
Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

author:Xiao Xin said entertainment

Hainan TV station was in turmoil, and the well-known host Xiao Chenghao was suspended for calling the earthquake in Japan retribution in a short video. This incident has aroused widespread concern in society, involving freedom of speech, international relations and other aspects.

Controversial remarks: Xiao Chenghao called the earthquake in Japan retribution

Xiao Chenghao commented on the earthquake event in Japan on his short video platform, saying that Japan suffered such a huge natural disaster on the first day of the new year, and it may be shrouded in rainy clouds throughout 2024. More strikingly, he said that "there are still some things that need to be done less, and nuclear sewage cannot be discharged into the sea". The remarks directly pointed to Japan's act of discharging nuclear wastewater, and expressed his views on it in terms of retribution.

Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

Suspension turmoil: Hainan TV took tough measures against Xiao Chenghao

Xiao Chenghao's remarks quickly caused controversy, with some supporting his outspokenness, arguing that he represented the voice of the majority of the countrymen. However, some people criticized his formulation as inappropriate, arguing that he should be more rational in the face of disaster. The reaction of Hainan Television was unexpected, and it actually adopted the tough method of suspending its post.

Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

Social Response: Freedom of Expression vs. International Relations

The incident sparked a strong reaction from all walks of life, involving a contest between freedom of expression and international relations. Some believe that Mr. Xiao's remarks have been unduly restricted, while others believe that making reckless comments on international affairs could damage the country's image.

Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

South Korea protests: escalating tensions in international relations

In addition to the domestic reaction, the South Korean Foreign Ministry also strongly protested against Japan. This is because after a strong earthquake of magnitude 7.6 struck Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency listed South Korea as "Takeshima" as Japanese territory when it issued a tsunami warning. The incident escalated tensions in international relations and sparked wider concern.

Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

Fan support surged: Xiao Chenghao gained 1 million fans overnight

Despite the suspension, Mr. Xiao's fan base surged to more than 7 million overnight. This shows that there are a large number of netizens and fans who support his remarks. This rapidly growing number of followers highlights a certain recognition of him by society.

Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

Netizen's view: Support and opposition are intertwined

On social media, netizens had mixed opinions about the incident. Some people expressed support for Xiao Chenghao to dare to speak the truth, believing that he represented the voice of the Chinese. Others argue that his rhetoric is too radical and that he should be more rational in international affairs. This clash of views further complicates public opinion.

Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

Leadership Decisions: Tough or Down?

Next, people will pay close attention to the handling of Hainan TV station. Whether to choose to stand firm on freedom of expression or to bow down to a particular position will be the focus of attention. The decisions of the leadership will have a direct impact on the development of events and the repercussions of society.

Host Xiao Chenghao: The earthquake in Japan is retribution, and he was suspended because of it!

Summary: The Xiao Chenghao incident provokes thinking

Xiao Chenghao's remarks incident is not only a storm of the host's suspension, but also a deep reflection on freedom of speech, international relations and social values. This incident will continue to be the focus of public attention and remind us of the need to be cautious and rational in our speech

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