
When the autumn and winter seasons change, my throat is dry and I have a cough! My mother will make me this drink! Sugarcane and pear soup!

author:Traveler A Xiaofeng

Sugar cane pear soup

When the autumn and winter seasons change, my throat is dry and I have a cough! My mother will make me this drink! Sugarcane and pear soup!

My mom has been using this recipe for sugar cane pear soup for more than ten years, and it really works!

Whenever the autumn and winter seasons change, when my throat is dry and coughing, my mother always cooks this for me to drink!

After drinking it, I felt that my throat was moist, the taste was sweet and sour, and the warm feeling was really comfortable!

For those sisters who can't stop coughing, you can really try this soup!

Making this sugarcane pear soup is very simple, the ingredients

The ingredients are also very simple, just sugar cane and pears.

For sisters with dry mouths and uncomfortable throats, you can really give it a try!

When the autumn and winter seasons change, my throat is dry and I have a cough! My mother will make me this drink! Sugarcane and pear soup!

The specific production steps are as follows:

When the autumn and winter seasons change, my throat is dry and I have a cough! My mother will make me this drink! Sugarcane and pear soup!

1. First, wash the green cane and pear.

2. Peel and cut the cane into small pieces, and cut the pears into cubes.

3. Put the chopped sugar cane and pears into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil.

4. After boiling, turn to low heat and continue to cook for 5 minutes.

5. When the color of the soup changes, you can turn off the heat.

With the simple steps above, you can make a delicious bowl of sugarcane and pear soup.

Not only does it taste sweet and sour, but it's also warm and comfortable.

When your mouth is dry and your throat is uncomfortable, drinking a bowl of such soup will really make you feel comfortable and satisfied.

When the autumn and winter seasons change, my throat is dry and I have a cough! My mother will make me this drink! Sugarcane and pear soup!

Sugarcane is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, which have the effects of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, clearing heat and detoxifying.

Sydney pears are rich in vitamin C and water, which can moisten the lungs and relieve cough and throat discomfort.

Therefore, I really recommend that those sisters who have an unstoppable cough, a dry mouth, and an uncomfortable throat try this delicious bowl of sugarcane and pear soup!

It is not only simple to make, sweet and sour taste, but also has the effect of moistening the throat and relieving cough and soothing throat discomfort.

It's so delicious! Try it! It's so comfortable!

This bowl of sugarcane pear soup has the following benefits:

When the autumn and winter seasons change, my throat is dry and I have a cough! My mother will make me this drink! Sugarcane and pear soup!

1. Relieves cough: Sugar cane and pear both have the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, which can relieve cough and throat discomfort. Especially in autumn and winter, when the climate is dry and the throat is easily irritated, drinking a bowl of sugarcane and pear soup can effectively relieve cough symptoms.

2. Moisten your throat and quench your thirst: Sugarcane and pears are rich in water, which can effectively moisturize the throat and relieve the feeling of dry mouth. Drinking a bowl of sugarcane and pear soup can not only quench your thirst, but also soothe an irritated throat.

3. Nutrition: Sugarcane is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and iron, which can provide the body with essential nutrients. Sydney pears are also rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which help boost immunity and promote digestion.

4. Clearing heat and detoxifying: Sugarcane has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, which can help the body to remove toxins and purify the blood. This is especially important for people who are prone to colds or have fire during the autumn and winter seasons.

5. Delicious taste: Sugarcane pear soup has a sweet and sour taste, and the taste is pleasant, and you can feel comfortable and satisfied after taking a sip. Especially when your throat is upset or your mouth is dry, this bowl of soup can be soothing and enjoyable.

When the autumn and winter seasons change, my throat is dry and I have a cough! My mother will make me this drink! Sugarcane and pear soup!

To sum up, sugarcane pear soup can not only relieve cough, moisten the throat and quench thirst, but also replenish nutrients, clear heat and detoxify, and provide a delicious taste.

Especially in autumn and winter, drinking a bowl of such soup will not only moisten the throat and relieve cough, but also provide nutrition and comfort.

Therefore, I really recommend everyone to try this delicious sugarcane and pear soup, which is not only easy to make, but also very good for your health.

Try it, it's really delicious!

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