
There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

author:Yan Comb Lou Channel
There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

Author | Yan Chixia

On the first day of 2024, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck Japan, followed by tsunamis and volcanic eruptions!

The Japan Meteorological Agency said that since the 1st, a total of 155 earthquakes have occurred in Japan, including one earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 and another earthquake with a magnitude of 6 or higher.

The fire that broke out in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, at around 18:00 on the 1st, has been burning for more than 14 hours, burning about 200 buildings, including residential shops.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said at a press conference: "So far, very large damage has been confirmed, including multiple casualties, collapsed buildings, and fires. I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to the victims. ”

Kishida described the relief effort as a "race against time" and the government is working hard to identify the damage and respond to it.

There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

The occurrence of a natural disaster is unfortunate for mankind, but because it happened in Japan, it is inevitable that there will be quarrels in the field of public opinion in China.

A large number of Chinese netizens feel that the earthquake in Japan is a sign of heaven's damnation, all because Japan has done a lot of evil.

The blood feud of the past has not yet been settled, and now it is harming our oceans by discharging nuclear sewage, and such a nation is simply unforgivable.

Another part of the more rational netizens feel that in the face of natural disasters, we can't be so gloating, we still have to be compassionate.

In fact, these two points of view are normal, after all, Japan committed a lot of blood debts to China back then, and has not officially apologized to this day, and it is indeed difficult to sympathize with Japan with the combination of new and old hatreds.

If it weren't for the earthquake in Japan, Chinese netizens would not be so mean if it were any other country. That period of history is rooted in the hearts of every Chinese, and it is difficult for everyone to be more generous towards Japan at this time.

I think there is nothing wrong with these two groups of netizens.

Because sympathy for one's fellow human beings is still human instinct, but dislike for Japan is also the instinct of a Chinese.

We can fully sympathize with the plight of the Japanese people at this moment, but this does not affect our incomparable dislike for the Japanese nation.

But at this time, a group of reflection monsters suddenly appeared, and they couldn't wait for the Chinese to start collective reflection.

These reflections are of a unified tone, forcibly comparing the magnitude 7 earthquake in Japan with the magnitude 6 earthquake in Gansu not long ago, believing that the earthquake in Japan is more serious, but the number of victims is less, this must be something wrong with the system, and the Chinese should reflect on it.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with this statement, but the number of victims of this earthquake in Japan is indeed small. But if you think about it, you will see the problem.

First of all, the earthquake in Japan occurred yesterday, and it is still in the rescue time, and the number of victims has been rising.

At 7 o'clock this morning, the number of victims in Japan was only six, but by 11 o'clock it had risen to 24, and by 13 o'clock it had increased to 30, and as I wrote this article, I took a look at it again and it had increased again to 48.

Now that the final statistical results have not yet come out, these reflection monsters are anxious to make the Chinese start to reflect?

There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

In addition, the location of this earthquake can be ignored by many people, why the number of victims in Japan is small, it turns out that the Japanese earthquake did not occur in Japan, but in the coastal waters of Japan.

I just want to ask these reflections, is there a comparison between an earthquake that occurs near the sea and an earthquake that occurs inland?

Between two different countries and different regions, the population density is also different, so forcibly make a comparison, what is An's heart?

As we all know, Japan is in an earthquake zone, and it is almost the norm for a small earthquake to occur every three days and a major earthquake to be held every five days.

According to historical earthquake data, in the past 100 years, there have been 33 earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher within 500 kilometers of the epicenter of Japan.

It is undeniable that Japanese houses are indeed earthquake resistant, and Japanese people are more proficient in earthquake warning and escape measures.

Because it is an essential skill for Japanese people to survive, earthquakes may be accidental for other countries, but they are inevitable for Japan.

Not to mention China, there is no country in the world that is better at dealing with earthquakes than Japan. Last year's 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey killed 20,000 people.

But we need to know that Japan is doing well now because it learned enough lessons back then.

Far from it, the Great Japan Earthquake in March 2011 alone and the subsequent tsunami killed 20,000 people.

It's not that Japan has made any significant progress in earthquake resistance in the past 12 years, but because the epicenter of the earthquake this time was not on land, but at sea.

To put it more bluntly, it is not the Japanese who will win the day, but the mercy of God's subordinates this time.

In addition, there are concerns about the earthquake in Japan, as well as the nuclear power plants scattered throughout Japan, and the status of nuclear power plants is currently being confirmed in many parts of Japan.

What is already known is that the earthquake caused a fire in the transformer of the Shiga nuclear power plant in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, the water in the spent fuel pool of Unit 1 overflowed, and the cooling pump temporarily stopped working.

However, Japan said that the radiation intensity measured around the nuclear power plant was the same as normal, and that the radioactive material had no external effects.

This comes after Japan lifted its ban on the operation of the Kashiwazaki Kariba nuclear power plant, the largest nuclear power plant owned by Tokyo Electric Power Company and the largest in the world, which ceased operation after the Fukushima nuclear accident.

In this case, the water in the nuclear fuel pools of the reactors of the four units of the Kashiwazaki Kariba Nuclear Power Plant overflowed due to the shaking of the earthquake, but there were no leaks or damage outside the building. The spilled water contains radioactive material, and the level of radioactivity is being measured.

Japan's atomic energy regulator said the nuclear power plant along the coast of Japan did not confirm any anomalies.

I don't know if you believe it or not, but I don't believe anything about Japan, after all, the Fukushima nuclear power plant is still discharging nuclear sewage into the sea.

There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

At present, there are 1.24 million tons of nuclear sewage at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and it continues to increase at a rate of 140 tons per day, and it will take at least 30 years to discharge millions of tons of nuclear wastewater!

How can a small nuclear power plant have millions of tons of nuclear wastewater? Because the Fukushima nuclear power plant exploded as early as 2011.

At the beginning, Japan's nuclear power plant accident only reached the standard of a third-level nuclear accident, and the internal nuclear reactor did not explode, but the "serious and serious" Japanese forcibly dragged the third-level nuclear accident to a seventh-level nuclear accident!

Japan did not want to damage billions of dollars worth of equipment, so it did not inject seawater into the reactor to cool it, which eventually led to the explosion of the nuclear reactor due to excessive temperature.

I would like to stress again that the earthquake was not the main cause of the Fukushima nuclear power plant leak, but Japan's passive sabotage.

This magnitude 7 nuclear accident, the highest in human history, was caused by Japan itself.

There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

Moreover, in the decade since, the Japanese government has not taken any effective measures to directly discharge the nuclear sewage into the sea.

In fact, Japan has other better options, and the most effective option is to solidify it and bury it underground, but this is also the most expensive option. Discharging nuclear sewage directly into the sea is actually the least costly and most harmful solution.

It can be seen that the Japanese government has no choice, it simply does not want to spend money, and would rather pull the whole world into the water and let everyone pay for it.

The final macro simulation results show that Japan's nuclear wastewater will begin to reach the mainland's coast 240 days after discharge.

By 1,200 days off the coast of North America, the United States and Canada will be affected by nuclear contamination and will eventually cover the entire North Pacific Ocean.

Despite the self-purification capacity of our oceans, some of the radioactive materials contained in nuclear sewage will remain harmful for millennia.

There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

There have been many nuclear accidents in human history, but no country has chosen to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea, except for Japan.

We can't help but ask, why is Japan building nuclear power plants in a frenzy when it is in an earthquake zone?

You must know that Japan is a defeated country in World War II and has always been constrained by the "Peace Constitution", and cannot have an army, let alone build aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons.

But with the connivance of the United States, Japan's military strength has been increasing. In recent years, Japan has markedly accelerated the pace of promoting military deregulation, and at the same time is actively introducing NATO into East Asia, which is becoming a powder keg in East Asia.

At present, Japan is playing the game of hiding troops from the people, because it wants to avoid constitutional constraints, and there is no uranium mine necessary for the development of nuclear weapons, so Japan is now vigorously developing nuclear power plants.

There are few dead people in the earthquake in Japan, why should China reflect!

An island country in an earthquake zone is frantically building nuclear power plants, which obviously has other plans.

By vigorously developing nuclear power plants, Japan has basically mastered nuclear weapons technology, and now it is even more brazenly importing a large amount of uranium ore under the pretext of "developing nuclear power."

To be honest, no matter which country suffers from a natural disaster, it is a sympathetic thing.

But Japan can obviously do a good job in dealing with the aftermath, but it is concealed and delayed until it can't end, and finally drags the whole world into the water together!

How honest can such a country be, which has never even recognized its history of aggression in the past!

The plight of the Japanese people is sympathetic, but the actions of the Japanese government are hateful!

I hope that Japan will learn a lesson this time, not repeat the mistakes of the past, do a good job in dealing with the aftermath in an honest manner, and not cause a big disaster by not getting rid of it like last time.

The Chinese nation has always been a humble and kind nation, so why is Dudu so mean to Japan?

I would like to advise Japan to reflect on why you are so unpopular in China!

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