
Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 100 million users, and the popularity of AI is like a bamboo, is it really going to replace workers?

author:Copper Odor Research Institute Tho Brother

Most people may feel that the past 2023 is lackluster, but there is one thing that is far away from ordinary people but full of force, but it is a hot mess, and this treasure is the AI model.

With the popularity of chatGPT, at the beginning of the new year of 2023, a "thousand model war" has also been quickly set off in China, including traditional manufacturers Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Byte, and all kinds of princes of entrepreneurial rookies, have poured into the track of large models.

Finally, after more than half a year of fierce battles, the first large model to run out in China is Baidu's Wenxin Yiyan, which was launched in April and has been iterated to version 4.0 so far, and it is said that its ability has reached the level of chatGPT3.5 and even some more than chatGPT4.0. (The salary of Baidu Wenxin team can refer to the table at the end of the article)

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 100 million users, and the popularity of AI is like a bamboo, is it really going to replace workers?


1. What is an AI model?

If we throw the question "What is an AI model?" to Wenxin, it can quickly give the answer as shown in the figure below, in which it will first give a very formal academic explanation, that is, the AI model is a computational model that simulates the work of neurons in the human brain.

Then, it will give an example of what the core architecture and principles of this thing similar to the human brain are, and then tell you how the large model is trained and what it can do after training through a practical example.

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 100 million users, and the popularity of AI is like a bamboo, is it really going to replace workers?

To put it more plainly, the AI model can be understood as a machine brain in parallel with the human brain, which can also become more knowledgeable and intelligent through learning and Xi training like the human brain, and then can solve specific problems in reality based on the intelligence Xi it.

Speaking of which, if you're sensitive enough, you're probably already aware that the AI model is a competitor to our humans. With the evolution of its capabilities, a lot of real-world work, the AI model can easily do it, and no one is needed at all.

Far from alarmist, this is already quietly becoming a reality. (The salary of Baidu Wenxin team can refer to the table at the end of the article)

2. Who will be the first to lose their jobs by the AI model?

If the AI does the work, it will naturally not be done, which means that many people will lose their jobs and lose their jobs.

At the current level of AI, some of the following jobs may soon be easily replaced by AI:

1. A large number of repetitive work.

This type of work is characterized by a single content, strong repetition, and fixed operating procedures and standards, which AI can accomplish through automated programs. This type of work includes things like data entry clerks, production line workers, etc.

2. Simple digital information processing and decision-making.

The characteristics of this kind of work are: there are relatively clear and definite calculation formulas, such as accountants, auditors, etc., these jobs mainly involve information processing and simple decision-making, and AI can quickly complete these tasks through algorithms, which is more efficient and accurate than manual work.

3. Customer service work.

This type of work is characterized by standardized processes and operating specifications, such as customer service representatives, bank tellers, etc., which mainly involve communication and exchange with customers, and AI can complete these tasks through natural language processing technology.

In real life, you should have been exposed to a lot of marketing calls, which are actually made by AI, including when doing some consultations and complaints, many of them are connected and processed through AI first.

In the future, with the further development of AI technology, the following types of jobs may also be easily replaced by AI:

1. Jobs that require high professional skills.

For example, financial analysts, insurance accountants, etc., these jobs require high professional skills, and AI can accomplish these tasks through technologies such as deep learning Xi.

2. Creative work.

Such as text editing, translation, image design, etc., these jobs require human creativity and imagination, and AI can accomplish these tasks through technologies such as generative models.

3. Complex decision-making and problem solving.

For example, doctors, lawyers, drivers, etc., these jobs need to deal with complex decisions and problems, and in areas such as imaging diagnosis and drug development, AI has shown strong capabilities and may replace human labor in some specific medical tasks.

In areas such as legal research and contract analysis, natural language processing and text analysis technologies may affect some routine legal work.

As autonomous driving technology evolves, the demand from drivers is likely to decrease.

4. Personalized education.

AI technology may replace manual labor in personalized learning Xi, automatic assessment, one-on-one dialogue, and Xi Q&A, greatly improving efficiency and better adapting to personalized learning Xi.

According to my personal experience, Wenxin Yiyan can be a great help to my writing work, for example, I input a paragraph into it and ask it to abbreviate, and the result is quite satisfactory, not only the outline and logic are reasonable, the data cited is very accurate, but also maintains the integrity of the original meaning.

This has made me at least 3 times more efficient in writing!

This reminds everyone that it is imperative to learn Xi and embrace AI as soon as possible. Don't wait until the day you get eaten by it, you won't regret it.

Let's take a look at how much money people can earn each month for the development of Wenxin Yiyan. Based on the revelations of Baidu's internal staff, we have sorted out Baidu's salary for your reference.

The average salary of technical R&D personnel

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 100 million users, and the popularity of AI is like a bamboo, is it really going to replace workers?

Average salary of product personnel

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 100 million users, and the popularity of AI is like a bamboo, is it really going to replace workers?

Average salary of operating staff

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 100 million users, and the popularity of AI is like a bamboo, is it really going to replace workers?

Average salary of business personnel

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 100 million users, and the popularity of AI is like a bamboo, is it really going to replace workers?


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