
"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching

author:Brother Jia talks about food

Recommended words: What I want to share with you today is: "Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat a little every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching

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In winter, climate change is great, especially the cold air can cause the mucus secretion of the respiratory tract to increase, and the bronchiciliary movement is weakened, resulting in a significant increase in the number of people coughing, so it is particularly important to protect the respiratory tract, especially the health of the throat.

TCM diet therapy is about the "homology of medicine and food", through daily diet to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases, appropriate diet therapy can not only relieve cough, but also moisturize the lungs and strengthen the body's self-regulation function.

Many people think that Sydney is a dietary medicine for cough, but in fact, this is not the case, in fact, there are better hidden foods in our lives than Sydney to relieve cough and moisten the lungs.

Today I will share with you these 3 kinds of "cough suppressants" for you to learn and Xi:

1: []

Kumquat is rich in vitamin C and pectin, which has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, while rock sugar can moisturize the throat and relieve dry itching.

Recommended recipe: Kumquat paste

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching


1000g kumquat, 500g rock sugar, 1 empty jar

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching


1) Rub the kumquat with salt and remove the stem

2) Blanch the water in a pot for 5 minutes to remove the bitterness of kumquat

3) Cut the kumquat in half and stir-fry in a pot over medium-low heat with the rock sugar until the rock sugar melts.

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching

4) Simmer and stir-fry for 30 minutes until there is no water in the kumquats

Cool it down and refrigerate it in an airtight jar that can be drunk for 2 months!!

2: 【Mandarin orange fruit, olive】

Mandarin fruit and olives have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, while pork bone soup can nourish yin and kidneys, which is conducive to strengthening lung function and relieving cough.

Recommended recipe: Clenan broth with orange fruit and olives

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching

Ingredients: olives, lime, water chestnut, lean meat, ginger slices

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching


"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching

1) Blanch lean pork in a pot under cold water, rinse and set aside

2) Wash the oranges and olives, crush and set aside

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching

3: Put all ingredients into a stew pot, add an appropriate amount of water and simmer for 1 and a half hours, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste before cooking

3: [Apple]

Apples can quench thirst, and tangerine peel has the effect of regulating qi and dissolving phlegm, relieving cough and asthma, and the combination of the two can not only moisturize the lungs, but also relieve cough.

Recommended recipe: apple tangerine peel water

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching


1) 1 apple + 1 tangerine peel + 5 red dates + 1 tablespoon wolfberry + rock sugar to taste.

"Cough Suppressant" is not Sydney, but it! Eat some every day to protect your throat and keep your throat from itching

2) Add 4 bowls of water and cook for 10 minutes, then add the wolfberries and cook for another 3 minutes.

Conclusion: For middle-aged and elderly people, it is best to treat any small problems in the body through dietary therapy, the above 3 cough suppressants, not only simple and easy to obtain, but also convenient to eat, is a good helper for your winter health care.

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