
Two flavors of traditional Chinese medicine have saved countless people with heart disease and hardening of the arteries!

author:Medical Food Reference
Winter is a test for the elderly, because cold weather is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems. So, what should elderly friends with this disease do?

I would like to introduce you to the compatibility of two traditional Chinese medicines: salvia and hawthorn.

Salvia and hawthorn are very good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, they can promote blood flow and dilate blood vessels, which can be called the "natural stent" of blood vessels.

Salvia miltiorrhiza invigorates blood circulation and dispels blood stasis and unblocks blood vessels

Many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients know that salvia is a medicine that blindly invigorates blood and dispels blood stasis and unblocks blood vessels. Indeed, salvia has a wide range of clinical applications.

Two flavors of traditional Chinese medicine have saved countless people with heart disease and hardening of the arteries!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by insufficient qi and cannot push the blood, so the blood is blocked in the blood vessels. When people reach old age, their qi will be insufficient, and their blood will stagnate, so they are prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

"Materia Medica" has a saying: "Salvia miltiorrhiza can be bitter and can be discharged, warm can be dispersed, long-term service is beneficial to people and qi, and it is specialized in blood, and its function lies in invigorating blood and blood." It means that salvia can be taken for a long time, and the bitter taste can be discharged. Salvia miltiorrhiza can lead blood downward, but it will not lead blood to the brain like other blood-invigorating drugs such as angelica, thereby causing cerebral hemorrhage.

If you take salvia, your qi will go down, and when your qi is smooth, your stomach will be comfortable. For the elderly, salvia can not only invigorate the blood, but also replenish qi, which is what makes it different from other traditional Chinese medicines.

Hawthorn dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and lowers lipids

If salvia is so powerful, why add hawthorn?

This is because hawthorn can lower blood pressure and blood lipids, and can assist salvia to "dissolve blood stasis without harming new blood, and open depression without harming righteousness".

That is to say, hawthorn is sour and astringent, can strengthen the stomach and eliminate appetite, and can also dissolve qi and stasis, so it is a perfect combination for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases together with salvia.

Two flavors of traditional Chinese medicine have saved countless people with heart disease and hardening of the arteries!

Salvia + hawthorn is a good way to prevent and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Having said all this, how to use salvia and hawthorn?

Usage: Use 100 grams of salvia and hawthorn to make powder, divide into 10 parts, rinse with water that is not too hot, and make one serving a day.

If we find that the blood lipids are high during the physical examination, no matter how high they are, or there is arteriosclerosis, we can take it according to the above dosage, and it will have an effect if we persist for a period of time.

If these problems are not found during the physical examination, then only half of the above amount can be taken to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Method: take 20g of salvia, 200g of hawthorn, a little rock sugar, osmanthus sugar, soak salvia for 8 hours in advance, put it in a pot to boil water, boil the water for 15 minutes after boiling, and put the pitted hawthorn at one time.

People who don't have diabetes can add some rock sugar, cook for another half an hour, and let it cool after cooking before eating.

Hawthorn and salvia miltiorrhiza are used together to prevent and treat coronary heart disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis.

Dosage: 1~2 pieces of salvia each time, 6~12 grams of dried hawthorn each time, boiled water to drink, 2~3 times a day. Friends who don't like sour can add some sugar appropriately.

Two flavors of traditional Chinese medicine have saved countless people with heart disease and hardening of the arteries!

In general, the amount of hawthorn eaten is dried fruits: 6~12 grams, fresh fruits: 10~20 grams.

This kind of hawthorn salvia drink, which is similar to the four-flavor soup, can invigorate the blood. Hawthorn and salvia miltiorrhiza are used together to prevent and treat coronary heart disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis.

It is especially reminded that because everyone's physique is different, when taking traditional Chinese medicine, you must obtain the consent of the doctor and do not use it without authorization.