
Chen Jiaxu, the inheritor of the imperial doctor, unveiled the mystery of the imperial doctor, and the palace health method is worth learning Xi

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

Chen Jiaxu is a well-known expert in traditional Chinese medicine in mainland China and the inheritor of imperial medicine. The ancestors of the Chen family were all imperial physicians of the imperial court, so he received a good family medical education since he was a child, and his family has always trained him according to the standards of imperial doctors.

In people's minds, the Imperial Doctor is a very mysterious existence. So, what is the difference between the imperial doctor and the general doctor in terms of treatment methods?

Chen Jiaxu, the inheritor of the imperial doctor, unveiled the mystery of the imperial doctor, and the palace health method is worth learning Xi

Chen Jiaxu explained that in ancient times, the imperial physician was a high-level doctor who specialized in treating diseases and health care for members of the royal family. Their treatment methods are also based on the relevant theories of traditional Chinese medicine, but they are more demanding in terms of professional requirements, and the treatment methods of the imperial doctors are more precise and personalized, and at the same time pay special attention to prevention.

The diagnosis process of the imperial physician is very rigorous, they will use a variety of methods to diagnose, such as looking, smelling, asking, cutting, etc., and at the same time, they are very concerned about the patient's daily life, and the daily life is recorded in detail. Then, based on a variety of information, the patient's etiology, pathology and location are comprehensively determined, and then a personalized treatment plan is formulated based on this information.

Chen Jiaxu, the inheritor of the imperial doctor, unveiled the mystery of the imperial doctor, and the palace health method is worth learning Xi

Chen Jiaxu emphasized that although the imperial doctor pays great attention to curative effect, it pays more attention to prevention, and the imperial doctor will fully intervene in the diet and daily life of the royal family, which is the top priority of the imperial doctor. Imperial physicians usually take various preventive measures, such as massage, massage, diet, etc., to help the royal family members maintain their health.

Chen Jiaxu emphasized that although the ancient court health regimen is very different from the modern people's lifestyle, these health regimens still play an important role in our health, and we can learn many beneficial experiences from them.

According to Chen Jiaxu, the ancient court health care is not a simple food supplement or medicine supplement, but a comprehensive health care system, which is mainly based on adjusting diet, self-cultivation, and physical fitness, and at the same time adjusting for individual differences, supplemented by precise treatment measures. Among them, the most important is dietary modification.

Chen Jiaxu, the inheritor of the imperial doctor, unveiled the mystery of the imperial doctor, and the palace health method is worth learning Xi

In the court, there are many unique recipes that are worth learning Xi learning. These recipes are not only nutritious, but also have outstanding health benefits.

For example, breakfast is very important in the court, which is different from modern people, not only because it is very varied, but also has specific health benefits. The palace breakfast consisted mainly of porridge and soup. For example, the "Pearl Jade White Jade Soup" is made with bird's nest, tofu, chicken and other ingredients, which is very delicious and nutritious.

Of course, we ordinary people can't afford this kind of expensive breakfast, but there are also cheap and high-quality breakfast varieties in the court. Than "Eight Treasure Lotus Seed Porridge", it is made of glutinous rice, lotus seeds, red dates, lilies and other materials boiled together, which has a very good effect of nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves, strengthening the spleen and appetizing, and the price is very close to the people, and the people can afford to eat.

Chen Jiaxu, the inheritor of the imperial doctor, unveiled the mystery of the imperial doctor, and the palace health method is worth learning Xi

For lunch, the diet is mainly delicate and delicious, and at the same time has health benefits. For example, the "abalone steamed egg" that the Wanli Emperor loved very much, which is steamed with abalone and eggs, has an extremely fresh and tender taste, and has a very good effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat.

The palace dinner was mainly light and easy to digest. For example, "yam stewed pigeon" is carefully stewed with yam and pigeon, which has the effect of replenishing deficiency and invigorating qi, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves.

Professor Chen Jiaxu emphasized that traditional Chinese medicine is a valuable experience and life wisdom accumulated by the Chinese nation through thousands of years, and it must be carried forward. At the same time, it is also necessary to popularize the essence of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation to thousands of households, so as to enhance people's physical fitness and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Chen Jiaxu, the inheritor of the imperial doctor, unveiled the mystery of the imperial doctor, and the palace health method is worth learning Xi

Note: The picture comes from the Internet

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