Sun Yat-sen University's School of Public Health has shown that patients with fatty liver often have a larger average neck circumference than non-patients, regardless of gender. Decreased cardiorespiratory fitness: An increase in neck fat can lead to narrowing of the upper airways, which in turn affects cardiorespiratory endurance. Risk of thyroid problems: An increase in neck circumference can be a sign of an enlarged thyroid gland. If a lump appears in the neck and is accompanied by symptoms such as weight loss and palpitation, thyroid function tests and ultrasound tests should be done. Warning of sleep apnea syndrome: Neck circumference is inversely proportional to oxygen saturation. People with thicker neck circumferences are more likely to experience airway narrowing at night, triggering sleep apnea syndrome. Do this to give your neck weight loss now

A thick neck is not just fat, it may be that these 7 serious diseases are coming! Touch your neck

The importance of a healthy diet

First of all, regarding a healthy diet, the intake of high-fat foods should be reduced. Not only can excess fat lead to weight gain, but it has also been linked to health problems such as thyroid cancer. It is advisable to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and to be careful not to overdose iodine, which may also affect thyroid health.

The importance of avoiding ionizing radiation

Secondly, it is very important to reduce exposure to ionizing radiation. Past studies have shown that ionizing radiation is a major cause of thyroid cancer, as it can lead to DNA instability and genetic abnormalities. Especially during pregnancy, special care should be taken to avoid exposure to ionizing radiation such as X-rays to reduce the risk of fetal disease.

A thick neck is not just fat, it may be that these 7 serious diseases are coming! Touch your neck

The importance of mental health

Next, regarding mental health, research suggests that long-term mental stress may affect thyroid function, which in turn increases the risk of thyroid cancer. Therefore, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, proper emotional regulation, and good lifestyle Xi are very beneficial to prevent thyroid cancer. At the same time, maintaining the body's immunity is also the key to defending against various health problems.

A thick neck is not just fat, it may be that these 7 serious diseases are coming! Touch your neck

The importance of regular medical check-ups

Finally, the importance of regular medical check-ups cannot be overlooked. As we age, our bodies change, including the thyroid gland. Regular check-ups can help detect abnormalities in the thyroid gland, such as neck nodules or suspicious lumps, early so that they can be treated promptly.

A thick neck is not just fat, it may be that these 7 serious diseases are coming! Touch your neck