
The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (3) The Demon King chapter, the marriage of the great power of beauty and thickness

author:Heavy boat

What is a great power? Four words, the world believes in it.

The so-called east conquest and west grievances, the southern conquest and the north di grievances, all directions are nagging, nirvana is not this Gadarani. The people looked forward to it like a great drought and looked at the clouds, and ate pot pulp to welcome the king's master. In a word, true – the beacon of the world.

If you multiply it with ten thousand multipliers, the people avoid it as if they were avoiding water and fire, resign from buying bones and thousands of gold, and prefer to die the fall of the flying boat. The country regards the people as servants, and the people regard the country as a hater. Although the country is big, one husband and wife are difficult and seven temples are hidden, and the world laughs.

The ancients did not understand this. In fact, modern people don't know much, thinking that the truth is in hand, and I have it in the world. Using shells as couriers, there is no reason why it does not make sense. This rolling red dust would be so simple, and there would not be many clouds and clouds.

Compared to Owari, Mino is a big country. Mino has been the guardian of the Toki clan for generations, and he is the forerunner of the revolution, the night watchman of civilization, and the model of the samurai family after the famous gate.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (3) The Demon King chapter, the marriage of the great power of beauty and thickness


Mino Toki originated from Kiyowa Genji Rai Kōryū. This Genrai Hikari was a samurai general of the Heian period and the ancestor of the Settsu Genji clan. According to legend, the four kings of Watanabe, Sakata Kaneshi, Bubu Jiwu, and Sadamitsu Tsurui slashed Tsurugi with swords, suppressed wine and swallowed, slaughtered earth spiders, and ambushed birds, and Wencheng Wu unified the rivers and lakes, and his reputation was very loud in later generations.

Genrai Hikari climbed the fujiwara michijo and became a lackey under the Taisei clan and served as Mino Mori. Since then, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and Genji has become the head family in Mino Kingdom. Genrai Hikari's fifth-generation descendant, Genmitsu Shin, built a residence in Toki Township, Mino Prefecture, and changed his surname to the Toki clan. Toki Mitsunobu's grandson, Mitsuhiro Toki, was appointed to the service of Mino Guardian in the early Kamakura period and was awarded the title of "Toki Shōnen", and the Toki clan was firmly bound to the Mino Guardian. The two surnames of the later Mino Kuni Satoshi and Hatsuki were the clans that were diverted from Toki.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (3) The Demon King chapter, the marriage of the great power of beauty and thickness

Toki Family: Kikyo

In the first year of the middle year (1324), Emperor Go-Daigo's plan fell, and Hino Shimasa contacted Mino's Toki Raikan. Hino Aba Aba said that Toki Rai's blood was boiling, and he was willing to be the forerunner of the king, to be a pawn of the revolution, and to attack the Kamakura shogunate's Rokupollo probe stationed in Kyoto.

Since ancient times, when the gongqing made a revolution, most of them could not achieve anything. When the news reached Rokuboro's ears, Hojo's tenjutsu arrived at dawn, mino Toki turned into powder, and Daigo immediately threw the pot to Toki Raikan, who had lost his life, claiming that he was completely unaware. Toki Rai was also charged with treason on both sides of the shogunate.

Lai's father, Lai Zhen, and his brother Lai Yuan defected to the Ashikaga Clan and swore an oath to the court and made great achievements. When the north and south were united, Toki Raisada was appointed as the guardian of Mino, the first generation of the Muromachi shogunate, and was known as "Toki absolutely destroyed Ashikaga". Mino Toki made a comeback and became the head of the family, the general of the pen, the foundation of the revolution, the opening of the lord, and there is no more glorious than this.

Guardian forces like Toki were called "King Kong Daimyo" in the early days of Muromachi, and the warlords were not enough, which is probably the meaning of military head in modern parlance. These Vajrayogini are self-proclaimed, soaring, invincible, and full of revolutionary romantic fearlessness. One day, after drinking, Toki Laiyuan bumped into Emperor Guangyan's Luan driver, and the honor guard who opened the road gave way to the road. Toki Laiyuan scolded the imperial court driver with the strength of wine, but a dog driver, a feudal remnant, a puppet puppet, where is better than my revolutionary young general Gen Hongmiaozheng. Immediately pulling open the bowstring and firing an arrow at the emperor's palanquin, it frightened the emperor's ass and completely exposed the weak nature of the feudal ruling class.

The shogunate's deputy shogun Ashikaga Naoyoshi was planning to seduce the imperial nobles at that time, and was a representative figure in the shogunate who took the feudal main class line, referred to as the feng faction. Far from giving face to the emperor, or to the vice-admiral, Ashikaga Naoyoshi was poor and rakshased in Omi, capturing Toki Raiyuan and beheading Riku, greatly killing the angry anger of the King Kong Daimyo.

The Ashikaga clan allowed Toki's nephew Raiken to inherit the family business. Later, when Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was in power, he also wanted to tighten his authority, engage five horses to enter Beijing, and call the heads of the large and small military to Kyoto to take up three or four positions to prevent the family from sitting on the throne. However, these military leaders have agents remote control places, compared to the shogunate, the sub-national needle guarded by the King Kong Daimyo cannot be inserted, the water cannot be spilled, and it has become a country within a country.

If this is the case, then provoke the masses to fight the masses, and the shogunate has a way in its pocket. After the death of Toki Raikan, the two heirs, Yasuyuki and Manzhen, competed for the position of leader, and the brothers were on the wall. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu immediately supported Toki Mansada, chased after Yasuyuki, and easily took care of Mino. After that, Mino Toki was like a castration, losing the strength to compete with the shogunate.

Toki hemofu Mino waited for half a century, waiting until the eight generations of Mekari came to the throne and ushered in the great chaos in the world during the YingRen period. Toki Narimaki followed yamanazu's western army, which was headed by Yamana, and traveled to Gyeonggi, bleeding and wounding the shogunate in exchange for the admiration of General Ashikaga. In the ninth year of civilization (1477), Toki Narita returned to Mino to rectify the military and government at the behest of generals, and only then did he realize that the kingdom under his name had changed.

Taking advantage of the eleven-year stay in Kyoto by Toki Seirai, the guardian saito myōtō suppressed domestic opposition, seized the manor land, and fostered friendship among his cronies. Try to see today's Mino, which is already the world of Myo Tsubaki alone. It is only a statue of a wooden bronze cast, which can flow far away. The descendants of the great name of The Great Kongo were reduced to such a field, and the ancestors who shouted and cursed the dog driving were shocked.

Saito Myotson held the authority, conquered the north and south, repeatedly used troops outside the country, and became a key figure in the victory and defeat of the left and right armies in the east and the west. At the end of the war, Hatoyama Yoshinori and Ōuchi Masahiro retired one after another, and the Western Shogunate shogun Ashikaga Yoshitsune, who had no way to go, defected to Mino with Toki Narimasa and took refuge in Saito Myotsuna. In the eleventh year of civilization (1479), Myotsuna announced his retirement, and the next year the news of his death reached Kyoto, and the emperor was relieved that the world could be stable from now on.

After Myotson's death, his nephew Rito competed with his adopted son, Rikoku, for the governor of the house. In the end, Rito relied on the power of the shogunate to become the guardian of Mino, and the real power was still in the hands of Toshikoku.

Toki Chenglai has sons Andi and Yuan lai, each of whom has gathered the same party to covet the position of protection. Guardian Saito Toshito and Shigeto Ishimaru Toshimitsu sided with the last son Motorai, and Saito Toshikoku sided with the concubine Masamune. Mino Kingdom therefore divided into two factions in a melee, which was fought for funada in the fourth year of Akiyo (1495).

Saito Toshikuni, despite his early disadvantages, had connections left behind by his adoptive father, Myotsawa, who brought help from Echizen Asakura and Owari Oda, and in turn attacked Ishimaru Toshimitsu's castle. After the war, saito rito and Ishimaru Toshimitsu were purged, and the lineage of the guardian Toki family was swept away, and since then it has become more and more depressed.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (3) The Demon King chapter, the marriage of the great power of beauty and thickness

Moon Hundred Zi Inabayama No. Tsukioka Yoshinori

Saito Toshikuni successfully ascended to the throne, remembering that the Hexagonal Takarai of Minamiomi had supported Ishimaru Toshimitsu during the Funada Battle, and did not deal with himself, and immediately sent an army to attack Gangnam. Hexagonal Gao Lai is still an old countermeasure, hiding in the mountains to fight guerrillas, letting go of the masses, and disciplining foreign invaders to come and go. Rokkaku Takarai relied on this hand to fight a protracted battle that had previously consumed the shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori, and now he was playing with Saito Toshikuni in the palm of his hand.

In the fifth year of Akio (1496), Saito Toshikuni and Toshi's father and son were attacked by more than 10,000 Tuichi in Minami Omi, and the entire army was destroyed. The Saito clan, along with their loyalists, was wiped out for a while, and it was the bells of the Gion Shrine that rang and the Mi army was defeated on the Yalu River.

It is said that the Gangnam Hexagon Clan is the same as the fish belly in the game, but in fact, it is two famous kings, with half of Omi alone to resist the world, and the end is bad in the hands of Nobunaga, and it is not a loss. It is indeed a fierce character of first class, a full of imperial graveyards.

Saito Toshikuni was killed in battle, Mino fell into turmoil, and the crowd chased deer, and I really don't know how many people are called lonely. The concubine Lai Wu who guarded the Toki government house fought with his second son Lai Yi, who supported Lai Wu by the guardian Dai Saito Riryo, and the supporters of Lai Yi were Nagai Nagahiro and Nagai Shinzo Eimon, who held the authority. The two sides were fruitless in their negotiations, and a joint war broke out in the fourteenth year of Yongzheng (1517).

The Nagai clan mentioned here was originally the head of Saito's family, and he had meritorious achievements in the Funada Battle, and was appointed as the guardian of the minor guardian generation, that is, the guardian generation of the Saito clan, which is an infinite matryoshka doll.

The infighting between Lai Wu and Lai Yi was protracted, and in the third year of Yulu (1530), Toki Lai Yi finally won and exiled his brother Lai Wu to Echizen. At this time, Nagahiro Nagai, whom Lai Yi relied heavily on, and the new left guard lieutenant passed away one after another, and the host of Mino was replaced by The son of the new left guard guard, Nagai Norihide, later Saito Michizo.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (3) The Demon King chapter, the marriage of the great power of beauty and thickness

Three statues of Saito Michi

Saito Michizo was a typical figure in the Sengoku period, with a humble origin, probably only comparable to the later Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

When Michi was a child, because his family was poor, he became a monk at Myōkyō-ji Temple in Kyoto, and his legal name was Horenbo. Later, he called himself Matsuba Shogoro, and entered the lamp oil merchant Naraya, and changed his name to Yamazaki Shogoro. Legend has it that he took a gourd and placed it on the ground, covered his mouth with money, and Xu drank the oil and drained it from the money hole, and the money was not wet. Only the hands are ripe.

Dozo is introduced by The Nichijin Shangren, who also worked as a sami at Myōkyō-ji Temple, and is introduced by Nagahiro Nagai. He later crossed the favor of nagai and became a vassal to guard Toki Raiyoshi. With great power in his hands, The Three Eyes of the Dao Dynasty Nagai Nagahiro took revenge and sent assassins to assassinate Nagai, inheriting the Nagai clan as a fellow minister and changing his name to Nagai Norihide.

A few years later, after the death of the original guardian Saito Riryo, Michizo joined the Saito family by the order of Toki Raiyoshi, changed his name to Saito Toshimasa, and took up the new guardianship, Michizo was his legal name after his ordination. In this way, Saito Michizo completed the gorgeous transformation from oil seller to guardian generation, becoming the first person to rise in the class of nations.

The reason why we prefer the Warring States Period is not because the real society of class solidification is suffocating, and the plain white makes people sigh: I would like to be a rogue with a thick tail, born in the Ying Ren Astronomical Age, the Iron Horse Glacier lived a lifetime, and the safety of heaven and earth was unknown.

The ancients talked about being born noble and lowly, the lowest status of social class is the merchant, and the lowest status of the family door valve is the son-in-law. Saito Michizo is all wet, and if you think about it carefully, it is probably slightly better than a domestic slave, and even toyotomi Hideyoshi's poor and lower-middle peasant origin is probably half a head taller than Dozo. Now that the chicken dog has ascended to heaven, he has actually achieved the high position of the guardian generation, and although those orthodox warrior door valves and local hao clans have bowed their heads and served small, they still have a little unhappiness in their hearts. Even the guardian Toki Raiyoshi, who is accustomed to being a puppet, looks at Saito Michizo with a slightly lower brow.

At first, Toki Raiyoshi still relied on Saito Michizo, regarding him as a confidant of the imperial court and a national dry city, and he was eager to leave his heart and nest to Dozo to take care of. In the sixth year of Ōnaga (1526), Toki Raiyoshi gave his concubine Fukayoshi, and the third concubine of The Way, Yoshiryu, was born of this woman. Kazekazu Fukatsu was pregnant when she got married, and Yoshiryu was actually the heir of the Toki clan. Originally, such statements could not be counted, but Saito Yoshiryu was convinced. Later, the father and son turned against each other, and the bloody battle of Nagarakawa and Saito Yoshiryu played under the banner of Masayoshi Toki.

Speaking of Saito Yoshiryu, he is so stupid that he can't recognize his father. It is nothing more than that Saito's guardian surname has been stinked by the inferior Michizo, and everyone in mino country is shouting and beating, plotting chaos, and everyone is rebelling, and it is not good. Yilong changed to Toki's surname, just by borrowing the orthodox righteousness of Wumen to recruit the crowd, and counterattacked backwards. Looking at the number of camps on both sides of the Battle of Nagaragawa, you can see how successful Saito Yoshiryu's strategy was.

Toki Raiyoshi is fully attracted, and Saito Michizo has ulterior motives and is bent on carrying out the plan of stealing the country. In the Astronomical Decade (1541), Saito Michizo poisoned Laiyi's younger brother Toki Raiman and purged the opposition forces of the guardian family, and LaiYi and Michizo had a big dispute.

After the death of Toki Raitake, who had previously been exiled to Echizen, his son Lai Jun returned to Mino. In the eleventh year of the Astronomical Age (1542), Saito Michizo captured Ōsaku Castle, and Raizen fled to Echizen again, guarding Toki Raiyoshi and moving to Ōsang Castle. This was the last time to unite with Michizo Saito and join hands against the enemy.

In the same year that Lai Yi moved to Ōsang, Saito Michizo sent an army to cover up, and Toki Raiji and his son Raiji fled to Owari and surrendered to Oda Nobuhide. Mino's kingdom fell into the hands of Michizo Saito.

Throughout the ages, popular figures have chased after the Central Plains and won the top of the road, paying attention to a positive light. The best relief of the battlefield soldiers, the Shuntian Revolution, the support of the people of the first class, the yellow robe plus the body. Those who engaged in Zen concessions like Wei Jin and Sui could not avoid being questioned: bullying orphans and widows is not a system. Therefore, Zhu Ming's greatest pride is to gain the righteousness of the country, but Han Gaozu and Wu Dynasty.

Like Saito Michizo, who relied on Yu Yu to get out of the way and plotted against the country with the help of assassination, naturally could not be put on the table. Shocked by Michizo's fierce methods of expelling the Guardian Toki Clan, both inside and outside, he branded it the notoriety of "Mino Viper", and broke the true identity of Saito's thief who stole the country. Needless to say, the people are blind, not only the leading party has raised anti-flags one after another, but foreign hostile forces have also come forward as defenders of the samurai order and tried to interfere in the affairs of the United States. Among them, Echizen Asakura and Owari Oda were the most eager, Asakura embraced Toki Laijun, Oda embraced Toki Laiyi, and the north and south were advancing, intending to strangle the revolutionary atmosphere in the lower slugs.

Saito first negotiates peace with Asakura, acknowledges Toki Raijun's status as a guardian, and marries his daughter to Raizen. In the Thirteenth Year of astronomy (1544), during the Battle of Ganaguchi, Saito attacked the Oda army besieging Inabayama Castle, breaking the claws of the Owari tiger that reached out to Mino.

Since the Mino siege net is broken, the guardian Lai Chun loses the role of perfunctory Echizen Asakura. Saito Michizo conveniently took the son-in-law's life, and Mino Kuniku once again became a plaything in The Palm of Michizo.

The other side of the flower blossom _ the next volume (3) The Demon King chapter, the marriage of the great power of beauty and thickness

Pure image of Toki Rai

Although the Northern Asakura and the Southern Oda were both deceived under the hands of the Three Dao, the foundation was not damaged, and when the physical strength recovered, it was presumably going to make a comeback. There is no better way to do this than to turn enemies into friends, unite all forces that can be united, and establish a united front with the outside world.

Perhaps, it is time to negotiate a lucrative in-law for her daughter Nongji.

(End of Section 3)

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