
Can e-cigarettes quit smoking addiction?Who is more harmful between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes?Why?

author:Millet Yuwei

Near the bustling neighborhood of Beijing, there is a small supermarket. On this day, Zhang Wei, a middle-aged executive of an advertising agency, was picking up snacks there. His life was fast-paced, his work was stressful, and his smoking Xi was getting worse. When Zhang Wei was about to pick up an e-cigarette, he ran into an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, Dr. Li. Dr. Li, an experienced respiratory specialist, noticed the e-cigarettes in Zhang Wei's hand and started talking to him about e-cigarettes and traditional tobacco. Zhang Wei has always thought that e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional cigarettes, and that it can help him reduce his dependence on traditional tobacco and even quit smoking. But Dr. Lee took a different view. He explained that while e-cigarettes may be less harmful than traditional cigarettes in some ways, that doesn't mean they're harmless.

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking addiction?Who is more harmful between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes?Why?

Are e-cigarettes healthier than traditional cigarettes?  

As an alternative to traditional cigarettes, different studies and institutions have put forward very different views on the health effects of e-cigarettes. On the one hand, a study by University College London in the United Kingdom found that e-cigarettes can significantly improve the success rate of quitting smoking, up to 60%. This view is also supported by the Public Health England Agency, which reports that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than traditional tobacco and are an effective smoking cessation tool. However, the World Health Organization and other research institutions have the opposite view. The World Health Organization pointed out in a 2014 report that e-cigarettes also contain harmful compounds such as nicotine and formaldehyde, and even some brands of products may release carcinogens. In addition, the aerosol produced by e-cigarettes may also pose a health hazard to those around them.

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking addiction?Who is more harmful between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes?Why?

Research from New York University in the United States further deepens this concern. Their study found that a significant proportion of mice exposed to nicotine-containing e-cigarette smoke for more than a year developed lung cancer and bladder precancer. This suggests that there may be a direct association between e-cigarettes and cancer. Although e-cigarettes are regarded by some institutions as a smoking cessation tool, their potential harm to human health, especially the risk of cancer that may result from long-term use, cannot be ignored. These findings raise important questions about the safety and regulation of e-cigarettes.

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking addiction?Who is more harmful between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes?Why?

The dangers of e-cigarettes

As an emerging way of smoking, the safety and health effects of e-cigarettes have always been a hot topic of concern for the public and the medical community. Although e-cigarettes do not involve the combustion process of traditional tobacco, the aerosols they produce contain a variety of harmful substances. The nicotine content is usually around 5%, which is slightly higher than that of regular cigarettes. Nicotine is a fat-soluble substance that can be quickly absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, cross the blood-brain barrier, affect the central nervous system, and produce biological effects. Nicotine stimulates the brain to release dopamine, which can lead to a pleasurable sensation in the user and can lead to addiction. There is currently no conclusive scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool. Unlike smoking cessation treatments provided by medical institutions, the amount of nicotine in e-cigarettes is not scientifically verified and cannot be precisely controlled. To mimic the feel of a traditional cigarette, some e-cigarette products may contain a higher percentage of nicotine. In addition, users may increase the frequency of use of e-cigarettes due to their portability, leading to increased cravings.

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking addiction?Who is more harmful between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes?Why?

Studies have shown that the smoke produced by e-cigarettes contains harmful particulate matter such as PM2.5. In addition to nicotine, flavors and additives in cigarette liquids can also increase health risks. For example, the presence of diacetyl may cause toxic effects on cells and trigger inflammation. The study in the online edition of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology warns that e-cigarettes may adversely affect cardiovascular health and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Research from West Virginia University has found that long-term vaping may lead to aortic sclerosis and premature aging of blood vessels. Research in the journal iScience also states that e-cigarette vapors may weaken the intestinal lining and lead to chronic inflammation. Merchants often advertise the "harmless", "stylish" and "small" characteristics of e-cigarettes, and this marketing strategy increases the concealment of e-cigarettes and attracts teenage users. In addition, the use of e-cigarettes comes with potential risks such as battery explosions, oil leaks, and high-temperature burns. Therefore, the public should be fully aware of the health risks of e-cigarettes, especially the younger demographic should stay away from this potentially harmful alternative smoking method.

Can e-cigarettes quit smoking addiction?Who is more harmful between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes?Why?

Correct and effective ways to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is a challenge, but by combining multiple approaches, the likelihood of success increases dramatically. First and foremost, professional medical advice is crucial. Communicate with your doctor and have a comprehensive physical examination to understand your level of smoking and lung health. Knowing your determination to quit smoking is a key success factor. Medication is also an effective approach. Your doctor may recommend medications that may help you feel less uncomfortable and craving for smoking cessation. However, individual behavioural control is also crucial in the process of quitting smoking. Be fully aware that the decision to quit smoking must come from you, not just relying on the persuasion of others. After deciding to quit smoking, you need to be steadfast in carrying out that decision. Once the craving kicks in, try alternative behaviors such as eating fruits, nuts, or holding gadgets in your hands, such as pens, bracelets, and Rubik's cubes, to distract yourself.

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