
Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

author:Look for shadows against the light
Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

Recently, it seems that this beautiful country has been plunged into an eventful year.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?
Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

First of all, earthquakes strike frequently, like the cry of the earth. At the beginning of the new year, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, which sent tremors to the whole country. The destructive power of the epicenter was so great that many parts of Japan felt the intensity of the earthquake, as if the roar of the earth made people's hearts tremble.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

However, the catastrophe caused by the earthquake did not end there, but gave rise to even more terrible fires.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

With the invasion of natural disasters, the advent of man-made disasters seems to have become an irreversible part of this tragedy. At Haneda Airport, a thrilling sea of fire is spreading, and the crew and nearly 400 passengers on the burning passenger plane were urgently evacuated, NHK reported. However, this is not all, the Coast Guard plane was carrying 6 brave people, and in this collision, 5 people unfortunately died, and the captain was on the brink of life and death.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

This series of events, netizens also spoke out. However, we should believe in science and find the truth behind it. The frequency of earthquakes may be a natural manifestation of the movement of the earth's crust, while aircraft collisions require in-depth investigation and analysis, and cannot be simply attributed to the role of mysterious forces.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?
Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?
Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

In this context, the Chinese side suggests that Chinese who plan to travel to Japan should make a wise choice. Wait for the professional department to study the cause of the earthquake and predict the end time before going, because safety comes first and should not be taken lightly. At the same time, there are many unexplored scenic spots waiting for us to explore in China, and choosing to stay in China is also a safe and wise choice.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?
Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

This series of unfortunate events seems to be a great test, which makes people start to think about the fragility and impermanence of life. However, in the dark haze, we can also see the resilience of life and hope for the future. Perhaps it is in such a predicament that people can cherish everything in front of them more, and know how to care and cherish more.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

However, all this is not settled, and the suspense remains. We need science to unravel the mysteries of earthquakes, and we hope that Japan will solve the mystery of the plane collision and better understand and face the forces of nature. In this era of highly advanced science and technology, mankind may be able to prevent and resolve more disasters through the power of science.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

Japan is in an eventful year, let us pray together that Japan can get out of the haze as soon as possible, rebuild its homeland, and people can usher in a more stable and better tomorrow under the guidance of science.

Disasters after disasters: earthquakes, raging flames, plane collisions, what's wrong with Japan?

In this turbulent world, do you have full confidence in the power of science and believe that we can overcome the tests of nature?

The material of the article comes from the global network, reference news and other media research!

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