
Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

author:Take history as a mirror

Hello everyone, I am learning from history.

The story of Kong Rong let the pear be familiar to everyone, four-year-old Kong Rong because he gave up the big pear to his older brother, and became a model of filial piety has been praised for more than 2,000 years, and it is still a classic story in children's enlightenment education.

Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

Picture note: Hole melts the pear

But in this story, all we remember is kong rong who is young to let the pear, but for the brothers who are a few years older than kong rong, there is little attention, and in the history books, it is only "brother" and "brother" instead.

Rong is four years old, eats pears with his brother, and leads the younger ones. People ask why. Answer: "Little child, the Law should take the little one." - "The Tale of RongBie"

The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, The Biography of Kong Rong, Li Xian's note: "The Rong Family Biography says: 'When he was four years old, he ate pears with his brothers, and melted the little ones. The adult asked why, and replied, "My little child, the one who takes the little one." 'By is the clan oddity. ”

According to the records, Kong Rong's father Kong Zhou had seven sons, Kong Rong ranked sixth, and in addition to Kong Rong, there were four people who left their names, Kong Yu, Kong Zhen, Kong Chen, and Kong Qian, and the names of the other two are unknown. That is to say, among the kong yu, kong zhen, Kong Chen, and Kong Qian who left their names, it is possible that they are the "brothers" who eat pears with Kong Rong and are let by Kong Rong.

Since Kong Rong let the allusion of the pear spread rapidly, Kong Rong became the object of everyone's praise, and his brothers could only become the supporting role of Kong Rong in this story.

Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

Picture note: The image of Kong Rong in the film and television drama

Among the several brothers who have left a reputation in history, his third brother Kong Rong did not choose to be humble in a major event of life and death, but staged a scramble, but they fought for death, leaving the opportunity to survive to each other.

This issue takes history as a mirror to share a story of Kong Rong and his brother Kong Bao who fought to the death.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the eunuchs monopolized power, and some people of insight at that time were extremely indignant about this, and Zhang Jian was one of them. Zhang Jian was a celebrity at the time and was known as one of the "Eight Harmonies".

"Eight And" is the collective name of eight virtuous and talented people at that time, the most famous of which is the Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao who later divided the side, and Kong Rong's brother Kong Yu was also a member of the "Eight Harmony".

Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

Picture note: The image of the ten permanent attendants in the film and television drama

Because Zhang Jian was not accustomed to the lawlessness and cruelty of Hou Lan's family, he wrote to report the crimes of Hou Lan and his mother, and called on the imperial court to execute these traitorous parties who had harmed the country and the people.

However, at that time, the Ten Constant Attendants were in charge, and this kind of performance could not reach Emperor Huan of Han at all, so Hou Lan deeply hated Zhang Jian and wanted to kill him. Soon a person was found to report that Zhang Jian and more than twenty other people were friends with each other and endangered the country, and under the operation of Hou Lan, the imperial court ordered Zhang Jian to be arrested. So Zhang Jian began to flee in all directions.

Because Zhang Jian was extremely famous, there were many people in the local area to protect him, and the imperial court directly ordered anyone who dared to hide Zhang Jian to share the crime with him, but this could not catch Zhang Jian, and finally he fled to Saiwai.

Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

Figure note: The description of Zhang Jian in the headline encyclopedia

The history books record that in order to protect Zhang Jian, more than a dozen people were killed, even clan relatives, and the counties and counties where they were located were washed in blood, and the price was extremely painful.

In his experience, there were dozens of heavy curses, and the clans and relatives were all destroyed, and the counties were destroyed. ——" Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Vol. 67, Biography of the Party Gong Lie, No. 57

Among the Kong Rong brothers, in addition to Kong Yu, who was ranked eighth with Zhang Jian, Kong Jian also had an extraordinary relationship with Zhang Jian, and in the process of Zhang Jian's escape, he once defected to Kong Jian's family, that is, Kong Rong's family, but Kong Rong was not at home, and the sixteen-year-old Kong Rong took the initiative to hide Zhang Jian, and later helped Zhang Jian escape.

However, because the news leaked, the government held the responsibility and captured the brothers Kong Bao and Kong Rong, but did not know who was the mastermind, so the interrogation began.

Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

Illustration: The image of Zhang Jian drawn in a comic game

Kong Rong said: The person who hid Zhang Jian was me, so I am the mastermind, and I am responsible! "The one who keeps the treasure house, melts, sits." ”】

Kong Bao said: Zhang Jian came to run to the person is me, and what has to do with my brother, I am responsible! "He came to me, not for his brother's fault." ”】

The interrogators had never seen such a rush to death, and did not know what to do, so they interrogated their mothers and asked who was responsible?

Mother Kong said: What happens in the family is naturally the responsibility of the family, and I as a parent is naturally my responsibility! "The head of the family, the concubines are the ones who deserve it." ”】

Originally, the brothers were vying to die, and now there was an old mother, and the county could not judge such a thing at all, or did not want to offend such a large family as the Kong family, so they directly stabbed the imperial court and let them settle.

Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

Therefore, after discussion by the imperial court, it was believed that Kong Bao was old and should bear the main responsibility, so he killed Kong Bao.

This is the allusion that Kong Shi was vying to die.

In this story, whether it is Kong Rong or Kong Bao, or Kong Mu, they all show good character of being brave enough to take responsibility, which has a huge impact on the values of Chinese civilization.

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, Tan Sitong wrote "Inscription Wall in Prison" in prison before his execution.

Historical Cold Knowledge: What happened to Kong Rong's pear follow-up? The brother gave Kong Rong a life

Looking at the door to stop Thinking Zhang Jian, he endured death and waited for Dugan.

I smiled at the sky with a horizontal knife and went to leave the liver and gallbladder for two kunluns.

It quotes Zhang Jian's allusion, hoping that the Chinese people can protect the outlaw restoration heroes who are out of the country just like Kong Bao and others who spared their lives to protect Zhang Jian.

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