
There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while


Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, this is the most important meal for Chinese, it is not only a hearty meal, but also a deep emotional sustenance. On this special day, in addition to the sumptuous dishes, desserts are also an integral part.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

They are like a sweet ceremony, adding more warmth and joy to this important occasion, in the Chinese Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, desserts cannot be underestimated, they not only satisfy people's taste buds, but also imply the sweetness and happiness of the coming year.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

We will introduce you to 3 must-have dessert dishes for the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, they are sweet and delicious, loved by children, and will be sold out as soon as they are served!

The first course, blueberry yam

This dish is made with yam as the main ingredient, paired with fresh blueberries, the taste is soft and glutinous, sweet but not greasy, yam has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, invigorating the lungs and relieving cough, and blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which are good for eye health.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

This dessert is not only delicious, but also has a certain nutritional value, is a delicacy on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, the combination of the two, not only has a unique taste, but also has a very high nutritional value.

1. Wash the yam, cut it into chunks, put on disposable gloves and scrape off the skin, gloves are to prevent itchy hand allergies.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

2. Put the yam cubes into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, cook until the yam is soft, about 20 minutes, and mash into a mashed yam.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

3. In a separate bowl, add an appropriate amount of blueberry jam and water, stir clockwise, and set aside.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

4. Shape the yam and pour the mixed blueberry sauce on top of the yam and serve.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

The second course, pulling sweet potatoes

Sweet potato is rich in dietary fiber and a variety of vitamins, has a good health care effect, the selection of high-quality sweet potato, after frying, and then wrapped in a layer of syrup, the taste is crispy, the sweetness is moderate, and it is deeply loved by children.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

1. Wash the sweet potato, peel it, cut it into chunks, and pat a layer of starch on the surface.

2. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, add the sweet potato pieces after the oil is hot, and fry slowly over medium-low heat until the surface of the sweet potato pieces turns golden brown.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

3. Remove the fried sweet potato pieces and drain the oil.

4. Leave a small amount of oil in the pot, add sugar, and slowly stir-fry over low heat.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

5. When the sugar turns red and foamy, quickly add the fried sweet potato pieces and stir-fry quickly so that each piece of sweet potato is coated with sugar juice.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

6. Wait until the sugar juice completely wraps the sweet potato pieces, you can get out of the pot, and when you eat it, it will be pulled out of the silk, and you can dip it in water to eat, sweet and crispy.

Pumpkin pie

1. Peel and seed the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces and steam it. After steaming, puree the pumpkin with a spoon and set aside.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

2. Pour the glutinous rice flour into a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of sugar, and stir well.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

3. Pour the pumpkin puree into the glutinous rice flour, stir well and knead into a smooth dough.

4. Divide the kneaded dough into small portions and roll into round cakes.

There are 3 must-have dessert dishes on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, sweet and delicious, children love to eat, and they will be on the table for a while

5. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan, heat it, put the pumpkin pie in the pan, and fry it over medium-low heat until golden brown on both sides.

The pumpkin pie is golden in color, soft and glutinous and sweet, and tastes best when eaten hot, children like it, feast on it, without pressure, pumpkin pie is not only delicious, but also has rich nutritional value.

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