
Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi

author:Sing Tao Entertainment

The actors of the 2024 Chinese New Year police film "Temporary Robbery" Aaron Kwok, Yam Xianqi, Lin Jiadong, Sun Jiajun, Lin Xue and others appeared at a secondary school yesterday to attend a press conference, play games with fans and the elderly, and pay dividends to greet everyone early. Lin Jiadong, who played the taxi driver in the play, drove the taxi to carry the gangsters Aaron Kwok, Ren Xianqi and Fu Jiajun, who was dressed as the God of Wealth, to the scene, which was very funny.

Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi

Aaron Kwok, who plays the role of a wrestler and bandit in the play, wants to wear fake buckteeth for styling, Aaron Kwok frankly said that he should try to be an actor, Lin Jiadong laughed when he heard this: "It's too long to be a pretty boy!" Aaron Kwok continued to say that wearing fake buckteeth will spit on dialogue, Lin Jiadong laughed at Aaron Kwok as if he was a strange shape, and Ren Xianqi laughed and said that it was the hardest time with Lin Jiadong, because when he played against Aaron Kwok, saliva sprayed on their faces.

Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi
Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi

Talking about the scene where the three of them talked about the suffering of men in the play, Aaron Kwok admitted that there are different stages in reality, since becoming a father will accommodate his daughter, sometimes he doesn't understand that children lose their temper and are disobedient, coaxing their daughter to be happy and angry, which makes him overwhelmed, but he thinks that it is a grind to accept it.

Aaron Kwok wants to maintain his figure in order to protect the image of a beautiful boy

When it comes to being handsome, it is a man's suffering? Aaron Kwok bluntly said that he should keep in shape, and he will feel happy when he is praised when he is in good condition. Ren Xianqi revealed that the character is too soft-hearted and carries everything on his back, but in reality, he thinks he is so hard. Ren Xianqi said: "The place where a man should be hard is so hard, and the liver should not be too hard." ”

Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi
Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi
Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi

Speaking of Ren Xianqi's tour in the mainland and giving 1 million points to the staff as encouragement, Ren Xianqi smiled and said: "I usually thin them, this is a compensation, because everyone has worked hard to let them eat well." As for Aaron Kwok, who recently held a tour, he said that he intended to follow Ren Xianqi's example, but in the past, he would also play lottery, with cash, telephone, and wine, and even laughed that he did not have a car as a lottery gift for the time being.

Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi
Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi
Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi

Sun Jiajun wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi

Sun Jiajun, who played the taxi driver in the play, revealed that he was robbed by Ren Xianqi one day after work, and laughed that he was robbed of money and didn't know how many times he wanted to be robbed, so it was best to pack up and go home, Sun Jiajun also said: "I am a taxi driver in the play, in fact, a few cars are rich people." ”

Aaron Kwok was ridiculed by Lin Jiadong for wearing fake buckteeth, and the 49-year-old actress revealed that she wanted to be robbed by Ren Xianqi

Sun Jiajun also revealed that a friend drove a taxi, so he learned from the other party, it turned out that the female taxi driver would wear a waist bag, tie her hair and wear a windbreaker, so the shape is so real, and she praised and appreciated the script of the film, which has elements such as black humor, irony, and human nature, plus I haven't participated in a Chinese New Year movie for a long time, it feels like a childhood memory, and I will also watch all the Chinese New Year movies with my friends to support.

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