
There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

author:Discipline Qiu said geography

Summer is hot, and many people feel a loss of appetite. However, eating some healthy foods during the summer season is very helpful for health. Today, I will introduce you to the four treasures of healthy dishes, so that you can eat happily in the summer.

There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

1. Black pepper garlic beef

Beef is rich in protein and is a good kidney tonic food. With garlic, it can play a role in dissipating cold and dampness, strengthening the spleen and stomach. Add a little spicy black pepper to not only preserve the original flavor of the beef, but also increase the appetite. The method is simple, just cut the beef into thin slices, stir-fry in the pot, then add garlic and stir-fry, and finally sprinkle with an appropriate amount of black pepper powder. The color is attractive and the aroma is overflowing, which will make you whet your appetite at the first sight.

There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

Second, the southern milk crispy meat

Puff pastry is common in many places, but there is a unique practice in the south called puff pastry. It is characterized by its crispy outside and tender inside, and is served with a sweet and fragrant southern milk sauce, which is sweet and delicious. Crispy pork is made with pork as the main ingredient and is rich in protein. Nan milk sauce is rich in protein, fat, sugar and vitamins, making it a good tonic. The two are paired together for a more comprehensive nutrition.

There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

3. Braised chicken wings with chestnuts

Compared with the southern whuffle, the northern specialty is chestnut stewed chicken wings. Chicken wings are rich in collagen and other nutrients, which is a good nourishing food, and chestnut contains starch, protein, fat, dietary fiber and other nutrients, which have high nutritional value and are often called "mineral water in the forest". The two are simmered together, and the thick chestnut aroma with the deliciousness of the chicken wings is endless.

There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

Fourth, onion cumin beef

Beef has already been featured in the first course, this time with onions and cumin. Onions are rich in vitamins and minerals, which can play a role in strengthening the spleen and appetizing, and cumin is rich in protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which can promote appetite. When the three are paired together, the meat of the beef is tender and intertwined with the sweetness of the onion and the spicy aroma of cumin, which makes people appetize.

There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

The above four dishes are all home-cooked dishes that are loved by the public, not only taste good, but also have high nutritional value and are good supplements. Eating these dishes can supplement a variety of nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals needed by the human body to enhance physical fitness. Therefore, eating these four treasure dishes in the summer season can make you healthy and worry-free!

There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

The home-cooked dishes I have just introduced are all home-cooked dishes with different flavors from the north and south, and they only need simple cooking to give full play to the original flavor of the ingredients, and they are all easy to operate. This is in line with the unpretentious, practical food philosophy of many modern people. Of course, if you want to carefully study the cooking methods of different cuisines and master the combination of various ingredients, you need to observe, practice and reflect on it for a long time to reach the point of perfection.

There is no trouble in eating the four treasures in the summer, what do the four treasures mean?

But we don't have to worry about the sophistication of our culinary skills. The most important thing is to treat the ingredients with care and try to preserve the original flavor of the ingredients. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the nutritional composition of a balanced diet, which is best for health. Eating some light and delicious health food during the summer season can help people maintain physical and mental health and eat happily in hot weather.