
Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Before 2015, the prevalence of hypertension in mainland China was close to 30%, and although the situation has improved with the improvement of medical standards, the prevalence of hypertension is gradually increasing.

Today, the number of people with hypertension in rural areas has exceeded that in urban areas, and hypertension, a common chronic disease, poses a serious threat to people's health. To this end, the international organization has decided to designate May 17 as "World Hypertension Day" every year.

Most people have some idea of the normal value of high blood pressure, and blood pressure levels above 140/90mmHg are generally considered hypertension. However, is this really the case?

Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? In fact, the situation may be different from what you think, so let's take a closer look today.

Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure

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Diagnostic criteria for hypertension

First, the doctor will determine if the person has high blood pressure by measuring the patient's blood pressure. According to the World Health Organization, hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure (high pressure) ≥ 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) ≥ 90 mm Hg.

However, this is only a basic criterion, as blood pressure can be affected by many factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle Xi, and drug use.

In addition to blood pressure measurements, doctors will also consider whether the patient has symptoms of high blood pressure, such as headache, chest tightness, palpitations, etc. In addition, doctors perform other tests, such as electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and urine tests, to assess the condition of the patient's heart and kidneys, and the results of these tests can help doctors determine if the person's high blood pressure has caused damage to the organs.

In addition, the doctor will ask about the patient's family history, lifestyle Xi habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption and diet, and whether the patient has other medical conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, which can help the doctor assess the patient's risk of high blood pressure and provide targeted treatment recommendations.

Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure


Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure

First of all, we need to understand the normal range of blood pressure. In general, the normal blood pressure range is 90-140 mmHg for systolic (high-pressure) and 60-90 mmHg for diastolic (low-pressure).

However, this range is not absolute, because blood pressure can be affected by many factors, such as age, gender, genetics, lifestyle Xi, etc.

Secondly, the diagnosis of hypertension requires multiple measurements and a comprehensive evaluation. A single measurement of high blood pressure does not confirm the diagnosis of hypertension. Doctors usually ask patients to take multiple measurements and observe them at different times and conditions.

At the same time, the doctor will also consider the patient's other health conditions, such as whether there is diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc., as well as family medical history and lifestyle Xi.

Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure

Finally, we need to put high blood pressure into perspective. Hypertension is a common chronic disease, but it can be effectively controlled and managed as long as it is detected and treated promptly. Therefore, we should not panic excessively or ignore the early symptoms and risk factors of high blood pressure.


What abnormalities will occur in the body when blood pressure rises?

Headache is one of the most common symptoms of high blood pressure and usually presents as a constant, dull or throbbing ache that occurs in the morning after waking up or taking a lunch break.

Dizziness is also a common symptom of high blood pressure, manifesting as a feeling of lightheadedness and sometimes even a spinning of the world. Neck stiffness, pain, inflexibility and other symptoms may be related to cervical spine lesions caused by high blood pressure.

Palpitations refer to symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and precordial beating, which may be related to the increased burden on the heart caused by high blood pressure. Symptoms such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating, memory loss, etc., may also appear in people with high blood pressure, affecting daily life and work.

Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure

In addition to the above symptoms, high blood pressure may cause a number of other abnormalities. For example, some patients may experience increased nocturia because increased blood pressure increases the burden on the kidneys, which affects urine excretion.

In addition, high blood pressure can also cause symptoms such as blurred vision, chest tightness, and shortness of breath, which are not particularly common, but if they occur, they need to be checked and treated by a doctor in time.


How to correctly distinguish between real and fake hypertension?

First, we need to understand the definition of hypertension. In medicine, hypertension is when blood pressure is higher than normal. Normal blood pressure values are systolic (high) blood pressure (high pressure) of no more than 140 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) of no more than 90 mm Hg. If your blood pressure exceeds these normal values, further tests are needed to determine if you have true high blood pressure.

Secondly, we need to consider the causes of high blood pressure. True hypertension is usually caused by genetics, age, obesity, poor lifestyle Xi and other factors.

Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure

If the increase in blood pressure is due to these reasons, then it is possible to have true hypertension. However, if the increase in blood pressure is only due to some temporary factors, then high blood pressure may be fake.

Finally, we need to consider the symptoms of high blood pressure. True hypertension usually has no obvious symptoms, but it may cause headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, chest tightness, and other symptoms.

If the elevated blood pressure is accompanied by these symptoms, then you may have true hypertension. However, if the increase in blood pressure is not accompanied by these symptoms, then high blood pressure may be fake.


How to improve high blood pressure?

First and foremost, maintaining a healthy diet Xi habits is key. In terms of diet, we should pay attention to low salt, low fat, low sugar, eat more vegetables, fruits and protein-rich foods. At the same time, control the calorie intake in your diet and avoid excessive obesity.

Is blood pressure above 140/90 high blood pressure? Doctors refute rumors: Many people may be misdiagnosed with high blood pressure

Secondly, moderate exercise is very important for people with high blood pressure. Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure. However, be careful not to be overly strenuous when exercising to avoid causing harm to the body.

In addition, maintaining a good attitude is also an important factor in improving high blood pressure. Avoid excessive mood swings and learn to relax your mind, which can be relieved by listening to music, meditating, etc.

Finally, if the high blood pressure condition is severe, medication may be needed. Follow your doctor's advice, take your medication on time, and don't change the dose or stop taking it on your own. At the same time, monitor your blood pressure regularly to understand your blood pressure status.