
The Chinese armed forces are strongly dissatisfied! The US side has made another small move related to Taiwan, and the Ministry of Defense has responded very directly


Title: China-US military exchanges heat up Trans-Pacific dialogue reveals tensions over Taiwan

The Chinese armed forces are strongly dissatisfied! The US side has made another small move related to Taiwan, and the Ministry of Defense has responded very directly

Introduction: Under the global gaze, the military interaction between China and the United States has become more and more subtle. The recent series of developments not only shows the strategic game between the two powers, but also pushes the Taiwan issue to the forefront. From high-level video calls to the National Defense Authorization Act to planned arms sales to Taiwan, these moves have undoubtedly heightened regional tensions. This article will explain these complex chess games for you in an objective and professional way.

The Chinese armed forces are strongly dissatisfied! The US side has made another small move related to Taiwan, and the Ministry of Defense has responded very directly


The Chinese armed forces are strongly dissatisfied! The US side has made another small move related to Taiwan, and the Ministry of Defense has responded very directly

Recently, the military leaders of China and the United States had in-depth exchanges on important bilateral relations issues through video conferences. The purpose of the meeting is to enhance mutual understanding and trust and reduce the risk of miscalculation. However, behind the peace talks, the differences between the two sides on security positions remain stark.

The Chinese armed forces are strongly dissatisfied! The US side has made another small move related to Taiwan, and the Ministry of Defense has responded very directly

The latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act signed by the President of the United States has attracted widespread attention. The bill not only involves a huge military spending budget, but also contains a number of provisions specifically for Taiwan. One of the most striking is the plan to provide Taiwan with advanced F16V fighter jets and other weapons systems. The move is seen as a positive step by the United States in its power projection and alliance support in the Asia-Pacific region.

However, the action was strongly criticized by Chinese officials. China believes that the US move violates the agreement reached between the two sides at the time of the establishment of diplomatic relations and undermines China's core interests. A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said: "The Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affair and brooks no foreign interference. At the same time, he stressed that any attempt to "resist reunification by force" would be futile.

China's Ministry of National Defense also issued a warning to the US side and said that it would take necessary measures to firmly safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. "We urge the US side to abide by the one-China principle and the spirit of the three China-US joint communiques, and stop all forms of arms sales to Taiwan. ”

In the face of an increasingly tense geopolitical atmosphere, some experts have called on both sides to abandon the outdated Cold War mentality and zero-sum game logic and instead seek a path of common security and stability. "Only through dialogue and cooperation can lasting regional and global peace be truly achieved," analysts said. ”


In today's volatile and challenging international environment, the pattern of interaction between China and the United States in the military field is worth pondering for every reader who cares about the future. As a sensitive and complex point in bilateral relations, the Taiwan issue may become an important stage for testing the wisdom and patience of both sides in the future. It is hoped that reason, communication, and peace will be the main words to be used when dealing with such difficult issues.

Let us stay tuned and hope that rationality and objectivity will be able to dispel the clouds and make breakthroughs in the search for common interests and security guarantees.

[This article represents the author's personal views only, is intended to be for informational reference, and does not constitute any policy or position advice]

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