
When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

author:Sugar melon talks about emotions
When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

When my wife and I went to bed last night, she started tossing and turning again, sighing a lot, and I knew it meant she was bothered again. Shaking my head, I lazily rolled over and continued to drift off to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt a strong sense of oppression, it turned out that my wife was lying on top of me, and if my mother found out, she would definitely say that I was "unproductive". I rubbed my sleepy eyes and asked lazily, "What's wrong? Why haven't you fallen asleep so late?"

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

My wife looked at me and frowned: "I've been having nightmares lately, and I feel like something bad is going to happen." "

I stroked her hair and said distressedly, "Don't think about it, maybe it's just that you've been under a lot of pressure at work lately, and you need to take a good rest." "

The wife sighed softly and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, the sentence flashed through my mind: "When the husband and wife sleep, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man." "I can't help but feel nervous, is my wife having an affair?

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

But I immediately dismissed the idea, my wife would never do such a thing. However, it is true that she is often irritable these days, and she can't do her dreams steadily. Could it be that I've been ignoring her lately?

The next morning, I made an excuse and went home early. When I entered the house, I found my wife tidying up the study, looking a little dazed.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking up to her.

My wife raised her head, looked at me, and whispered, "I've been feeling something wrong lately, I always feel that someone is watching me, or I always feel a strange look when I speak." "

I frowned, wondering if my guess had come true? I took a deep breath and comforted, "Maybe it's just that you've been too tired lately, just pay more attention to rest." As for the rest, we can handle it together and definitely won't leave you alone. "

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

The wife nodded, revealing a faint smile.

At night, I secretly checked her recent situation with my mobile phone and found that she has indeed been under a lot of work pressure and life pressure recently, but there is nothing abnormal. At this point, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, maybe it's just that my wife has been too tired lately, which has led to some bad moods.

The next day, I quickly found a time, accompanied my wife to the hospital for a physical examination, and after confirming that there was no major problem, we went for a walk in the park together. In the language of flowers and birds, the wife slowly regained her old smile.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

"Actually, I've been a bit overloaded lately, thank you for your continued support and tolerance. My wife gently snuggled up to my shoulder, her voice trembling a little.

I hugged her tightly and whispered, "It's okay, I'll always be there for you." "

The special action is just a symbol of a special mood, she doesn't dream well, just because of the recent work pressure, I shouldn't have guessed at the beginning. Listen carefully to discover your true emotions. I decided that I would pay more attention to her in the future and not put too much pressure on her.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

In the days that followed, I tried to spend more time with my wife and help her with household chores and daily chores. Slowly, her mood gradually stabilized, and our lives returned to their former peace.

However, just when I thought everything was getting better, something unexpected happened. One night, when I was awakened from a nightmare, I found that my wife was missing. My heart tightened, and I quickly searched for her, and found her in the living room.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

"What are you doing here?" I asked, whispering.

The wife raised her head, and her eyes revealed a trace of determination and uneasiness: "I have always felt that there is something strange in my family recently, and I always feel that we are being watched or followed. I've heard some unusual noises tonight and I want to see what the hell is. "

My heart sank, what the hell was going on? I searched around with her, but didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

Over the next few days, my wife's mood became more and more unstable, she began to become neurotic, often feeling stalked, and even began to suspect the people around her. I tried my best to comfort and support her, but nothing got any better for her.

Gradually, our relationship became strained, and I couldn't understand her unusual behavior, while she felt misunderstood and ignored. I began to feel anxious and helpless, and I struggled to play the role of a good husband and friend, silently enduring all this.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

In an argument with my wife, I finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Don't you understand that it's all happening in your own mind. "I couldn't hide the disappointment and anger in my heart.

"You don't believe me, you never believed me!" she cried out in tears, almost through gritted teeth.

Our argument didn't lead to anything, it just made the rift between us more obvious, and I began to doubt my relationship with her.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

When my wife and I seemed to regain our emotional balance, a small incident broke the peace.

One night, I came home early to surprise my wife with a hearty dinner. When I walked through the door, the unusual silence and the faint smell of perfume made me a little uneasy.

I opened the bedroom door softly, only to see a scene that shocked me—my wife was sitting on the edge of the bed, packing a suitcase, with a trolley case next to it.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

"Honey, what's going on?" I was filled with fear, and I couldn't believe she was going to leave me.

She raised her head, her eyes filled with tears: "I can't go on like this anymore, I need to leave for a while and calm down." "

"Calm down what? there's no problem between us, you're like this all of a sudden, I don't even know what's going on!" I was a little impatient and emotional.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

The wife sighed and sobbed, "I know you found out that it was me who was wrong, but I really need time to figure it out." "

I remembered checking her phone that night, was she blaming me for not trusting her?

The conversation between us grew more and more intense, and finally she left the house with her luggage in tow. I was alone in an empty room, my heart aching.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

At this time, I remembered a sentence, "When the husband and wife sleep, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man." "I slapped myself on the head, how could I be so stupid, it couldn't be such a thing.

I desperately called her and sent countless texts, but she didn't reply. It was a few hours before she replied to my text message, saying that she had just gone to a friend's house and needed to calm down and would not leave me. But I still feel uneasy.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

Our relationship was strained for the next few days. She became more and more distant, and seemed to avoid me.

It was at this time that I received a call from a friend of my wife, who said she was coming to my house to talk about something.

That night, we returned home rejoicing, only to be disturbed by an unexpected event. As soon as I entered, I noticed a middle-aged man in the living room arguing with my mom about something. Hearing us come in, he immediately stopped arguing and looked at us.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

"Who is he in your family?" I frowned and said.

"This is your uncle, he has something to discuss with me. My mom looked at me and whispered.

My uncle looked at me, smiled a little awkwardly, and pointed to the sofa: "Son, sit down, uncle will tell you about things." ”

I reluctantly sat down, and he began to speak: "My daughter has been a little tight lately, and her business in the eastern city is in trouble, and I want to borrow some money from you to get through it first." ”

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

My creeps out, "Borrow money? What's wrong with you?"

"Your uncle, why are you so embarrassed to come here to ask for money?" said my mother with some annoyance, "My family is like you, where did you get the money?"

I felt a pang of anger in my heart. Over the years, my wife and I have been working hard in other places, working hard and thrifty, how can we have spare money to supplement other people's businesses?

Seeing this, the uncle's face was a little ugly, obviously embarrassed to ask for money, but he still forced his composure: "In this way, you lend me a little first, and my daughter will definitely pay it back to you." ”

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

I looked at him with disdain, but I was grabbed by my wife, who whispered to me: "You don't know about this matter, maybe there is a real difficulty, we can lend them some." ”

I frowned, broke free of her hand, and refused, "This money is not something that can be borrowed by idle people. ”

Seeing my resolute attitude, my uncle sighed helplessly, got up and left. My wife and I quarreled for a while over this matter, and she thought I was too ruthless, but I thought that my family was not rich in the first place, and because of this, I had to cherish every penny more.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

In the next few days, my wife and I became a little rusty, and she always blamed me for being too unkind when she mentioned in front of me that my uncle was going to borrow money, and I was always in a bad mood because of this. These Cold War days are really tiring.

Soon, we returned to a peaceful state of life. I work hard every day to try to reduce the burden on my wife. Our relationship has gradually returned to its previous state, warm and harmonious.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

However, an accident shattered the tranquility. One day, after work, I came home early to find that the door was open and the sound of men and women arguing in the house.

My heart tightened, and I walked into the house quickly, only to see a man arguing with his wife. The man was his wife's ex-boyfriend, and there seemed to be some personal problems between them, and he didn't want to go.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

"What the hell is going on with you?" I asked angrily.

My wife looked at me in amazement and tried to calm herself. "This is my past, and it has nothing to do with you. She took a deep breath and seemed to be explaining it to me.

I had mixed feelings in my heart, it turned out that my wife was hiding her past, and we always thought that we knew each other, but in fact, it was not. This discovery made me feel regret and anger.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

"Let the past be a thing of the past, I don't want to see the two of you together again. I said with a gloomy face.

The wife wanted to speak again and again, but finally lowered her head and did not speak again.

This incident made me start to re-examine our marriage and relationship, and I began to wonder if my wife was faithful to me, and the uneasiness and doubts in my heart came back to me. It was a huge shock and made me question the development of our relationship.

When the couple sleeps, the woman frequently has these 5 actions, and eighty percent of them have already cuckolded the man

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