
Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

author:Sister Yan said classic

Yu Yang's unhappy childhood

In 1930, Yu Yang was born in an ordinary family with a poor family. At that time, it was an era of frequent wars and people's livelihoods, and a generation spent an unhappy childhood in turmoil.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

When he was 6 years old, Yu Yang's father unfortunately died, leaving him and his mother to rely on each other. The two wandered around, came to the strange Changchun City, and began a wandering life.

In Changchun, Yu Yang's mother and son, who had no relatives to help, were bullied everywhere. They live in shabby houses and are ruthlessly exploited by their landlords. In order to make ends meet, Yu Yang can only do odd jobs everywhere, such as washing dishes and serving dishes in restaurants.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

He was also bullied at the orphanage, where staff often punched and kicked him unreasonably. The strong Yu Yang endured all the hardships, and he didn't dare to show his weakness, because he was the only male in the family and had to support this small family.

At the age of 15, Yu Yang got the opportunity to work as an extra in a children's movie. Although it was just a trick, it was a rare income for him. After getting the first salary, Yu Yang was very happy.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Despite all the hard work, he still felt the warmth he had not felt for a long time - he was able to share his mother's worries. Since then, Yu Yang has gradually embarked on the road of being an actor and earning living expenses.

In his long childhood, Yu Yang went through hardships, but he always remained firm in his heart and did not give up his vision for the future.

Yu Yang met his lover Yang Jing

In 1948, Yu Yang had the opportunity to return to the film industry to shoot a patriotic-themed film "Defending the Country and Protecting the Family". In the crew, he met an actress named Yang Jing.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Yang Jing and Yu Yang have similar life experiences, both lost their parents in the war, became orphans, and struggled in the film industry. The two fell in love at first sight, complemented each other's personalities, and were like-minded.

Yang Jing has a demure appearance and a gentle temperament, and she takes care of Yu Yang's daily life carefully. And the hard-working and brave Yu Yang also became Yang Jing's reliance. In between filming, they often talk and laugh.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

The conversation time outside the play is longer than the shots of looking at each other in the play.

Yu Yang was gradually attracted by Yang Jing's innocent character. Not only that, Yang Jing's dedication and conscientious attitude towards work also made him admire. The two are like-minded, and Yu Yang decided to tie up with Yang Jing.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

In 1953, he solemnly proposed to Yang Jing, and fortunately, Yang Jing gladly accepted.

Yu Yang's acting career

In 1955, Yu Yang and Yang Jing came to Beijing Film Academy to study acting. Here, Yu Yang studied Xi diligently and worked hard to study acting skills. The mentors are also optimistic about Yu Yang's talent and praise him for becoming a giant ship in the film industry.

After graduation, Yu Yang really played the leading role in many main theme films and gradually became a household name.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

His representative works include "Heroes and Tiger Courage" and "Big Waves and Sands", among which the images he created have different personalities and are deeply loved by the audience. In order to appear in a movie reflecting the theme of land reform, Yu Yang went deep into the grassroots, ate and lived with farmers, and experienced life.

His precise restoration adds realism to the film. After watching it, the audience was impressed by his acting skills, and the film critics also favored him.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Yu Yang is extremely dedicated to his work, and his attitude of not giving up until he reaches his goal is admired by his peers. In order to play a role, he needs to lose weight and shape quickly. Yu Yang overcame hunger, only ate some vegetables every day, and insisted on exercising.

A month later, he lost 20 pounds. Although his body was tortured, Yu Yang achieved an unimaginable goal with his willpower. This dedication has influenced and inspired countless filmmakers.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

In the 80s, Yu Yang began to direct and act in movies, and his debut film "Passengers in Handcuffs" received a warm response. For the sake of realism, he personally completed all the action scenes, without the use of stand-ins or special effects.

Yu Yang's dedication is in the film industry, and he has practiced his love for the film industry with his practical actions.

Yu Yang's life has changed dramatically

In 2005, Yu Yang received bad news that his son Yu Xiaoyang unfortunately passed away in a hurry due to illness at the age of 40. This is a big blow to the foreign couple, which can be imagined.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

As a father, Yu Yang was grief-stricken, and he asked himself painfully why he couldn't see his son for the last time. At this time, his wife Yang Jing was also sad, she was full of tears and mourning.

The old couple supported each other to survive the catastrophe. They endured their grief and encouraged each other to live. As a well-known actor, Yu Yang also has to take care of the feelings of fans and keep smiling in front of the camera.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

In fact, his heart has long been full of holes. The grief of losing a child is a shadow that takes time to heal.

The couple began to stay closed, they couldn't sleep at night, and they were immersed in memories all day. In order to celebrate his son's birthday, Yu Yang will light candles in the house and reminisce about his son with Yang Jing.

The two laughed and talked about childhood anecdotes, and would hug each other and cry. The family is full of thoughts about Xiaoyang.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Now, 90-year-old Yu Yang's health has declined, but he also participated in the filming of a public welfare film and reunited with his old friends. Every time I think of Yu Xiaoyang, Yu Yang's eyes will still be misty.

He has never been able to truly accept the death of his son, which will be forever traumatic. But Yu Yang still has to live, because as a father, he still cares about his daughter's well-being.

Yu Yang's personality charm

Yu Yang's love for the film industry comes from his heart, and he regards films as cultural treasures and the common spiritual wealth of contemporary people. Yu Yang does not regard movies as a money industry, in his heart, it should stand in a nobler position.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

It is precisely because of this value concept that Yu Yang continued to deepen on the road of acting, pursued a higher artistic realm, and finally became a generation of grandmasters.

Yu Yang's personality charm lies in his inner independence. Despite the ups and downs in life, he never bowed his head and always maintained himself. For example, a winery once offered a high price to ask him to endorse, but Yu Yang directly refused.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

He does not tolerate the use of his artistic identity for monetary gain. Yu Yang regards money as dung, and values the noble cause of film.

Yu Yang's life has experienced vicissitudes, but he never complains about the injustice of fate. On the contrary, he is grateful because he has done the work he loves. It is this positive mindset that makes him stronger in the midst of suffering.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Yu Yang's spiritual outlook has infected countless filmmakers. They have expressed that they should not forget their original intentions and learn from the dedication of Xi old.

Yu Lao's noble sentiments made him a moral model for the entire era. The film may only record the microcosm of an era, but Yu Yang completely shows the spiritual outlook of the Chinese in that era with his own life.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

His story is embarrassing and emotional, and it also makes people unswervingly learn Xi from the strength of kindness and determination.

Conclusion, bless Yu Yang

Yu Yang represents the golden age of the Chinese film industry, and his works have become the quintessence of the country. The filmmakers of that era had public spirits and ambitions, not seeking fame and fortune, but only wanting to create valuable films.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Yu Lao is a model of this spirit. Today's affluent life is not easy to come by, and we must cherish the dedication of the older generation of filmmakers.

The road of life is not smooth, but Yu Lao shows a distinct character in the ups and downs. Instead of breaking his tranquility, suffering increased his knowledge. The spirit of Yu Lao is awe-inspiring.

Although the years are not forgiving, we sincerely wish the old life a happy life and feel the blessings and respect from the audience.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Movies need to be passed on and carried forward. Yu Lao has practiced his love and respect for the film industry all his life. I hope that his spirit can inspire more new generation filmmakers to innovate and record this wonderful era with their lenses.

We look forward to the new glory of Chinese films, and also look forward to the healthy and long life of the elderly, witnessing a new era of Chinese films.

Famous actor Yu Yang: I once lived on the streets with my mother, and I grew old hand in hand with my wife, how are you doing now?

Yu Lao once said that it was his honor to be remembered by the audience. This humility and gratitude are admirable. We sincerely look forward to adding another stroke to the old life.

Movies need to be inherited, and we need to inherit the noble personality feelings of the old. This is our way of paying the highest respect to Mr. Yu.

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