
CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

author:Planck said things

In the long history of Chinese basketball, Yi Jianlian's jersey retirement ceremony is undoubtedly a bright pearl. This moment is not only a tribute to Yi Jianlian's brilliant career, but also a milestone in the history of Chinese basketball. But behind this dazzling brilliance, we see not only glory and brilliance, but also deep memories of those players who have paid silently and also contributed to the cause of Chinese basketball.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

In such a grand ceremony, Su Wei's appearance attracted great attention. As Yi Jianlian's teammate, Su Wei's basketball career is full of inspiration and challenges. His story, like the "immortal bird" on the basketball court, has risen from setbacks countless times. Su Wei, a former kayaker, chose basketball and chose a whole new world. Despite his late start and weak foundation, he finally stood on the basketball stage with his love for basketball and unremitting efforts.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

Su Wei's basketball journey has not been easy. Throughout his career, he has faced tremendous pressure and challenges. Especially in the 2011-2012 season, Su Wei was frequently criticized by fans and the media for his poor performance, and even fell into depression for a while. But he did not give up, but chose to face it bravely, and this spirit is rare in the basketball world and even in the sports world.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

After retiring, Su Wei did not stay away from basketball, he opened a basketball gym in his hometown of Shandong, passing on his basketball passion and experience to the next generation. At the same time, his personal life is also very happy, and his happy marriage with the wife of the flight attendant and the company of his three children make his life more colorful.

At Yi Jianlian's jersey retirement ceremony, Su Wei's appearance is not only a support for an old teammate, but also a spiritual inheritance. Yi Jianlian and Su Wei, although their careers are different, both represent the spirit of Chinese basketball: tenacity, unyielding, and the courage to challenge. Together, they have written a glorious chapter in Chinese basketball.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

Yi Jianlian's jersey retirement and Su Wei's retirement life, both of which tell us that a basketball player's career is not just about jumping and shooting on the court. Their lives and spirits continue to be an important part of their lives, whether it's passing on experiences in the basketball arena or having fun at home.

The development of Chinese basketball proves the fact that basketball is not only a sport, but also a culture, a diversified culture. Yi Jianlian's success and Su Wei's persistence are both important parts of this culture. Each player's story adds a unique touch to the diverse world of basketball.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

The story of Yi Jianlian and Su Wei also reflects a common phenomenon: the stories behind heroes are often unknown. The public is always attracted by the glamour on the pitch and ignores the players who have worked hard behind the scenes and experienced setbacks. Their stories also deserve to be heard and celebrated.

These stories also reveal the true meaning of sportsmanship. Not only victory and glory, but more importantly, courage in the face of challenges, perseverance, and the spirit of never giving up. Yi Jianlian and Su Wei, one represents the pinnacle of light, and the other represents perseverance and hard work, together constitute a complete picture of sportsmanship.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

Going deeper, the stories of Yi Jianlian and Su Wei also reflect the close connection between basketball and personal growth. Basketball is not just a sport, it is also a school of life. Here, the players not only learn the technique and tactics, but more importantly, how to face the challenges and how to grow in the face of adversity.

As public figures, Yi Jianlian and Su Wei also shoulder social responsibility. Their words and deeds will affect the fans in general, especially the younger ones. Their stories and spirit can inspire more young people to pursue their dreams and keep working hard and fighting.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

Yi Jianlian's glory and Su Wei's persistence constitute the two faces of "success" in the basketball world. This has also led to different understandings and controversies about "success". Some people believe that success means standing at the top of the ladder and having countless honors and trophies, while others believe that true success lies in relentless hard work and perseverance in dreaming, even if there are constant failures and challenges along the way.

Yi Jianlian's jersey retirement ceremony is not only a sports festival, it is more like an opportunity to deeply interpret the spirit of basketball. It tells us that basketball is not only about competition and entertainment, but also about personal growth, social responsibility, and even life philosophy on a deeper level.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

The spread and development of basketball in China is not only the spread of sports, but also a process of cultural integration. The story of Yi Jianlian and Su Wei is like a microcosm of the culture of basketball taking root and blossoming in China. They not only show the charm of sports competition, but also show how basketball culture can be combined with traditional Chinese culture to form a unique basketball cultural landscape.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

In addition, basketball, as a sport, plays an important role in the education of young people. The stories of Yi Jianlian and Su Wei can be used as a model for education, conveying the positive energy of courage to face challenges and continue to work hard to young people. Their experiences can spark a passion for sports in teenagers and develop a sense of teamwork and competition.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

Mental health issues in basketball players are also a cause for concern. Su Wei has faced mental health challenges throughout his career, a common problem for many high-intensity athletes. Their experiences remind us that mental health is just as important as physical health. This has also prompted society to pay more attention to the mental health of athletes and provide them with more comprehensive support.

The retirement lives of Yi Jianlian and Su Wei also inspire us to find a work-life balance. Their state of life after retirement shows how to find new purpose and happiness in life outside of their careers. This is a good example for many professionals to Xi.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

Finally, the story of Yi Jianlian and Su Wei is about the pursuit of dreams. Whether it is the glory of standing on the podium or the process of continuous efforts in the challenge, it reflects the pursuit and persistence of dreams. Their experiences encourage everyone to be brave enough to pursue their dreams, no matter what the odds may be.

CBA Lord of the Rings Su Wei appeared! married a 1.8 meter flight attendant, gave birth to 2 sons and 1 daughter, and suffered from depression due to "changing Su Wei".

To sum up, Yi Jianlian's jersey retirement ceremony is far more than a simple celebration, it is an exploration and interpretation of the deep meaning of basketball. The story of Yi Jianlian and Su Wei is not only a legend on the basketball court, but also a compass on the road of life, guiding us to move forward bravely and pursue our dreams in the face of challenges and difficulties. Basketball is not just a sport, it is an attitude to life, a love of dreams and life.

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