
I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

author:Love Jade Gate

Light sleep, not waking up

During the day, he is listless and lacks interest in doing things

Depressed, anxious, and doubtful in the middle of the night

Backache, back pain, hair loss......

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

It's hard to help but think

Is this class a must-have?

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

But recently while surfing the web

I saw many netizens posting that they had the same symptoms

The results of the examination at the hospital showed that:

The amount of vitamin D in the body is low!

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

Don't...... Blame the work?

Let me study it

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, including D2 and D3. The human body obtains D3 mainly from sunlight exposure or animal foods, but also from plant foods. Its main function is to increase the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood plasma, and promote the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the bone.

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

Image source: Draft design

But in cities of different latitudes in China

found in the results of the survey

Vitamin D deficiency or deficiency is prevalent in the population

Why is that?

It may be because:

Lack of sunlight

Inadequate vitamin D intake

Absorption of vitamin D is reduced

Abnormal vitamin D metabolism

Resists the effects of vitamin D

Factors such as age, skin color, season, geographic latitude, sun hours, dress Xi habits, sun protection measures, and dietary Xi can all affect vitamin D levels in the body. When vitamin D levels are persistently low, the body experiences symptoms.

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a variety of diseases

When the amount of vitamin D in the body is insufficient, the body cannot absorb enough calcium from the outside world. Calcium deficiency can damage bone mineralization, leading to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and may lead to osteoporosis.

Image source: Draft design

Other studies have shown that vitamin D not only plays a role in maintaining bone health, but also has a potential role in non-skeletal diseases such as autoimmune diseases, tumors, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health problems.

People who are more likely to be vitamin D deficient

While vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency is also very prevalent in the global population, universal screening is not advocated. In addition to testing in patients with confirmed or suspected vitamin D deficiency, screening for vitamin D levels is recommended for the following populations:

●All pregnant and lactating women;

●Older adults 65 years of age and older;

●People with insufficient or absent sun exposure, such as those who cover their skin for cultural reasons or live indoors for long periods of time;

●People with darker skin tones.

Daily vitamin D intake is recommended

For people with vitamin D deficiency, recommendations for vitamin D intake are as follows:

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

Image source: Xiamen CDC

How to prevent vitamin D deficiency

Prevent vitamin D deficiency

There are three ways:

Basking in the sun: As the saying goes, "more solar energy supplements calcium". Adequate sunlight is the most cost-effective means of preventing vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. It is recommended to expose the face and arms to sunlight for 5 to 30 minutes 3 times a week between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on sunny days.

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

Image source: Draft design

Eat foods rich in vitamin D: fatty fish (salmon, herring, salmon, sardines, tuna, yellow croaker), egg yolks for eggs, animal liver, cod liver oil, mushrooms, fungus, milk or soy milk.

I always feel tired and sleepy, probably because my body is missing it......

Image source: Draft design

Vitamin D supplementation: Vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 supplementation can be used, and there is no significant difference in efficacy and safety between the two.

Everything is too much

Long-term intake should be avoided

Vitamin D in excess of the maximum tolerated dose

In case of poisoning

In addition, the right amount of sunlight should be exposed

Avoid sunburn