
Victor Hugo's The Smiling Man: A Profound Revelation of Human Nature and Social Issues

author:A patchwork of horizons
The face is a reflection of the state of the heart, and it is a mistake to think that a person's mind has no color. His countenance is clearly an outpouring of a special state of mind. - Hugo, "The Smiling Man"

The famous Victor Hugo, an outstanding representative of 19th-century French Romantic literature. His works not only have endless depth of thought, elegant and delicate brushstrokes, but also are full of fiery and passionate emotional expressions. And his representative masterpiece "Smiling Man" is known as a model among the classics.

Victor Hugo's The Smiling Man: A Profound Revelation of Human Nature and Social Issues

Gwynplaine, the novel's main character, is supposed to enjoy endless wealth and noble origins, but he has an unfortunate childhood, becomes a slave to child traffickers, and eventually becomes a vagabond. In a market, he meets the beautiful José Anna, and the encounter between the two seems romantic and happy, but in fact it is full of insidious and cruel. When Josanna learned of Gwynplaine's origins, she immediately changed her face, plunging Gwynplain into deeper pain.

Victor Hugo's The Smiling Man: A Profound Revelation of Human Nature and Social Issues

This novel puts the spotlight on the dark side of human nature, revealing truths that are sharper than we think. Hugo's accurate and detailed depiction highlights the dark side of society, showing the distortion of human nature and the degeneration of morality. Through the pure and affectionate love relationship between Gwen and Tilly, he restored the true face of love to the world. However, this seemingly beautiful love can't resist the society and endless temptation that encompasses all things in the world, and the two break up after the short sweetness of love.

Victor Hugo's The Smiling Man: A Profound Revelation of Human Nature and Social Issues

Victor Hugo's insight into human nature made him adept at dealing with these complex propositions. Whether it is depicting the cruelty of human nature and the cruelty of society, or praising the warmth and kindness of human nature, it shows a profound artistic foundation. As he put it: "If the role of a book is limited to entertainment, then the author is nothing more than a frivolous play." Of course, this sad love story is not the end, but the beginning of a higher realm.

Victor Hugo's The Smiling Man: A Profound Revelation of Human Nature and Social Issues

"The Smiling Man" reveals genuine compassion between the lines. In this distant era, the lives of the people at the bottom fell into deep suffering. Through the ruthless criticism of the aristocratic class and the exposure of the miserable life of the people at the bottom, coupled with the phantom-like narrative rhythm, the light shining with humanity and love can be seen at a glance. With a big mind of endless care for the world and the world, Hugo reminds us to cherish life, bravely face difficulties, and never give up expectations for the future.

Victor Hugo's The Smiling Man: A Profound Revelation of Human Nature and Social Issues

To sum up, Victor Hugo's "The Smiling Man" is based on the analysis of human nature and social problems, and infuses the power of love and hope, so that we can learn to accept and tolerate others while deeply understanding the problems, and bravely pursue our goals and dreams. No matter how bumpy the circumstances are, as long as you stick to your original intention, you can break through the thorny jungle of life and move towards success and glory. This is undoubtedly a masterpiece worth reading and reflecting on. #文章首发挑战赛#

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