
Liu Shaobai's Chinese New Year calligraphy and painting exhibition was unveiled in Beijing, and nearly 100 works showed their talents

author:Beiqing Net, Beijing, January 5 -- "Vientiane Returns to Spring-Liu Shaobai's Chinese New Year Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" is being exhibited at the Xingtan Art Museum in Beijing, and nearly 100 works show the artist's talent.

Liu Shaobai's Chinese New Year calligraphy and painting exhibition was unveiled in Beijing, and nearly 100 works showed their talents

Artist Liu Shaobai. Photo by Yi Xuan

The exhibition displays more than 100 pieces of Liu Shaobai's calligraphy, paintings, porcelain, purple sand, cheongsam, etc. His works are vivid, ancient, and simple, reflecting the artist's comprehensive cultivation and pursuit. The paintings include landscapes, flowers and birds, figures, and calligraphy, mainly in official calligraphy and inscriptions, covering nearly 100 works of different shapes and sizes such as screens, strip screens, middle halls, couplets, bucket squares, sketches, albums, etc.

The theme of the exhibition, "Vientiane Returns to Spring", implies that it sprouts its best state like spring. According to the exhibition environment and the theme and form of the works, the artist designed the display plan one by one, providing the audience with a humanistic appreciation perspective and aesthetic feeling, and interpreting the unique artistic style and appeal of Chinese culture.

Liu Shaobai's Chinese New Year calligraphy and painting exhibition was unveiled in Beijing, and nearly 100 works showed their talents

Exhibition view. Photo by Yi Xuan

As Liu Shaobai's mentor, the famous painter Wu Yueshi pointed out that in the process of teaching by word and deed, Liu Shaobai has a strong comprehension ability and has a pure and sincere pursuit of art, "From today's exhibition, we can see that 40-year-old young people have such achievements, which is quite impressive." ”

Liu Shaogang, a researcher at Tsinghua University's Center for the Research and Protection of Unearthed Documents, is also full of praise for his disciples, "Shaobai has pursued calligraphy, painting and seals. He writes official scripts, magnificent, seals into the elements of ancient characters, in the style of the Qi school seals ingenuity, has its own face, painting techniques are very proficient, which is related to his long-term artistic practice and teaching. ”

Liu Shaobai's Chinese New Year calligraphy and painting exhibition was unveiled in Beijing, and nearly 100 works showed their talents

Exhibition view. Photo by Yi Xuan

Liu Mo, a researcher at the Institute of Historical and Cultural Resources of Peking University, said that the essence of freehand is freedom, and the cultural nature of this freehand requires long-term cultivation. In his opinion, the wonder of Chinese culture lies in the precociousness and late maturity, seventeen or eighteen years old is not precocious, eighty or ninety years old is not a late bloomer, "both of these ends, and the middle can not be relaxed, this is my expectation for Liu Shaobai." (ENDS)

(China News Network)

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