
Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

author:Director Xu Health said

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In this hectic city life, people often overlook their most basic health concern: body temperature.

We all know that body temperature is an important indicator of our own health, but there are often misconceptions about when to be alert to elevated body temperatures.

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

On an ordinary weekend, Li Dongdong takes care of his pet dog "Duoduo" at home. It's a moment of relaxation. Li Dongdong felt that he was weak and his forehead was hot, so he casually picked up the thermometer at home and looked at it, 37.5 °C. His first reaction was to wonder: Does this count as a fever?

In general, the normal body temperature range for adults is between 36.1°C and 37.2°C, which is based on the average body temperature of a large number of healthy adults.

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

However, this does not mean that above 37.2°C is necessarily a fever. Back to Li Dongdong's story. His temperature of 37.5°C was slightly higher, but it didn't necessarily mean it was serious.

However, Li Dongdong remembers that the doctor once said that if the body temperature exceeds 38°C, it usually means that the body may be fighting against viruses or bacteria, and this is when you should go to the hospital for further examination.

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

But Li Dongdong's body temperature did not reach 38 degrees Celsius, and he was hesitant to seek medical attention. The most important thing is to observe changes in body temperature and other symptoms.

While taking care of "Duoduo", Li Dongdong also began to pay attention to his physical condition. Luckily, after a period of rest, his own body temperature began to gradually return to the normal range.

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

This experience made Li Dongdong realize that we cannot generalize about the change in body temperature, but should judge it on a case-by-case basis.

A temperature above 37°C does not necessarily mean a fever, and it is important to consider the trend of body temperature and other associated symptoms. The understanding of body temperature should be more comprehensive and nuanced.

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

However, in addition to paying attention to the numbers of body temperature, there is another important aspect that we should not ignore – the self-perception of the body. For example, when we feel chills, it may be that the body is trying to raise its body temperature to fight the cold environment outside or the virus inside.

In Li's case, although his body temperature was slightly high, he did not feel particularly unwell, such as chills or extreme fatigue, which is usually accompanied by more severe feverish symptoms.

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

Here, we can introduce a new point of view: the judgment of body temperature, in addition to numbers, should also be combined with individual feelings and overall symptoms to comprehensively evaluate.

When assessing our health, we should not only rely on thermometer readings, but also listen to the body's voice. By observing his body temperature and taking into account his own feelings and other symptoms, he finally made a reasonable judgment.

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

He didn't overstrain and didn't ignore possible health issues. This balanced attitude is something we should learn Xi in our daily lives.

When it comes to the question of whether a body temperature of more than 37°C is considered a fever, we should not only focus on the numbers, but also take into account the specific feelings of the individual and other health conditions. Health is a state of wholeness, not a simple reading of a single indicator. 、

Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

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Is a fever if the body temperature is more than 37°C? Doctor: Look at this temperature line, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible

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