
It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Reading guide:Winter is the driest skin of the year,Especially for some people who don't often use skin care products,The skin will age very quickly,And the skin is very old,So in winter,We must pay attention to maintenance,Especially people who live in these regions of the central and northern regions for a long time。

It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

Speaking of dry skin, many people know to drink more water, according to the "Dietary Nutrition Guidelines for Chinese Residents" pointed out that drinking water every day should be 1200-1500mL to ensure the basic water needed by the human body, but such water, many people will forget to drink, so most of the daily diet is not up to the requirements! Before sharing with you the three ways to drink white fungus, I will explain to you what effects white fungus has.

The first: lose weight and slim down

Don't underestimate the white fungus, the white fungus is rich in crude fiber, when the crude fiber passes through the intestines, it will scrape away the excess garbage and oil in the intestines, so obese people can drink more white fungus soup, if you want to lose weight quickly, do not add sugar when cooking white fungus soup.

The second: hydration and emollient

Many people think that white fungus contains a lot of collagen, in fact, white fungus does not contain collagen, more than 90% of the white fungus itself is carbohydrates, drink more white fungus soup, not only can moisturize the skin, beauty and beauty, especially women, drink a bowl of white fungus soup every day, which has a lot of benefits for the body.

The third: clear away heat and strengthen the stomach

If you are often on fire and have a poor appetite, you can often drink white fungus soup, because white fungus is a nourishing medicine, it is characterized by moisturizing but not greasy, and it is a good tonic for yin deficiency and fire.

Next, I will share with you the practice of the 3 best soups of white fungus, and it is very good for the body to drink it every day.

The first type: white fungus strawberry soup

It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

Strawberries are a seasonal fruit in winter, and eating sweet and sour, and the soup cooked with white fungus is not only beautiful, but also can make the white fungus soup taste sweet and sour, if people with poor spleen and stomach can cook strawberries and eat.

[Preparation of raw materials]: 35 grams of white fungus, 100 grams of strawberries, 20 grams of red dates, 20 grams of rock sugar.

[How to make white fungus strawberry soup]: Cut the white fungus into pieces and bubble up, then put the white fungus and red dates, and an appropriate amount of hot water into the pot, simmer for 45 minutes, and then put the sauce strawberries and rock sugar into the pot, continue to stew for 3-5 minutes before drinking, strawberries should not be stewed for a long time, the strawberries are stewed, and the appearance of this soup will be much worse.

It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

The second type: white fungus pear soup

It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

If you often have mouth ulcers or dry cough, in the cold winter, you can use Sydney to cook white fungus soup to drink, especially the white fungus Sydney soup that is stewed and completely combined with white fungus soup, which is super moisturizing.

[Preparation of raw materials]: 35 grams of white fungus, 1 pear, 20 grams of rock sugar, 3 grams of wolfberry.

[The practice of white fungus and pear soup]: cut the white fungus into pieces and bubble it, then peel the pear and cut it into small pieces, then put the white fungus, Sydney pear, rock sugar, and an appropriate amount of hot water into the pot, simmer for 1 hour, put the wolfberry into the soup and stir evenly to drink.

It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

The third type: white fungus lotus seed lily soup

It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

When it's cold, there is always a time for insomnia, and the two foods of lotus seeds and lilies have the effect of relieving insomnia, so in winter, drinking white fungus lotus seed lily soup 1-2 times a week can not only replenish water, but also make sleep quality better.

[Preparation of raw materials]: 35 grams of white fungus, 10 grams of lotus seeds, 10 grams of lily, 20 grams of red dates, 20 grams of rock sugar.

[The practice of white fungus lotus seed lily soup]: cut the white fungus into pieces and bubble up, then soak the lotus seeds and lilies in hot water for 3 hours, and then put the white fungus, lotus seeds, lilies, red dates, and an appropriate amount of hot water into the casserole, simmer for 45 minutes, and then put the rock sugar into the pot and continue to simmer for 5 minutes before drinking.

It is the "sworn enemy" of dry and dehydrated skin, drink more moisturizing water in winter, delicious and nutritious!

Tremella fungus is the "sworn enemy" of dry skin and lack of water, in winter, drink more white fungus boiled moisturizing and moisturizing, whitening skin, hydrating and moisturizing, delicious and nutritious! I am Lao Hu, every day to share different food to everyone, if you like my food, a like and a follow, is the biggest motivation for me to update!

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